Pirate's Dead Prison

Pirate's Dead Prison Chapter 86

He walked away for only a few minutes, and there would know that the weather would change as soon as it changed, and it was still quite a bad storm.

Under the wild dancing of the silver snakes, the sky covered by the dark clouds will soon rain drops, of course, provided that the big raindrops are also rain.

In the face of a storm the size of a head in every raindrop, Qin Ge's heart was almost 10,000 grass-mud horses galloping past. This Nima was a storm, it was a tsunami.

The torrential rain hit the ship, causing the ship to shake more violently, and at the same time the waves that were set off became more and more violent, as if the entire ship would be flooded at any time.

Similarly, the hurricane is also extremely terrifying. The entire ship has always been tilted. The Qin Ge at the helm can only stand on the Chakra adsorption deck, otherwise he would have been swept away by the hurricane.

Suddenly, Qin Ge felt a fluttering sensation, and a bad premonition immediately appeared in his heart. He barely looked around through the misty rainstorm, and his face changed immediately.

The ship that had been struggling in the huge rolling waves encountered a greater crisis. The entire ship was lifted onto the sea by the hurricane, and in the storm, a terrifying tornado connecting the sky and the sea suddenly took shape.

Suctioned by the terrible wind, the ship that swept the air was also shaking violently towards the terrifying tornado in the distance.

"Damn!!!" Qin Ge cursed secretly, and quickly put down the rudder, broke through the torrential rain, stepped on the moon step from the boat to the sea.


Coming to the bottom of the ship, Qin Ge grabbed it out of the air with both hands, ran the suction power, and burst out violent suction, causing the ship flying into the tornado to shook suddenly and stalled in mid-air.

While stepping on the moon step to keep himself from falling, while constantly increasing the release of the power absorption, Qin Ge now seems to be competing with the terrifying tornado in the distance for the control of the ship.

The heavy rain has wetted Qin Ge's clothes and body, and at the same time the hurricane roared, his clothes were shaking like crazy.

Compared with the mighty power of nature, Qin Ge's figure is extremely small.

"Come down!" The majestic King Kong's internal force has reached its limit, and Qin Ge's hands are like grasping above the void, and he roars and slams down toward the sea below.

The ship vibrated more violently, and at the same time, under the control of the increased suction, it finally got rid of the suction force of the tornado, fell like a cannonball, and then landed on the sea under the roar.

The ship that had been smashed down on the sea was throwing huge waves, and there were even dense cracks on the surface of the ship.

But Qin Ge couldn't care too much now. After the ship crashed into the sea, he quickly landed on the ship.

Although it was temporarily lifted from the crisis, a new crisis reappeared. Under the raging churning of the terrifying tornado, the sea continued to set off more majestic waves.


In front of the ship, the huge waves layered on top of each other, and finally turned into a terrifying huge wave stretching for thousands of meters and reaching nearly 100 meters, swallowing like a prehistoric beast.

"Damn it!" Qin Ge's eyes drenched, and he rushed to the bow of the ship.

'Lion cut~!'

The dazzling blood-red blade light swayed through the air, forming a huge beast king's claw, severely tearing the terrifying wave that swallowed forward.

Once contacted, the terrifying giant wave issued a roar like a roar, the condensed and compressed blades continued to tear the waves, and finally abruptly opened the terrifying giant wave to a wide reach, so that the ship avoided being The tragedy of engulfing.

"Is this the true posture of the Great Channel!" Allowing the sea water splashing from the tossing sea to continuously impact his body, Qin Ge stood with a knife, his eyes sharply watching the scene of extinction in front of him.

Obviously he was in an extremely dangerous state, but for some reason, an inexplicable excitement arose in Qin Ge's heart.

The opponents in the battle are not only humans and beasts. Fighting against the disasters of nature is the most exciting battle.

The severe natural disaster not only did not deter Qin Ge, but made him start to fall in love with the sea. Perhaps his heart was longing for this exciting and exciting battle.

Constantly swinging the sword to cut out the flaming sword light, the roaring and terrifying waves were torn apart, and Qin Ge, standing on the bow of the ship, was excitedly fighting the disaster of nature.

As time passed bit by bit, even when the disaster of nature came to an end, the terrifying tornado gradually dissipated, the originally dim sky began to become clear, and the rolling waves gradually subsided.

The severe weather that lasted for a day and a night finally passed. The ship that has experienced the tragic disaster has already appeared damaged in the eyes, the shaft of the ship is broken, the hull is full of cracks, and even the bottom has water seepage.

Chapter 116 Four Star Extraction

The rapid breathing sound echoed on the deck, and Qin Ge, who was wet and panting, lay on the deck. Although his expression was exhausted, his face showed a bright smile.

"It's really tired, but it's really awesome!"

Physical exhaustion could not hinder the inner joy and joy of overcoming natural disasters, Qin Ge let out a hearty laugh, and then slowly sat up.

Grabbing the'Red Blood' beside him, Qin Ge stood up tremblingly, and at the same time checked the condition of the ship.

The result is naturally very bad. The ship has been seriously damaged, let alone sailing, and it is still sinking.

"It seems that I have to find a chance to search the ship!" Shaking his head, Qin Ge walked to the deck guardrail and released Bing Dun.

The cold air was like a column, and the moment it hit the sea surface immediately froze the nearby sea surface. It also froze the bottom of the ship, temporarily stopping the sinking trend.

Although it could only serve as a temporary emergency response, it also gave Qin Ge time to recover.

Sitting on the deck silently to rest, Qin Ge closed his eyes and became calm.

Although the sea surface with a radius of tens of meters is frozen, it is not fixed in place. Under the continuous scouring of the waves, the frozen sea surface and ships are also drifting and moving unconsciously.


After a short while, the impact sounded Qin Ge who was resting. He opened his eyes suddenly, got up and looked around.

"En?! It's actually landed!" Qin Ge showed a touch of surprise in his eyes.

During his rest, most of the frozen sea surface melted, and at the same time he unexpectedly drifted to the edge of a small island. The impact just now was the sound of ice hitting the surrounding reefs of the small island.

Seeing the small island unexpectedly arrived in front of him, Qin Ge was surprised and quickly reacted.

"It seems that I have good luck. I hope there will be a town on the island!" Qin Ge chuckled lightly.

The current ship is obviously unable to continue sailing. Although the danger of sinking is temporarily avoided with the help of frozen seas, if you want to continue sailing at sea, there is no doubt that you can only carry out major repairs or search for new ships.

Jieyin in front of him, with a low cry of "crushing", the ice cubes formed by the freezing of the sea below immediately turned into icy debris, and Qin Ge also grabbed the anchor and leapt directly to the nearby coast with moon steps.

"Drink~!" With both hands grasping the thick chain connected with the anchor, Qin Ge used brute force to pull the broken ship to the shore, leaving a clear dent on the coast.

After solving the problem of the sinking of the ship, Qin Ge looked at the small island behind him. After thinking about it, he boarded the ship and removed the many gold and silver treasures in the cabin.

These are naturally Qin Ge's spoils.

Although Qin Ge didn't care about money very much, he knew that money was not enough, so after solving the pirate alliance, he emptied all the treasures on the pirate group.

Almost piled up into a hill, enough to exchange for treasures of more than 500 million bel, Qin Ge dug a deep pit nearby and buried it directly, lest he was found to be stolen after he left.

After dealing with everything, Qin Ge entered the depths of the island to investigate whether there were towns or people living in it.

But after going around, Qin Ge had no choice but to return to the place where the treasure was buried.

"It's really unlucky, it's actually sitting on an uninhabited island. It seems a bit troublesome now!" Qin Ge sighed, sitting on the rock that was used as a marker, and gloomily looking at the endless sea not far away.

The current situation is already obvious. After living on an uninhabited island, it is naturally impossible to repair ships and purchase new ships. Then the problem is coming, Qin Ge should leave.