Pirate's Infinite Wings

Chapter 225: Don't think too much

I was very curious about the reason for the emergence of the kingdom of heaven, so he began to find a way to get a ticket, but this duel has very strict control over the admission ticket.If it weren't for the powerful force, the people in the large army, an outsider of unknown origin, even if it costs a lot of money, there is no way to get such a ticket.

Three days passed quickly, and I still couldn't get anything.It can be said that these tickets are priceless, this war is too important.Some great forces on the sea have come forward.I want my parents to watch the war.

Basically, there is nothing I can do.I can only stare and ask to vote.Totally impossible.

This kind of thing made me vomit blood unparalleled. It is not easy to get the same information, but I can only look at it.

.The devil and god respect the sky

Fortunately, there is no end to this road. Just when I was about to vomit blood, he suddenly saw the Eight Kingdoms Kiln in front of his eyes. This was one of the four beauties in front of him.Even she came here all the way, it is hard to imagine how much the impact of World War I has reached today.You know, the border area in the ocean is too far away from this area. If there is nothing special, no one will come here too far.

He hurriedly gathered together and told Baguio's voice what fate had happened. The Eight Nations girl was a coincidence, and obviously wanted to catch Biyan's son.

Sure enough, it appeared soon after I was close for a while.He stared at me like a pervert, and said secretly, "Child, if you hear my great-granddaughter's idea, I dare to slap you."

"No, don't think too much, my ex." I smiled."It's just because we are very close, we will meet again soon, how about you get me a ticket?"

Hearing my request, Bi Yangzi glared and repeatedly threatened that if he didn't give him a ticket, he would harass the Eight Nations before gritting his teeth and finally decided to give up a ticket.

At this time, the Pipa family came in front of nearly ten people. They were unwilling to hand over the tickets, and then left with a black face.Obviously, if it were not the request, I would not be able to get this ticket.

"For you, I even offended my offspring. After you go in, tell me honestly. Don't get into trouble, and don't let anyone recognize you. Otherwise, I can't predict what the result will be. What will this lead to? What kind of thing?" Bijanz told him carefully.

I laughed and said nothing.Such things are taken for granted, and he doesn't feel bored enough to cause trouble in such a place.

Soon, everyone entered a duel. This duel was ancient and magnificent, with a huge ring in the middle, smooth like a mirror, and it was said that a saint arranged it himself.It can be guaranteed that even if the saints fight each other, there will be no cracks here.

As for the safety of the surrounding audience, there is a main guardian.Not only the people inside can't rush out, but even the breath that wants to rush out is difficult.

It is estimated that in previous years, the saints used to solve some problems face to face at this time.This place is soaked in holy blood. It can be said to be an immortal holy place. If you can always win a duel here, you can get unimaginable benefits every time.Someone whispered, it seemed a little jealous inside.
