Pirate's Infinite Wings

224 Returning to the Hometown (3)

After entering the East China Sea, the speed of the cute dragon was greatly reduced, and so did the flying altitude. Even in the morning, people who sailed at sea discovered that someone shot the cute dragon.

When Fang Lang saw that the other party was a pirate ship, he was furious and made Menglong rewarded with a dragon roar. The poor pirate group was destroyed in the sea directly under the roar of the adorable dragon.

It was nearly noon, and Menglong was flying low with Fang Lang on his back.

As the saying goes, Yi Jin must return to his hometown. For Fang Lang, Dong Hai is considered his hometown.

"Are you hungry?" Fang Lang whispered with his arms around the delicate body.

He sat cross-legged on top of Menglong's head, while Nami was leaning against his arms. The two of them sat for a day and night, except for food, almost seldom moved.

"Well, I'm hungry." Nami nodded and leaned against Fang Lang's arms, making her feel relieved. At this moment, she was suddenly lifted, and she realized that she was hungry. She stuck her tongue out and said, "I bought it in Beihai before. The food is finished."

"Find a restaurant, it's already in the East China Sea. After eating, go to Coco West Village." Fang Lang whispered, looking up, he just found a big floating ship ahead, and it was so familiar.

"Isn't that the sea restaurant Bharati?" Nami also found the situation and couldn't help feeling nostalgic. Suddenly she smiled and looked up at Fang Lang, and teased: "At the beginning, you were glued like brown candy. You can't shake it. Drop it!"

"Ahem..." Fang Lang blushed, angrily attacked the other's chest, and said with a smirk: "Who promised to be with me for the rest of my life?"

Fang Lang shook his head with a smile, but he didn't feel ashamed. What's wrong with a man chasing his favorite girl.

"Old Meng, go to that boat."

Hearing the owner's instructions, Menglong flicked his tail and quickly approached Bharati.In the blink of an eye, he has come to the edge of the ship.

Barati, the sea restaurant, is still very lively at this time. Many pirate ships and merchant ships are docked on the side. You can see from the wide open main entrance, it is almost full.

And in the lounge on the second floor, there is a pirate group that has just been created, including the captain of only three people, two men and one woman.

At this moment, the young captain happened to look out the window, and his mind was shocked by this look.

"Dragon?!" he exclaimed.

The other two people on the sofa were startled, put down the playing cards in their hands, looked at the window one after another, and then their complexions changed greatly.

"There are two people sitting on the dragon's head, a man and a woman!" the female navigator said in shock.

"What... Is that man..." The third person was a swordsman, his breathing was stagnant, and then, a fiery fighting intent burst out of his pupils.

"It's Qiwuhai! Fang Lang, the dragon knight!" The young captain murmured with shocked expression, "Why does a big figure like Qiwuhai appear here?"

"I can't see clearly here, go to the deck outside." The navigator took a breath, then stabilized his mind and walked out of the lounge first.

The three of them walked onto the deck and leaned on the railings, looking at the golden dragon floating in the air and above the golden dragon, the men and women who hugged together like a couple.

I don't know if it was a coincidence. At first, about half a year ago, Fang Lang, Sauron and Nami were also in this position, looking at a sea of ​​Qiwu.

It's just that they were eagle-eyed at first.

But the three of them now looked like the ones who looked at them.

From looking up to others to being looked up to by others now, only Fang Lang himself knew how many times he had lived and died during this period.

Challenge Krocdal, threaten the Warring States, the Seven Wuhai Conference, obtain the cute dragon, declare war with the Judicial Island, war generals, sink the Demon Slaying Order, alliance Qi Wuhai, poisonously kill the Tianlongren... Until recently, Fudge Thor.

This scene of the past gradually appeared in Fang Lang's mind, making him sigh and sigh.

"Just eat here." Fang Lang said to Nami in his arms, then looked around, and he was surprised to find the three people on the second floor deck by accident.

But he was shocked, but terrified the three people on the deck.

As soon as Fang Lang's sight came, the members of the pirate group that were created by the creation of pirates tightened their nerves, and even their bodies trembled slightly.

The captain couldn't help but swallowed a spit, and whispered to the swordsman on board: "Didn't you always want to challenge Fang Lang, the dragon knight, now you have a chance."

"Yes, yes, my chance has come." Despite his efforts to suppress, this swordsman still has strong emotional fluctuations, which is called fear.

The man sitting on the dragon's head in the distance, just sitting there, has given him a feeling of invincibility, a sense of powerlessness.

"That's..." Miss Navigator narrowed her eyes, saw the woman in Fang Lang's arms, and couldn't help saying: "I recognize her, she is the navigator of Fang Lang Pirates, the little thief cat Nami. It used to be a villager in Kokosia Village!"

"Cocosia Village!?" The other two were shocked.

You know, the Cocossia Village in the East China Sea is simply a place that no one dares to provoke. Any arrogant pirates dare not step into it, and even the nearby seas will not enter it.

And there is only one reason for this, that is the territory of Dragon Knight Fang Lang!

However, the Cocosia Village has been destroyed recently.

Thinking of this, the three looked at each other and couldn't help swallowing saliva.

Qi Wuhai came to seek revenge, obviously coming with anger, and the three of them couldn't help feeling fearful. If this were affected by the other's anger, they might die immediately.

"At the beginning, we also stood there and saw Hawkeye." Fang Lang said with a smile.

Nami was taken aback, and couldn't help but sighed: "Yes, now you are the Qiwuhai, you are already well-known all over the world. It's just less than half a year, you are so amazing."

"Hahahaha, when will you flatter?" Fang Lang laughed, and being flattered by women, especially women close to him, was really comfortable.

At this moment, an old man with missing legs walked out of the restaurant. The old man was wearing braids and a tall chef hat. He couldn't help but smile when he saw the cute dragon floating in the air.

"Are you here, Fang Lang, I have been waiting for you for a long time." ..