Pirate's Infinite Wings

Chapter 507: We will succeed

Fang Lang was baffled by Snowsuit's request for Scoel.Fang Lang dare to say that Skaur has made up his mind.

"No, there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up, there is no time." Skar finished, turning to the other protagonist.

"This is a person to rely on!" Lan Ling sighed.

"You don't want to ask if Skor is sincere, so ask!" Fang Lang said in a strange tone.

The two women smiled without answering.

"Oh, you guys..." Fang Lang shook his head helplessly, and then he remembered what he had said to these two women: "Everyone is mentally prepared to wait for the sea battle. Brother Niu and brother may Will not be able to come in handy, fighting in our case, we can fight alone. Once there are other monsters, don’t save the hero’s medicine."

"Okay," Snowy nodded and said softly, "The wind team is really struggling. The bombing of the bridge forced us into the water and fight with them. It seems that their equipment at sea should be very comprehensive."

"But I also want to thank them." Fang Lang said suddenly: "This also gives me a chance. Maybe I can increase my trust." All three were screaming, and the other side seemed to be arguing.

"No, absolutely not, we are partners, how can you let me go alone, then, Li Na is unconscious, you are inconvenient." Xaer screamed and shouted.

"Yes, trust us, Scoul." Quistis pushed his glasses down the road.Next to Aween and Selphi, he shook his head and stopped.

Skoul's proposal seemed to be opposed by everyone.

"Yes," Fang Lang came over.Fang Lang said loudly: "School, believe in his companions, a person's power is always limited, not to mention that there may be powerful monsters under the sea. We will advance together."

Scull looked around and lowered his head silently.

Fang Langxi said enthusiastically: "Companion means to be blessed and share the same things. It is hard to stay the same! Everyone's strength will overcome all difficulties."

Fang Lang's words made those who heard it bow their heads and meditate. If they had the same blessing, they would hear it for the first time.

"Good point!" Idia walked forward gently, her temperament afraid to look straight, but even with a friendly motherly smile: "Mr. Fang Lang, your words are very wonderful, Scoel, you have heard it, Trust your companion."

Skal shook his forehead with one hand and uttered four words from his mouth: "I can't help it."

Fang Lang stretched his hand to the front, Xue Xue deliberately put his hand on Fang Lang's back.Lan Ling did it too. Soon, Quistis, Xaar, Aween, and Selfi were stacked together.

Skole looked a little...shy, and finally he put his hands together.

"We will succeed!" Fang Lang shouted.

"You have acquired the good character of the plot, the goodwill of Skoll, the improvement of goodness, the status quo, trust and intimacy require 900 points."

"You have obtained the goodwill of the plot character Questis, and the level of goodwill has increased by 500. At the current state, trust and intimacy need to reach 1,000 points."


A series of reminders, almost all the protagonist’s kindness has risen to trust, Fang Lang smiled with satisfaction, but he was a little surprised why the lovely girl Selfi’s kindness did not increase... Maybe, Xiaoshantou something I don’t know what the relationship between partners is.

"I recommend everyone to prepare for the battle. In addition, Ms. Idia and Linoa should wait on the shore, leaving one to protect them, wait until they are safe, and then pick them up." Fang Lang immediately put forward his own suggestions...