Pirate: I was dug out by Robin

Pirate: I was dug out by Robin Chapter 264

Having said that, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel raised his head and glanced at Karp.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Karp's heroic name was only spread after that battle."

"Mr. Karp is amazing! Even that... gathered three four emperors, the outside world golden lion, John and other big pirates, and the terrifying Rocks Pirates were defeated!!!"

The new-generation marine generals in the field immediately exclaimed again and again.

"Hahaha, this is not my contribution alone. In that war, the navy invested all its combat power. In addition, the bastard Roger also helped a lot, and..."

At this point, Karp's voice couldn't help but become lower.

"That guy is the biggest hero in the Battle of the Island of God!!!"


"Roger! Is that... Roger One Piece?"

"Unbelievable, Roger, the Pirate King, has joined forces with our navy!"

The new generation of admirals was in an uproar again.

Their attention was drawn to the first half of Karp, so that they missed Karp's last sentence.

of course.

Not everyone didn't hear it.

For example, the informed Gion, Kuzan.

There are also flying squirrels and Huoshaoshan who know the existence of another hero.

There is also Tiehan Hansmoge.

"Mr. Karp"

Just when Tiehan Hansmog couldn't restrain his inner curiosity and wanted to ask questions violently.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel spoke first.

"Mr. Karp, I want to know where the old man went."

"That day, my father and those... uncles, uncles, and Teacher Zefa left the navy headquarters, but there was no more news... as a son, I really can't rest assured."

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel frowned, his face worried.

"Hahaha, Alfred, it's okay, that old boy may be drinking happily right now."

Karp waved his hand indifferently.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel: "..."

"Father, they won't be in that Hwaseong Fortress right now."

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel asked quietly.

The atmosphere in the room stagnated with his voice.

"The owner of that Hwaseong Fortress will not really be..."

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel just wanted to continue to guess and ask.


at this time.

Abnormal changes occur suddenly.

The harsh sirens instantly spread throughout the navy headquarters.

The eye-catching red alarm illuminates the night sky.

"what happened"

"How can the alarm sound so strong!"

"I have never seen such a strong warning from the headquarters."

"Such an alarm, I only heard it when the Golden Lion Shiji struck 22 years ago!"

"Could it be that the Four Emperors are about to attack the headquarters"

The admirals inside the house shouted in horror.

The door of the box'Pa' was roughly pushed open.


One...The green-haired Brigadier General Brandy had a look of shock on his face.

"Mr. Karp, General Kuzan, and lieutenants, the matter is not good, Mr. Warring States' order, let everyone gather urgently."

Green-haired Brigadier General Brandy yelled in surprise.

"Braniu, calm down, what's the matter?"

Gion frowned slightly.

"Four emperors...The four emperors of the new world, Edward Newgate, Whitebeard, Lotterling, and Kaido, they all contacted!!!"

Green-haired Brigadier General Brandy yelled.

"what did you say!!!"


A huge, dazzling lightning flashed across the dim sky'Kacha'.

The rumbling of thunder followed.

Shook the sea.

The sea of ​​Ling makes thousands of waves.

Pat the reef on the edge of the island.

This is the Kingdom of New World Dresrosa.

Palace Heights on the second floor.


Doflamingo is independent from the highest point of the palace.

Facing the dark clouds and thunder and lightning in the sky, let out a wanton and public laugh.

Below, Barrow and other people in the Don Quixote family are all young masters looking at their family with a worried expression.

'Kacha' "furfurfurfur"

Doflamingo is still laughing wildly.

"The most turbulent and magnificent scene of this era is about to open, and the great drama is about to be staged.

"The dispatch of the emperors who are at the top of the world is already inevitable.

Kaido is even Whitebeard. Even if you are a hero, how can you fight the emperors of the sea by yourself"

"The times have changed! Furfurfurfur!"


Chapter 314 The Vibration of the Bigmom Pirates [4/4 Order]

IWC Totland.

This is one of the four emperors of the New World Sea, the stronghold of thieves.

On the peaceful cake island, every day is shrouded in the singing and dancing of various creatures.

It looks a little strange, but it is unusually happy.

Four days have passed since the news that Star Snug was captured by an unknown person.

Time can dilute everything.

For...Luo Te Lingling, who has many children.

It doesn't matter if you lose one or two, but if your son is gone, he can continue to give birth.

Even the powerful generals.

Do not.

Now that Snug was arrested after defeat, his star title has been stripped of Charlotte Lingling.

The four stars become three stars.


Central Castle of Cake Island.

Sunny afternoon tea garden.

Today's Four Emperor Luo Te Lingling still feels beautiful.

Happy to enjoy the daily afternoon tea time.

At the same time, he is also planning the next expedition.

This time, Lotel Lingling is preparing to send the family's highest masterpiece, the head of the star, Charlotte Katakuri, who has offered a reward of over one billion, to go to Alabastan to bring her back to the golden clock tower.

"Mom, mom, big news, another big news is coming!!!"

The nineteenth son of the Charlotte family, the Minister of Cheese, Mondor rushed into the central courtyard with a panicked look.

"Mundor, how decent is the yelling."

Charlotte's parents scolded Star Smoky.

"Mundor, it's tea time for my mother to be happy, I'll talk about it later."

The eldest son of the Charlotte family and the Minister of Candy, Perros Perot said.

"Smoky, Brother Perros, this is really a big event! A big event related to mom!!!"

Charlotte Mondore was full of shock.

"A big event related to mom"

All the thieves and ministers who participated in the afternoon tea party couldn't help but be suspicious.

"Well, well, let's talk about it, Mondor, what big event is related to me, if it is deliberately exaggerated..."

Charlotte Lingling's big eyes flashed red, and the meaning was very obvious.

If it is not a really important event, the consequences will be serious.


Mondor swallowed hard and nodded affirmatively.

"Mom, it's the one in the paradise...the Kingdom of Alabastan, the Hwaseong Fortress with the golden clock tower has something amazing again!!!"

Charlotte Mundoel said.

"Mundor, what the hell is this!"

"You are...speak!"

"Don't grind!"

A group of officials and ministers urged.

The look on Charlotte Lingling's face also rose.

"It's the Devil Fruit, the most ferocious and strongest Superman Crushing Fruit. The owner of the city said that he wanted this fruit as the final prize of the martial arts conference held in the city!

Shouted Charlotte Mondore.

The atmosphere of the afternoon tea garden is stagnant.

Next second.

There was an uproar.