Pirate's Blade Tower Tavern

Pirate's Blade Tower Tavern Chapter 224

Although their Drum Kingdom is also a kingdom, the whole kingdom is only a doctor, and the force of the entire country counts itself as four people.

As for Alabastan, there are hundreds of thousands of people in the kingdom army alone. If there is a conflict between the two countries, it seems that he is not enough for the other side.

Waalbo, who only wanted to vent his emotions, only wanted to understand his disadvantage after being frostbited by Lilai.

Especially his subordinate Dalton, the captain of the guard who apologized for him, reminded him.

"The Kingdom of Alabastan has a sea of ​​Qiwu, a hero of the country."

"The chef of the Dota Tavern killed Kaido, the king of the new world."

When he heard this, Valbo was shocked instantly.

Even at this moment, he had an urge to run away directly, but this was the Holy Land Mary Gioia, but he didn't come and go where he wanted, he could only sit here with his scalp.

"This meeting is over here. Thank you all the kings for your free words over the past seven days and put forward many useful suggestions for the development of a beautiful world. In the next four years, I wish all countries can flourish."

On the seventh day of the meeting, Luo Yi was so bored that he had sorted everything in his arsenal twice, and even wrote and painted on paper, writing down all the plans for the future.

On the paper, the various forces of the world government, navy, pirates, and revolutionary army were clearly listed by Luo Yi. However, Luo Yi wrote in the room on the piece of revolutionary army paper. It burned.

All the strong on the bright side are in Luo Yi's plan.

If Luo Yi chose to be a salted fish before, it was because he didn't have a choice. To work hard, he had to have talent and a path.

Why are so many people in contemporary society just ordinary people working hard for a lifetime? It's not because they don't have the way or talent.

Except for those who are really lazy, who are not constantly working hard to survive, but only later did they discover that contentment is actually meant for themselves.

Traveling against the current, retreat if you don't advance, no matter where it is placed, it will have an effect.

If you don't keep thinking about becoming stronger, you can't even stand still and will only be constantly eliminated by society.

Luo Yi knew that with his current identity on the bright side, if he just opened a tavern honestly, there shouldn't be a problem to live a stable life.

But the problem is that in the comics, Luo Yi deeply remembers what Baibeard said to the Warring States during the war on the top.

"Just as someone inherited Roger's will, sooner or later someone will inherit Ace's will. Although there is no blood relationship, their life fire will not disappear.

Since ancient times, this has been passed down from generation to generation, and then one day in the future, a person who has been burdened with hundreds of years of history will challenge the world.

Warring States, your world government will panic for this huge war that will one day come and sweep the whole world."

As one of the few men in this world who knows what "D" is, Baibeard's words were very impressive when Luo Yi was chasing Fan.

After all, it is the words left by those with foreshadowing and fruitful power, and it is so clear that it almost directly tells the world that once the blank 100-year history is revealed, there will be a world war.

As for the two sides participating in the war, Luo Yi can be sure that one of them must be the world government headed by the Tianlong people, and the support they use to rule the world will also be exposed to the world.

On the other side, it should be another group of people headed by "D", in order to overthrow this regime ruled by the Tianlong people and cure the "disease" of this world.

Since there will be a big battle at the end, how to protect himself in this big battle is a question that Luo Yi needs to consider.

Rely on heroes like Lilai?

This is only part of Luo Yi's plan.

He is not a thoughtful person, but he also knows that he can't put eggs in the same basket.

If you want to have a one-size-fits-all solution, the best way is to improve your own strength. This is because he has never stopped his practice, and even the skills added to the system have been repeatedly practiced by him.

As for the current situation where the system is still there, of course we must make the best use of it.

For example, those spare parts and small pieces of equipment, Luo Yi prepared to use them all.

Their Chamber of Commerce has not sold all kinds of props for a long time, only the tree sacrifice and healing ointment, because these two are somewhat medicines, and the other things are even weapons.

If you want to sell weapons, it’s not impossible, you just need to open a shop and register, and the tax rate is very high.

Why Doflamingo and the others want to sell arms underground is not because they can bypass this process and take all their interests in their hands, and they can also rely on war to make money.

But Luo Yi is a "right track" businessman. Even if he sells cold weapons, he is not.

"But it doesn't matter. These items are magic items. You can increase the price and only take the boutique route. I believe that there are many people who need it. As for other small things, such as power gloves and agile slippers, as long as the price is not too outrageous. I believe that many kings will not be stingy with the wealth of the armed forces"

Setting the target on these kings, Luo Yi seemed to see a road paved with gold in front of him, slowly unfolding in front of him.

It was not until the end of the meeting that all the countries left one after another. Luo Yi stopped his thinking and joined Neptune and Cobra.

"King Neptune, although there is no proposal to move to the mainland through the fisherman island this time, whether it is the signatures of all the people of the fisherman island or the autographs of Musgarud, they have played a very important role. The key role has even attracted the attention of the five old stars. I believe that the next world conference will be the day when the murlocs will come to land on the island of murlocs."

Cobra talked with Neptune very politely. In this meeting, although Neptune did not speak during the whole meeting, he only spoke when they proposed to move to Murloc Island, but Cobra agreed with Neptune. Puton’s exchange, many of the opinions of both sides overlapped, can be regarded as sympathy.

"Thanks to King Cobra for voting for our Murloc people."

Neptune thanked him sincerely.

"I think it's thanks to Mr. Luo Yi. After he raised his hand to agree, then most of the kings directly expressed their consent."

Cobra touched his beard and turned to look at Luo Yi.

"Look at what you said, it seems like I am threatening them."

Luo spread his hands and walked into the bubble lift with a helpless expression.

Auros on the side took out a small notebook. He didn’t know what he was recording. It seemed to be like this these past few days. Luo Yi didn’t figure it out a bit now. The three of them have all been in their own meetings these past few days. What did you do.

She didn't know that these people had done nothing good until Auros put her notebook in front of Luo Yi after boarding Karp's ship again.

Shown in front of Luo Yi is the map of the holy place Mariagioa.

366. Beat Your Grandson

"Mr. Luo Yi, let's say goodbye first, and come and sit when we have time."

After arriving in the Chambord Islands, Cobra did not choose to go to the tavern again, but went directly to his own country’s ship. He left the country for more than ten days. Now he needs to return it immediately, otherwise too many things will accumulate and will be tired. It's me too.

"Your Majesty Cobra walks slowly."

Luo waved goodbye to Cobra.

"Weiwei, I will go find you to play."

At present, Luo Yi is not planning to sell anything like the City Return Scroll to anyone other than the revolutionary army, not even the navy.

This is not a simple thing. He can teleport, can shirk the Devil Fruit ability, and the people he summons can teleport, or it can be attributed to the second, but if it is known by others, it can be teleported by just relying on a scroll. It's incredible.

Imagine if in the top war at that time, all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates were directly transferred to the navy headquarters and directly fought with the navy. Who knew what the war would be like? Maybe Whitebeard would not need to take action. In order to eliminate the pirates, the red dog sunk Malin Vando.

As for the navy that was killed by him, he would only be sacrificed by the red dog in the name of carrying out justice.

This is an important item for daily movement to enter the battlefield and must not be sold.

"Mr. Luo Yi, we will also go back first."

Neptune is much more convenient for them to go back, even without Karp escort.

If you can be in danger when you swim from the Chambord Islands to the fisherman island, the problem of the fishermen moving to shore would have been solved 800 years ago.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Neptune for taking care of Slark."

"Well, Mr. Slark is now a celebrity from Murloc Island. It's getting late. See you next time."


After bidding farewell to everyone, Luo Yi returned to the tavern, but behind him, there was a follower.

"Lieutenant General Karp, you won't bring Senbei again."

"Puff ha ha ha halo, you know me, take out your wine quickly, I heard that you have a new wine sold in the store recently, if it weren’t for this world conference, it would be true if it wasn’t in your store. I don’t know about this."

Two packs of senbei were taken out by Karp, and Luo immediately became a big head.

Of course he has new wine.

Except for the cheapest ale in the tavern, the cost of other drinks is not low, whether it is in terms of materials or time, it is not easy.

This Karp knows white prostitution.

"Hurry up, I'm going to beat your grandson after drinking."

A barrel of fine wine was carried out by Luo Yi.

Gordok spirits is one of the fine wines in the formula that Manjix left him. After drinking it, it can slightly restore mana, which is equivalent to domineering in this world.

If you have a lot of stomach, you will be stunned for 6 hours, guts plus 200, physical resistance 30, physical output 40, attack speed 50, strength plus 20, agility 40, intelligence 50, straight line ability 80, truth 70, big adventure 60, 100 bragging ability.

"Puff ha ha ha last time I went back to the East China Sea, I found that the strength of those two stinky boys has grown a lot, and they will definitely become excellent navies in the future."

Karp was very happy to put away the senbei he had brought, and took over the barbecue that Dibaya brought up. Of course, he needed meat to drink.

Luo Yi also unceremoniously poured himself a glass of juice.

There is no way, even if you learn drunken fist, but the amount of alcohol, no matter how to connect the day after tomorrow, and innate conditions are very important.

Some people can blow more than a dozen bottles at the age of six, but some people, after four years of college experience, can only achieve two bottles of beer. This is the gap.

When he was full of food and drink, Karp wiped his food, wiped his mouth and left, very ruthless.

As soon as Luo had nothing to do, he flew directly to the altar on Mount Gorbo, ready to do what he said and do some exercise after dinner.

"Ace, Luffy, training."

"Yes, Mr. Luo Yi."

"Come on, rubber pistol!"

Half an hour later, Ace and Luffy, with their blue noses and swollen faces, covered their wounds and looked at Luo Yi who was roasting a bear.

"Mr. Luo Yi is so strong."

Ace said sincerely.

"Luo Yi, you are too hard, I can no longer feel the existence of the face."

Lu Fei held his right hand aloft with an unnatural face, barely speaking with half of his mouth.

"I haven't tried my best yet. When you go out to sea in the future, you will encounter enemies ten and a hundred times stronger than me. If you still have time to practice now, just become stronger."

He added a little firewood to the fire to ensure that it was warm. Luo was unscathed and trained the two of them. After he came here, he has not broken off. Occasionally Sabo will come together and the three brothers will fight him together.

As for why you come here often, I still have to ask, how can there be more interesting things than going back to Xinshou Village to abuse food?

"But Ace's talent is indeed very good. Even if there is no Devil Fruit, it is much better than Luffy. With your physical fitness, you should be able to master the six forms."

Luo Yi said with emotion.

A genius is a genius. If it weren't for the fact that the book of knowledge has never been broken, it is estimated that the growth rate is definitely not as fast as these two people.

"Nani? Ace can learn Six Forms?" Luffy:

Luffy, who was smelling the more and more fragrant bear meat with saliva, was taken aback by Luo Yi's words.

"Does that mean that I can't beat Ace even more."

Lu Fei was a little depressed. Of the three brothers, he had always been the weakest brother.

"In the Navy, Dao power is used to reflect a person's combat effectiveness. Although it cannot completely determine a person's strength, it still has a certain reference."

"Dao Li? How do you refer to it?"

"The most common navy soldier has a strength of 10 when he holds a gun, but the strength of the gun is even higher than that of the soldier himself, and if the strength is calculated solely by physical skills, it can reach more than 500 strength. Yes, even if you are a superman, if you want to master the six navy styles, you must at least be a superman.

In the navy, almost all generals know a few of these styles, and there are even naval generals who fully master the six styles, and even master the profound meaning. Those people are much better than me."

"You are actually better than you, so there are so many people who are as good as Grandpa?"

The injury on Luffy's face disappeared as visible to the naked eye, and the bag on his face disappeared after sitting and chatting.

"There should be more than a dozen people as powerful as your grandfather in this world."

Luo Yi has not counted them specifically, but now the four emperors who are about to be confirmed in the new world, as well as the three navy generals, the marshal, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, and the five old stars, Yim thinks about it carefully, the navy is really strong. Strong.

As for Qiwuhai, perhaps Hawkeye would have such top-level strength. After all, he was the world's number one swordsman, and it would be impossible for others.

And the Revolutionary Army, just a Dorag, how to fight like this?Where is Dorage's confidence?

"so much!"

Ace and Luffy sighed together.

It seems that it is not so easy to become One Piece.

"Also ask Mr. Luo Yi to teach me the six styles."

"I want to learn too!"