Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 177

After all, this kind of jealousy, if it is spread out, let him put it on hold.

"Ha ha"

Just when Raleigh was full of grievances like a grudge.

The...familiar laughter of'hehe' sounded in his ears, which made him feel more and more unhappy.

"what's so funny"

Raleigh glared at Rollin instantly.

"At this time, don't try to do it for a while...be brave, Leily."

Luo Lin passed the crowd and stepped straight forward.

"Porusalino, I actually killed the Draco in this auction house. Let's play next."

Luo Lin grinned.

Hearing this, General Huang Yuan's expression suddenly collapsed.

"Teacher, the above order just told me to stop Pluto Leili, it's hard for me to handle you like this!"

General Huang Yuan said embarrassedly.

"If there is anything to do, just do everything by business. I am the murderer who killed the Tianlongren. You are the admiral who came for the death of the Tianlongren. The relationship is very clear. Just do what you should do. I do not blame you."

"I said Teacher Luo Lin"

The general Huang Yuan's expression gradually became: faint resentment.

"Couldn't you be... I want to take this opportunity to fix me: right."

General Huang Yuan complained and guessed.

With those little grieving expressions, the little girls who looked at Weiwei, Nami and others couldn't help but laugh.

"Ahem, don't think too much, Polusalino, that kind of person is the teacher."

Luo Lin looked righteous.

"Otherwise, you can treat this as the next lesson of the last Alabastan coaching make-up lesson. The time is limited last time, so you shouldn't have fun."

Luo Lin said seriously.

General Huang Yuan: "..."

Check it out! I knew it was like this! I didn't have a lot of fun.

I was so happy! To put it bluntly... Teacher, you didn't have much fun! I... It's too difficult, General Huang Yuan's face is calm.

Inwardly, I couldn't stop complaining.

It seems to be a trough that has not been vomited in the past few decades, and it will be spit out in one breath.

"Well, since you have said so, teacher, what reason can disciples have to refuse? Only this time, I really have to go all out, Teacher Luo Lin."

General Huang Yuan's tone gradually became severe.

The originally peaceful aura on his body was suddenly fierce, releasing a terrifying sense of oppression.

"You kid really dare to say, Polusalino."

Luo Lin grinned and suddenly took a step.

The'Boom' Overlord's color bursts into pieces.

In an instant, all the qi leaks from the general Huang Yuan were pressed back.

"Wait..., wait..., you two, don't talk to yourself, I am the one who blows up the Tianlong people..."

Seeing that his chance to show off was about to be snatched by Luo Lin, Lei Li was suddenly anxious.

If it is changed to before.

He also wished that someone could take the initiative to protect him from the disaster so that he could enjoy life steadily.

But now it is different.

Anyway... it has been exposed, and he probably can't stay in this shampoo place.

Coupled with the previous appearance of Luo Lin, the conflict of overlord colors, all of them revived his blood that had been silent for many years.

Finally, there was the unintentional heart-pounding excitement from the disciple Alice.At this moment, Rayleigh naturally wanted to prove himself.

"Old Thunder"

Did not wait for Raleigh to take a few steps.

A cold little hand suddenly squeezed his ear and pulled him.

"What do you do Xia Qi."

Raleigh was dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, we all know that you are the famous Pluto King Raleigh, your past... the record has been proven enough, so let us go now."

Xia Qiyu said with earnest comfort.

Each word grabbed the cusp of Lei Li's heart, and he felt comfortable in his heart.

"The mentor and apprentice between Huang Yuan and Luo Lin recounted what you mixed up. Your main task now is to...safely escort us...the little girls without the power to bind the chicken to leave the shampoo first."

Xia Qi continued to flicker.

"Agaga, what Sister Xia Qi said is, Mr. Lei Li, if you keep on going, the admiral is coming. You can protect yourself by that time. We will be miserable and we will be locked up in Pushing City."

The girl Alice sensed Xia Qi's intentions and hurriedly cried and echoed.

"Mr. Raleigh, trouble you!"

"Uncle Raleigh"

"Mr. Raleigh"

"Grandpa Old Lei"


Robin, Vivi, Nami and other little girls who received Luo Lin's suggestion all stared at Lei Li with big watery eyes.

Feeling the admiration gaze from the young and lovely girls, Lei Li suddenly became a little fluttering.

"Well, since the little girls have said so, the old man can't refuse it."

Lei Li nodded his head stinkingly...

Chapter 224 Luo's panic!Fight Momomaru shocked!5/7 Seeking Subscription

"Little girls, go with the old man."

Raleigh waved his grandiose hand and let out a loud voice.


Behind Leily, the little girls including Vivi, Nami, Kerla, Alice raised their hands in unison in response.

That posture.

What I didn't know was that the elementary school students went on a spring outing together.

The movement in the ruins of the auction house, the two supernovas standing in the distance, Trafalgarro and the magician Hawkins naturally have a panoramic view.

Although because of the distance, they couldn't hear what the people over there said specifically.

But just watching the expressions on the little girls' faces change.

They are already crazy.

As a result, the expression on his face became more and more shocked.

"Now, this development is finally back on track. It seems that what we will witness next is that... the duel between the young monster and the general Huang Yuan."

The magician Hawkins let out a long breath.

"But what happened before that... weird situation"

Trafalgarro's brows still frowned.

He still couldn't forget the previous scene of the great general Huang Yuan standing among Luo Lin and a group of little girls happily.

Obviously it was the admiral Huang Yuan who came for the death of Tianlongren.

Why would he get along with the'murderer' who killed the Tianlongren again.

"Could it be that among those people, the ability of a certain individual is not a power to control people's emotions, even the highest combat power of the navy headquarters is affected"

Trafalgarro wondered with a shocked face.

He really got a random guess.

Because Little Lolita is really a superpower who manipulates people's emotions during Golden Week.

It's just that it wasn't because of Little Lolita's super powers during Golden Week.

The real reason for this, even if Trafalgarro broke his head, can never guess the real reason.

"it has started!"

Just when Trafalgarro was thinking about it.

The magician Hawkins beside him suddenly shouted.

Amidst the loud noise of'Boom', there was a raging wind from the sky and the earth.

The strong wind blows.

Trafalgarro, whose attention diverged, retreated unconsciously.

It wasn't until the famous sword ghost in his hand was crying into the ground, which finally stopped.

Trafalgaro gritted his teeth, raised his head with difficulty, and looked towards the center of the storm.

This was a surprise discovery.

Those who watched him from afar were the terrifying wind that unconsciously retreated.It turned out to be just the two people in the ruins of the auction floor. Luo Lin and the general yellow ape's kicks were staggered and caused by collision.

"What kind of power is that! Monster! One and two are unimaginable monsters!"

Trafalgarro murmured unconsciously.

Yet the next second.

The shock on Trafalgarro's face solidified.

What turned up was a trace of confusion.

Because it was just a dazzling effort.

The monster that had been locked firmly by his sight was gone.

"This year's supernova, a monster offering a reward of over 100 million, it's terrible!"

General Huang Yuan's distinctive whispers sounded without warning.

It's not in Trafalgaro's ears.

It's the magician Hawking on the other side.

"Admiral of the Navy"

Looking at the general Huang Yuan who suddenly flashed to his side.

A look of astonishment suddenly appeared on the face of Magician Hawkins.


Without waiting for the scarecrow behind him to condense.

The word'terrible' in General Huang Yuan's mouth fell.

One bite is scary.

The famous scene of a supernova with one foot reappears.