Pirate's Infinite Wings

Chapter 779: Fleeing

In 17 years, I visited more than a dozen countries, such as Miraya, Central India, and Trilena, and to a large extent learned the propagation of Dharma.After returning from Chang'an, Ci'en Temple was established and many disciples gathered and sat on the altar to give lectures. They were respected as the state's protection of the holy monks. The state teacher Miao Ying also called Xianren the "Taoist and Buddha Double Saints."

Due to a change, Ci'en Temple entered Lenggong from Li Tang and was not favored.Fifteen years later, Master Sanzang also died in Ci'en Temple and returned to the world of bliss.His second apprentice, Peeping Master, took over the abbot of Ci'en Temple, practiced Dharma, and put himself in the city gate.It was not until the emperor came to power and worshipped Buddhism that the temple regained its glory, became the leader of the world, and the leader of the Qingmen Gate.

Currently, there are two monks in the deepest part of the temple.One of them was sitting on top of a dandelion. He was only thirty years old and had a burly face, but he had a bright, bright and silent look.And the other one was old, with faint eyebrows bright, gentle and elegant, standing aside respectfully.

The monk said: "Do you know who broke the eight doors of Tianshan?"

Monk Qingmei frowned and said, "That said, in addition to the door that hides the palm of the hand, someone must be responsible for the door of Taiqing's strange door dodge armor!"

The burly monk frowned and said, "Did you see Zhang Lu with your own eyes, or guessed it yourself?"

The light eyebrow monk was dumbfounded and bowed his head and said: "The disciple didn't see it."

The burly monk closed his eyes and kept turning his hands, but this was not like Buddhist mudra.It took him a long time to say: "Weird, weird!" Suddenly, he raised his eyes, looked directly at the monk, and said, "Dao Xuan, what happened to you on this trip?" Or met someone?"

At this time, although the sky is blue and day, the Buddha hall is shining with light, like smoke, entangled together, reflecting the small dust in the air.The Zhenxiong Temple seems to be isolated from the outside world, and even the five Buddha statues are half green and half yellow, making them unique.The two monks in the temple are not others.He is the abbot of Ci'an Temple and the master of his three disciples Daoxuan.From that day on, Master used the "eye of heaven" to predict the changes of Tianmao Mountain, and they would go to see Daoxuan in order to live up to the trust of the court.

Daoxuan replied, "The disciple dare not hide it." He thought for a while, and said, "The disciple encountered the demons who escaped on the green hill ten miles away from Tianmao Mountain. The disciples tried their best to subdue the demons. They, but Liu Fei, Madam Xixin and other guards escaped and disappeared!" The disciple was not found for a long time, so order was restored!"

Peeping Master Guangming said: "Flee, they have been in the desert and snow for more than forty years, it's time to repent!" But what about the demon you surrendered?Have you brought the Big Wild Goose Pagoda to listen to the Buddha's confession?"

Tao said with a frown, and said excitedly: "They." They returned to the dust and merged with the green mountains."

The master sighed and said, "Dao Xuan, the teacher asks you, did they come from a mountain stream. Did they get wet and lay eggs, or absorb sunlight and moisturize the rain?" Daoxuan's color flickered and slowly said, "No. , It's the blood of parents!" The voyeur asked again, "So, are they longing for heaven and heaven, are they willing to do it?" Daoxuan's forehead revealed a trace of sweat, and deep lines permeated the gully, saying: " Nor is it." ..