Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 180

"It seems that you have already reacted, Zhan Taowan, that's good, I don't need to say more.

General Huang Yuan said with satisfaction.

"Yes Yes!"

Zhan Taomaru nodded heavily.

Immediately he looked at Luo Lin in front of him with excitement.

"Hi Master!!!"

At this moment.

After realizing Luo Lin's identity.

The shock and emotions in Zhan Taomaru's heart turned into excitement, which was beyond words.

Today, I was able to see the existence of the legend! To see the legend that once disappeared reappear in the world! What a fortunate! What is more fortunate is that the disappeared hero is still his master.

this moment.

Zhan Momomaru's heart is completely occupied by excitement and joy.

As for the task, what is the Tianlong people's event! What is the task to stop the underworld king Leili! He has already been thrown out of the clouds.

Never... can't remember.

He has a big head.

But the brain is very small.

Can't hold too many things at once.

That's why he always slips away subconsciously.

At this moment.

His thoughts are already occupied by the teacher in front of him who has reappeared after decades.

Can't tolerate any more.

"Teacher Luo Lin, this kid Zhan Tao Wan still has a lot of shortcomings. Please also ask the teacher for your advice, can you?"

General Huang Yuan asked with a smile.


Luo Lin nodded without hesitation.

"of course can."

The corner of General Huang Yuan's mouth suddenly raised a smile.

"But wait for the next time. It's your class time, Polusalino, you don't want to use this excuse to get out and run."

Luo Lin squinted and smiled.


"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure, and if you don't have anything on your body, it will not be easy to explain to the Warring States side later, isn't it!"

"In that case, I'm not welcome anymore-Tian Cong Yun Jian!"

"Sword, yes, it just happened that I recently got a new weapon."

'Keng' black knife Qiushui unsheathed.

The shocking showdown between the world's top combat power began.

The entire Chambord islands of Ling was shocked!...

Chapter 227: The Desolation of the Marshal and the Warring States Period [8/7 Request for Order]

The earth and the sky are shaking together at this time! The Chambordian Islands, composed of 79 largest mangroves in the world, the Arqi mangroves, have encountered the most terrifying impact in history! The atmosphere is broken and healed .

The golden light shone brighter than the sun in the sky, shaking the frightened people on the ground unable to open their eyes.

Another dazzling light of the sword splits the sky! Everywhere in the Chambord Island, huge mangroves are constantly breaking and collapsing in the horrified eyes of people.

One scene after another, as if the world was annihilated.


"Monsters! Monsters have come to this island!"

"I can't stay here any longer!"

"If you don't leave, everyone will die!"


The entire Chambord land is in an unprecedented chaos.

Countless ships rushed out from various ports and fled overseas.

Under the cover of these ships, the Golden Meri and the huge transport ship are naturally not so conspicuous, and set sail smoothly...

'Boom' Over the Mangrove Island No. 24 of the Chambord Land Islands, there was a loud bang.

The breath of horror permeated, and everyone in this area could not help but scream in terror.

"Captain, Captain Bonnie, why are you still eating? The sky outside is about to collapse!"

The big, simple pirate in overalls shouted in shock and horror.

"What did you say the sky fell, why didn't I see it."

Restaurant on the second floor.

The third supernova in the Chambord Islands to offer a reward of over 100 million, the big stomach girl Joelie Bonnie, still bites the pizza in her hand.

"Captain Bonnie, you...The two monsters have already hit our heads, if you are not careful..."

Seeing the calmness of his captain, the pirate in the bib suddenly became anxious.

"Hahaha, don't worry, little ones, anyway...If you really can't escape, it's better to have a good meal before you die."

Big stomach girl Joe Ellie Bonnie laughed.

It looks calm on the surface, but the trembling deep in her eyes reveals her true feelings.

"One and two are monsters! One is Admiral! The other can't be Pluto Raleigh, nor is it the other day...Sounding thunder bastard, who is it?"

"This year there are so many monsters in this sea! Haha!"


This stunning showdown that took place over the islands of Chambord lasted for an hour.

after an hour.

The battle is over.

The breath of terror dissipated.

The powerful impact wind also disappeared.

The sky cleared again.

Everything is as yesterday.

As if nothing happened.

This is true for... those in the shampoo area... where a large number of civilians live.

Because no matter...

How terrifying the previous confrontation in the sky was.

But it has never affected them at all.

However, not all regions are so lucky.

At this moment.

If someone stands tall enough.

Looking down from above the clouds.

It is the shocking discovery that the shampoo land originally from seventy-nine trees has become: pits! The 16th Mangrove Island that disappeared under the gods of Aini Road not long ago.

Today's shampoo land has lost another nine areas.

The No. 1 Red Zone where the population auction site is located.

Mangrove No. 8 where human traffickers gather.

In addition, there is No.2 2...The most chaotic and dark area of ​​the Chambord Islands has since disappeared and officially removed from the map.

The piles, one after another on this island today, are destined to shake the entire world!!!...Although it is broken, the number three mangrove still exists tenaciously.

A golden light fell from the sky.

Falling in front of the bellyband male warrior Momomaru carrying a double-sided axe, the real body of the general Huang Yuan appeared.

After an hour of intense battle.

The image of the general Huang Yuan at this moment is not uncomfortable.

It is very different from the past.

His clothes are in tatters, like a beggar.

The wind can blow down some debris.

The skin on the outside of his body can be seen everywhere in purple.

The left eye is even more swollen, making the small eye smaller and smaller, leaving only a slit.

"Old man, who is the first... Master has already left."

Zhan Taomaru asked.

Even in the past hour, the shock on his face still hasn't lightened much...

"Ah, finally gone."

General Huang Yuanchang sighed.

"Master, I think... Is that gentleman our enemy now"

Zhan Tao Maru took a deep breath.

Finally, he asked this most critical question for him.

"The answer to this question depends on what you think, Zhan Momomaru."

General Huang Yuan said faintly.

"Mr. Huang Yuan"

"General Huang Yuan"

at this time.

The garrison lieutenant General Maynard and another major general who had arrived from the headquarters stepped on Moonwalk.

After seeing the embarrassed appearance of General Huang Yuan at this moment, the faces of Maynard and the two suddenly showed extremely shocked and unbelievable expressions.

"Mr. Huang Yuan, what the hell was going on before, who caused your injury? Except...that...Pluto Raleigh, are there other monsters on this island? Where is he going now?"

Lieutenant General Maynard asked in shock.

"Don't worry, he has been beaten away by me."

General Huang Yuan said without blushing.

Only with that embarrassed appearance, there is really not much convincing power.

Doubts belong to doubts.

However, the two of Maynard will not embarrass the general boss on the spot.

"General Huang Yuan, the Marshal of the Warring States Period is waiting for you at the 64th Mangrove."

The major general from the navy headquarters spoke.