Pirate's Infinite Wings

Chapter 207 Good Tea

Fang Lang said loudly: "It's okay, we just need to look for it seriously, we will find it soon, well, stop talking, let's keep looking."

Therefore, they continued to search, but when they searched for a long time, suddenly Xiao Zhao saw a colorful light in front of him. Therefore, she pointed to the front and said, "My son, look, what is that? ?"

At this moment, Fang Lang looked at the front intently, and then he waved to the front and said, "Let's go and take a look."

When the two of them approached the place, they saw Tianlong grass all over the mountains, so they were all excited.

Fang Lang sighed with deep emotion: "I only discovered now that the back mountain of our Guangmingding is getting more and more mysterious. Let's find it hard."

Xiao Zhao said softly: "Master, as long as I am there, I can find anything for you."

Fang Lang nodded, so they continued to look for it, and after a while, they found a lot of tools, they cut all the grass, and then they all put them in the bag.

After a while, the whole bag was full, and Fang Lang said loudly, "Well, let's leave now. It's getting dark soon. It is said that there are often wild wolves here."

Xiao Zhao was very shocked when she heard it, and she said loudly: "Oh my God, what are we waiting for, let's go now."

After speaking, they quickly left the forest with their bags, and soon they returned to Guangmingding.

At this time, Fang Lang smiled and said, "With so many Tianlongcao, we can't finish eating it every day."

Xiao Zhao smiled and said, "My son, you are joking again, how can we eat it? We are going to use it for medicine."

And Fang Lang suddenly thought of Wudang. He has a very close relationship with Wudang. He used to go to Wudang to ask for advice. Now, he has this good thing, and he thinks he should send them some.

So Fang Lang poured out the bag, and then he walked towards Wudang with some Tianlongcao.

When they arrived in Wudang, all the Wudang disciples came out. They all knew Fang Lang's name. They clasped their fists towards Fang Lang and said, "Leader Fang, I wonder if you are here in Wudang?"

Fang Lang smiled and said, "I want to meet your head, I have important things to say."

At this time, Song Yuanqiao walked over quickly. He looked at Fang Lang and said, "Master Fang, I wonder if you are here?"

Fang Lang said in a low voice, "I have something to give you, so please wait."

After speaking, Fang Lang opened the bag. Soon, he poured the Tianlong grass on the ground, and Song Yuanqiao looked at the grass very happy and said, "Yes, this is the legendary Tianlong grass, great. I heard that they have the effect of bringing back the dead."

Fang Lang said in a low voice, "Yes, you know it too."

Song Yuanqiao smiled and said, "Of course, Tianlongcao is so famous, everyone knows."

Then, Song Yuanqiao clapped his palms vigorously. At this moment, two disciples walked over quickly, and they clasped their fists towards Song Yuanqiao and said, "Master, what's the matter?"

Song Yuanqiao said in a low voice, "Hurry up and transport me these grasses to the house. Remember, these grasses are very precious, and you must not damage them."

Those disciples nodded, and then they walked in with Tianlongcao.

At this time, Song Yuanqiao said happily: "Leader Fang, I don't know what to say if you gave me such a valuable thing."

Fang Lang smiled and said, "I often come to trouble you. These Heavenly Dragon Grasses are nothing."

Song Yuanqiao whispered: "Okay, I get it."

After finishing speaking, Song Yuanqiao invited Fang Lang into the house. It took less than a while, and when Fang Lang sat down quickly, Song Yuanqiao whispered, "Master Fang, you will wait a while."

After speaking, Song Yuanqiao clapped his palms quickly. Soon, two subordinates walked over quickly. They put the tea on the table, and Fang Lang took a sip of the tea. After that, he felt that the tea tasted good.

At this time, Song Yuanqiao smiled and said, "How about it, this is my newest Longjing tea, this tea tastes good, right?"

Fang Lang said in a low voice, "Very good, Song Sect. I didn't expect that after we have known each other for so long, I realized that you know so much about tea ceremony."

Song Yuanqiao smiled and said, "Leader Fang has won the award."

Afterwards, Fang Lang drank the remaining tea, and soon he felt comfortable, and Song Yuanqiao said in a low voice, "Master Fang, if you like these teas, I have something here that I can take back for you. Some, you can go back and taste it."

Fang Lang was very happy when he heard it, and said, "Song Master, is what you said is true? That's great, thank you very much."

Song Yuanqiao said in a low voice: "Come here, help Fang Lang to pack all the tea."

The subordinate whispered: "Ok, no problem."

After speaking, the subordinates put the tea leaves in the box, and soon Fang Lang stood up with the box and said, "I am fine now, so I won't bother you. I will visit when I have time later. your."

Song Yuanqiao nodded after hearing it, and then Fang Lang walked toward the door.

It didn’t take long for Fang Lang to bring the tea back. The congregation had already smelled the tea, and they all walked out. Fang Lang poured out the tea and said, “These are the best of Wudang sect. We can’t buy tea even at the market."

The congregation nodded when they heard, and the white-browed eagle king said loudly, "Master, let alone drink your tea. I feel refreshed when I smell it. Master, you can run a pot for us, we all I want to taste it."

Fang Lang saw that they were so uncomfortable, so he smiled and said, "Okay, I'll make it for you now."

After speaking, Fang Lang walked to the front quickly. After that, he quickly boiled a pot of boiling water. After a while, he poured the teapot into the cup.

At this time, the congregation picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, and then they felt very happy.

At this time, Fang Lang smiled and said, "Brothers, you can drink as much as you want. Anyway, what we have is tea."

Everyone nodded...