Pirate's Infinite Wings

065 Domineering counterattack (4/10)

Smoka was also taken aback. He knew how much power he had in his previous punch. However, most people had no strength to stand up anymore, and Fang Lang was hit by countless stones.

"Go on, Smoka!"

Fang Lang put Langye away, and rushed towards the opponent with a stride.

"Is my brain broken? I actually put the knife away!" Seeing Fang Lang's unclear movement, Smoka snorted and punched out: "White snake!" His wrists suddenly turned into snake-shaped smoke, swimming towards Fang Romantically .

He knew very well that the opponent was a swordsman, and keeping a certain distance from the opponent was the right way.

Swordsman, as long as he does not reach the Swordsman level, his attack range is limited!

However, Fang Lang was no longer Wu Xia Amon at this time. He suddenly abandoned Lang Ye with his left hand and grabbed the snake-shaped smoke.


"Let me tell you, what is a fist!!"

With a loud roar, Fang Lang pulled Smoka over. Due to the domineering and special nature of the armed color, Smoka had no time to react. He was shocked to discover that he had been caught by Fang Lang!The whole body involuntarily flew towards the opponent!

"Armed color hardened!!!"

While roaring, Fang Lang's right fist was stained with a dark color, and he punched Smoka's dull face!

"This is called a fist!!"

Boom boom boom!!

With a loud bang, Smoka sprayed a nosebleed, and the whole person was hit directly into the ground. As a result, a shock wave visible to the naked eye was generated. !

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The scene suddenly became extremely turbulent, and the rising smoke filled all over. Because of the sudden shock, the old church collapsed again, and some unlucky pirates and the navy were directly involved.

Fang Lang took a breath, quickly picked up Lang Ye on the ground, took advantage of the commotion, and fled towards the outside.

"Colonel Smoka!" After gradually calming down, Dasqi walked quickly to the center of the commotion, and saw Smoka lying in the cracked pit with blood on his face.

"Colonel Smoka!"


"No...impossible, the colonel is a natural fruit ability person! He was beaten!?"

Each of the navy soldiers also saw the tragic situation of Smoka, and they screamed, unbelievable, it was a miracle that Fang Lang could hit Smoka.

"Where's Fang Lang? That guy... escaped!!" Someone quickly reacted and suddenly roared, "You can't let him run away, chase!"

Upon hearing the order, a group of navy suddenly began to spread out, searching for Fang Lang's trace.

"Colonel Smoka...!" Seeing Smoka's face wrinkled, Dasqi said in surprise, "Are you okay?"

"Cough..." Smoka gasped and coughed twice. He stretched out his hand and touched his face. When he took it to his eyes, he found that blood and nosebleeds covered his palms, and he couldn't help but said with a gloomy expression: "It turned out to be domineering. ...Impossible, how could it be possible that there are pirates in the East China Sea that would be domineering?!"

He couldn't figure it out, he couldn't figure out at all, where did this Fang Lang come from? If he said that he could learn it without a teacher, he would definitely not believe it, it must be where he learned the power.

Even in the navy, there are only a small number of elite general-level officers, and most people don't even know the qualifications.

After carefully recalling the previous punch, Smoka also discovered that Fang Lang's wrist strength was extraordinary, and he could disperse his consciousness for an instant. Although it was because he had no defense, it was enough to show that his wrist strength was strong.

"Colonel Smoka, are you okay?" Dasqi saw Smoka in a daze, and couldn't help but worry.

"I'm okay, how about people?"

Supporting the ground, Smoka stood up from the cracked pit and looked around, but Fang Lang's figure was not seen. His face sank and said, "Did you escape?"

"I don't know, there was a lot of smoke and dust just now. When the smoke and dust dissipated, Fang Lang was gone, and the others were searching." Da Siqi quickly replied.

"Oops... he must have gone to the port!" Smoka's expression changed and roared: "How can I let you run away! White smoke launcher!"

Smoka in the rage spewed smoke from behind, and quickly accelerated his movement speed, rushing towards the port.

Speaking of both ends, Fang Lang did not dare to delay a second after escaping from the encirclement. He was able to hit Smoka before because the opponent was careless. If he did it again, his success would not be guaranteed, and...

Fang Lang glanced at the phone screen silently.

Armed color domineering Lv1: One of the arrogant and unreasonable forces.Enhance personal defense power, the effect is like invisible armor.It can also evolve into attack power, which can then compete with those with devil fruit ability, and can even touch entities with natural fruit ability.With the skill "hardening", the next level will learn to "wind".

"The level 1 domineering... it can only harden the body, not entangle weapons." Fang Lang thought silently: "Fortunately, it can be upgraded, but I don't know what the conditions are..."

However, it was clear that it was not a time to study carefully, Fang Lang strode to the meteor and rushed towards the port.

Probably to encircle the pirates gathered in the church. At this time, there was no patrol team visible on the street. Almost all the troops were drawn. This was just cheap for Fang Lang, so he rushed directly to the port without evasive.

Before long, I heard the sound of fighting from the direction of the port.

As soon as Fang Lang showed up, he saw the naval soldiers fighting in a group and Sauron who was besieged.

"Fang Lang, you are here!" Under the protection of Sauron, Nami was still safe. Seeing Fang Lang appeared, she shouted in surprise.

As soon as she uttered, everyone's eyes were attracted to the past, and then the navy discovered the existence of Fang Lang.

"Captain Fang Lang Pirate Group!" Major Degan's eyes lit up and he finally caught him. He immediately waved and shouted, "Cannonier, attack!!"

Boom boom boom boom!!!

Before Fang Lang could understand the situation in the court, he heard countless roars, and then the shells leaned towards him without money.

"Rely..." Fang Lang cursed secretly, not retreating but advancing, at the same time, holding the hilt of the knife in his hand: "Meteor!"

With a sudden force at his feet, Fang Lang's figure, led by the silver-white sword beam, passed through the battlefield like a shooting star. Suddenly, a dozen or so naval soldiers were beaten to disperse the formation.

"Ah..." Major Degan exclaimed, because the tip of Lang Ye's knife was already pointed at his head.

"Last time I spared you, why didn't you behave?"

Fang Lang cursed, he didn't even want to look at the other person again, the silver light flashed by, taking away the life of a major.
