Pirate's Infinite Wings

140 Joint Army (4)

Regarding the coalition army, Fang Lang took the people back to the capital that day.

Thanks to the cute dragon, otherwise it would be too late to drive the wizard four rounds or take the train without a week.

After returning to the royal capital, Fang Lang first went to the kingdom to report information, and the king completely entrusted Fang Lang to do the operation.

Mebis continued to return to the monster tail to exercise and observe the guild's people for special training.

According to the agreement with Fang Lang, Fu Mo Temple can be loaned to Fairy Tail for a week, and then if you want to use it, you have to pay a fee of one million.

As for Wendy, she was taken by Fang Lang to the Temple of Knights to register and became the third knight of Fang Lang Knights.

By the way, Mebis was not registered, but everyone in the Knight Order knew that she was a member of the Fang Lang Knight Order, and outsiders didn't know it, including the Fairy Tail people.

After dealing with these necessary things, Fang Lang began to practice.

He has never slackened the practice of Arc of Light, but the more he practiced later, the more powerful he could feel this magic.

As far as he knows, besides the common magic, there are several kinds of magic that are rare.

The first is Dragon Slayer Magic, the second is God Slayer Magic, and the third is Devil Slayer Magic.

These three types of magic are extremely rare and have great potential.

But Fang Lang's arc of holy light has the potential above this. The almighty magic, especially the summoning branch, can be summoned by angels.

Such a powerful force, and at the same time lost magic, must have taboos, but looking through the Magic Book, Fang Lang did not see the description of the taboos about the arc of holy light, which made him very concerned.

He shook his head and didn't continue to think deeply, Fang Lang was immersed in the magical world and began to search for more knowledge.

Time flies, fleeting, a week later.

The commission issued by the freshman council was sent to the local guild alliance, and the local guild alliance began to dispatch personnel after the regular meeting discussed and in accordance with the instructions on the commission.

The four guilds selected to form the coalition are Fairy Tail, Cyan Pegasus, Snake Scales, and Huamao's House.

The gathering place was also in a villa near the sea of ​​gas trees, belonging to the blue pegasus.

According to the information Fang Lang received, Fairy Tail had finished the special training and returned to Magnolia, Elisa also left. This time, as a member of the coalition army, Makarov sent four people.

Elisa, Naz, Gray, and Lucy.

Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner. As the promoter of this matter, Fang Lang finally woke up from his cultivation state this morning.

Get out of the quiet room of the knight's temple and return to your home.

In the yard, the cute dragon was still dozing off. Wendy gently stroked the dragon’s whiskers. After a week of getting along, she and the cute dragon had a good relationship. In contrast, Xia Lulu was very scared and hid far away. , Dare not approach at all.

"My lord, you are back." Seeing Fang Lang appeared, Zhubia, who was cleaning the yard, immediately greeted him.

"Oh, Jubia, after a few days, you have become beautiful again." Fang Lang said hello and smiled.

Hearing what he said, Jubia's eyes widened suddenly, his heart beating like a deer.

"Jubia, you turned out to be so beautiful, marry me!"

Recalling such words in her mind, Jubia's face turned completely red, as if to faint happily.

Fang Lang glanced at her suspiciously. He didn't know what she was in his head. He was too lazy to say, walked directly to Wendy, and asked, "Has the news of the coalition come?"

"Yes, Mr. Fang Lang, the chairman has already sent the commission yesterday." Wendy stood up, nodded, and then said with some worry: "Recently, sister Zhubia told me a lot about the Six Demons. Regarding the general, can I really...can help?"

The little girl's heart is so slender, Fang Lang thought so, but said on her face: "An Xin, everything is with me, ready to go. Oh, by the way, Jubia, where is Mebis?"

"Mebis returned to the guild." Jubia recovered from the fantasy and immediately replied: "Before leaving, she asked me to convey a word."


"Light and darkness are not completely opposed. People have a good side and a bad side."

Hearing this, Fang Lang blinked, a little unsure, so, "Um...I know, you stay in the capital, and I will take Wendy to the assembly point of the coalition army."

With that, he touched Wendy's head, "Go."

"Huh? Mr. Fang Lang, don't you ride the dragon?"

"No, it's still early, no need to hurry. Let's go slowly." Fang Lang smiled and said, "That's right over there, do you want to follow?"

Immediately, a group of two people, plus a cat left the capital, took the train to the sea of ​​Vasishu.

Arrived in the city at noon, then got out of the car and walked again. Fang Lang bought a little dress, changed into a suit suitable for close combat, and by the way changed Wendy a set of seductive clothes, although not very suitable for fighting.

After that, I walked on foot and entered the forest. It didn't take long before I saw the meeting point.

In a three-story villa, Fang Lang let out his domineering look and feel, and discovered the situation inside, the aura of many people, in addition to the surprise of Elsa and others he was familiar with, there was also a strong magical reaction.

"It's so slow, the catwalk hasn't arrived yet! I have been waiting for three hours!" Naz complained.

"If you are slow, you'll go first, idiot." Gray said.

"What are you talking about, exhibitionist?"

"Are you looking for trouble, hanging eyes?"

The two began to quarrel, and all the voices reached Fang Lang's ears.

There is also a conversation on the other side.

"However, I heard that only one person has arrived at the Huamao Inn."

"A person?! There is only one person assigned to this dangerous job. Is this confident in his own strength? Bastard, look down on us?" Naz interrupted in the quarrel.

At the same time, Fang Lang took Wendy, still approaching unhurriedly.

When the distance was about 500 meters, he snapped his fingers lightly, "Look! Mimic!"

Suddenly, in Wendy's eyes, Fang Lang changed, as if he merged with the surroundings. Without paying attention, he couldn't find it at all!

"Wendy, you go." ..