Pirate: May the Holy Light shine on you

One Piece: May the Shengguang shines you Chapter 319

Want to swim to the night fork, but at this time, the Water God once again plays the power of the Staff, and the water has come to the huge tornado, Michelle, two children and dog night-fork huge tornado blowing the body. Shake.

Another battle in the direction of Michelle and the two children of the two children, Michelle was blown by the wind. The body is heavy down on the ground.

When Michelle opened his eyes again, I found that Ma Yi was once again being grasped by Water God, ready to eat the child.

"Let me let me go!"

Michelle saw the movement of Water God, excited to stand up from the ground and shout loudly to the gods.

Water god grabbed the child's collar, looked at Michelle, and then sent his child to his mouth again.

Zhang Feng took a sword quietly from the back of the water god, taking advantage of the water gods and stabbed the sword to the body of Water god.

Water gods were shocked by sudden attack, let the children in their hands and look at their wounds, very angry.

Zhang Feng looked at the fierce pulley in the eyes of Water gods, Run Ma Yi to run to Michelle.

The wound of the water god looked at the three people.

Looking at the eyes of Water God, Michelle was afraid from the bottom of the heart, and she took the Hu grandmother to give her a kit before going to her. It turned out to be a caller.

Michelle is not coming to think about why Hu Grandma will give him a caller, and now it is the best time to use.

Michelle showed the caller in front of the water god, and the water god was shouted by the golden light from the caller. I saw my arm was burned by Jin Guang, and I felt more angry against Michel. (Zhao is good)

The eyes of the water god be slowly turned into red, dragged the burns arm, and emitted black and walked to Michel.

Michelle is not quite right, pulling up two children ran away from the small houses by the lake, and the Water god chased behind Michel and two children.

"` ‖ , don't let me catch you, I will let you smash you. "

Water gods have become more strong, giving people a feeling of oppression. .

Chapter 785

The picture came to the side of the small meatball and the provenant.

"Master, where is this, why are we here."

Meadow asked.

"Here is the outside of the ancestral hall, I will take you here to have something."

Master Wu Dao looked at the bottom of the lake outside the ancestral hall.

What sound came out in a weed surrounding around the lake, the small measuring is walking in the direction of the sound, and the grass will be dial out carefully.

"Dog night fork!"

A unconscious dog night fork suddenly appeared here so that the small measons were very surprised.

Master Wu said also left the shout of the small meatball.

The small meatballs helped the dog night fork, and the master of Wu Dao took the injury for the dog night-forked, and it was applied to herbs by the hurt by the boulder. 747

I haven't been waking up for a long time. The first thing to wake up in the dog's night is to ask Michelle's situation, but it is very helpless that the masters and small measons don't know.

The small measato moved his eyes from the dog's night fork behind the dog night fork, and saw two guards standing straight. The small measuring is a vigilance, holding his weapon tightly in the hand.

"who are you?"

The small measuring armor points to the other side, and it is scared that the other party directly gave the small mear.

"The son, don't kill us, we are the guards of this quiet lake, we have saved the son."

One person in the two refers to the dog night-fork.

"How are you?"

The little meal did not feel relaxed to hear the other party, but it was more suspicious to the two.

"The son does not know, the current Water God is not really water god. Before many years, the monster infringe on the lakeside city, and the court of the real water will be won, and I still have to save the gods. "

The other person of the other person said.

"What is the monster to come, it is so arrogant."

Meadow asked.

"The monster is also the guard of this lake, and he defrauded the trust of true and gods and took away the stick."

A guard said.

"Now let's save the gods."

Master Wu said to hear the words of the guard.

"Master, you have to hurry to save the microhell, he is now a dangerous with the monster, waiting for us to take the monster and save the gods."

Inn, I heard the plan of the master of Wu Dao, and it seems that I don't want to save my microhell. He is anxious.

However, the master of Wu Dao did not listen to the opinion of the dog's night fork or insisted on saving the gods. The dog night-fork saw the reactions of the masters and small measiers of the provenance, alone went to the ancestral hall.

Michelle is not easy to get rid of the monster pursuit with two children, hiding into the small house by the lake.

Michelle took two children to at the door, and the sword in his hand paided on the direction of the door and made the defense preparation.

As the monster's footsteps are getting closer and closer, Michelle protects two children, holding the sword in his hand, seems to be a dead battle with the monster.

Sudden monster's footsteps stopped, Michelle was very strange, relaxed, just wanted to see what happened, heard the bombing, the small house collapsed.

The house is covered with a thick smoke, and Michelle can't see the circumstances.

"Speaking small skill, I also dare to settle in front of me, I will kill you now."

Michelle only heard the sound of monster from himself but did not see people. .

Chapter 786

Michelle is always looking for a monster around, and Michelle is fascinating in the left front party, it seems that there is a figure, I want to look at it carefully, suddenly Michelle is in the foot of the foot, And there is a strong force to pull yourself to one place.

In the thick smoke, the monster will point the wand to Michelle, and the wand is that the Staff will attack Michelle, which is still good to be in time.

"Ink night fork is still a conscience, if you don't come again, let's see it in your next life."

Michelle saw that the people were almost did not cry after the dog's night fork.

"Stupid, I'm doing a hero, you will take care of two children."

Mountain night fork said to Michel.

"Worse, demon - weird escape."

Zhang Feng looked more far from the monster, and quickly reminded Michelle.

"Also want to escape?"

The dog's night trip chased the direction of the monster.

A monster turned, rushed in the direction of Michelle, pulling Michelle to the bottom of the lake with his own long tail.

"How is it me?"

Michelle is angry in love.

Michelle scrapped nine cow two tigers, it is not easy to get rid of the monster's tail, floating the surface, the real body of the monster is finally revealed.

"It turned out to be a big water snake, hahaha ·· I have always thought that you are a powerful monster?"

Michelle saw the real body of the monster, not afraid, more is ridicule.

"what did you say?"

The monster and the Mihelle's foot entourage toward the lake.

Master Wu Dao and the small measuring metropolitan came to the Lakeside City, and the two were searched and did not find the detention of true and gods.

Master Wu Dao has enabled Qiankun mirror. The role of Qiankun is to collect everything in the world, of course, it is also included in this.

Finally found the true water god in an extremely hidden secret room proud.

Real water gods have been rescued, and then the real water god, the master and the small mear came to the ancestral hall.

Michelle's feet were entangled by the monsters of the monsters, and the body was gradually entangled. Because the water was not floating, Michelle's breathing became more and more difficult.

Ink night forks see Michel to fall into trouble, take out all their strength to fight against the monsters, but the monster is increased in the help of the court, the dog's night-fork is not a monster opponent.

0 ······································

Two children who have been on the shore have seen Michel and dog night fork have difficulties, but they can't help but they are busy.

"How's it going?"

Master Wu Dao and others rushed to the ancestral hall and asked.

"Master, dog night, fighting with monsters, Michelle was pulled into the lake by monster."

Ma Yi said.

"Don't worry, let me come!"

The true goddess took his hand from the wrist, thrown into the lake, saw that the lake was divided into two regions, the lake showed in front of everyone, Michelle was saved.

"I will give it to me, you this monster."

True is said to the monster.

"I didn't expect that they really saved you, the statute of the stick is now, even if you have to save now, I have to send you to Xitian sooner or later."

The monster took the law of the rules to refer to the direction of true water.

Michelle took the opportunity to throw the courtesy.

"Michelle is now, starting a hugage."

Master Wu said that Michelle dropped his own blood to the hunger, read the spell, the monster was eliminated. wide.

Chapter 787

"The dog, you are still a monster, you will have a harail, this is really a joke."

Michelle looked at the dog night-fork that was very uncomfortable on the boat.

"Close your mouth, let me not believe I tear it."

The dog is closed on the eye on the eye.


Michelle's threat of this half-demon is not afraid, and will rise up high.

The two masters of Wu Dao and the small measiers looked at the troubles shook their heads.


At this time, four suddenly saw a woman on the top of the front river on the top of the river.

The small measuring will see that this person will fall into the river and hold a woman in front of a flying and bring to the shore.

Masters, Master, Michelle and the dog, followed the boat on the shore, on the shore.

"What happened? How can you fall from the top of the mountain?"

Michelle asked a woman who had just saved.

"It's a spider, in recent days, nearby villages have been invaded by human spiders. They have a living in the village, and they are stationed in the village. The nearby village names are people. I also invited the most famous Master nearby, but I haven't used it, and the human head spider is more crazy. "

The woman's eyes did not be afraid of the human head spider, and the eyes were full of resentment.

"What, there is such a thing? The dog's night trifut, the master of Wu Dao said to help her!"

Michel heard the woman's words, I didn't know where to come.

With the view of Michel's eyes, the woman saw the monster of the dog night fork.

"Don't use your tube, stinky."