Pirate's Infinite Wings

Chapter 508: What to do

Recommended reading is in the main palace of the ancient city.

It has always been a lantern, and the youngest daughter of the city owner has become thousands of legalists. This kind of thing must be celebrated.

In the buildings of this city, their characters also appeared.

In the main palace of the city, this time there are many senior members of the adventure group.Luo and I are sitting on a stone table, enjoying the delicious food quietly, the party has not yet started.

Many monks look at me, and the fastest growing group in recent years is certainly the adventure of monks.

I have been missing for a long time, this time, the monk adventure group is destined to do its best.

Soon, a cute little girl appeared.

"For the owner of this city, this is a thousand dollars."

I also looked at the girl, she looked like a genius, and her breath continued to radiate.

Of course the city boss appeared.

"Today is the youngest daughter of the owner of the city. There is no need to restrict the Hui people's banquet." The people in the city smiled and said, and the monks raised their glasses and drank together in the next minute.

The party looks boring, but it is not.The adventure group chatted with the people in the city, of course I am not interested in it.I was sitting on the stone table and it was delicious.

Suddenly, a monk appeared next to me.

"This is the captain of the monk adventure group, isn't it?" The monk looked at me as if he had come to approach me.

Of course, I can't be too cold.

"Yes, can I help you?" I said softly.

The monk sat down.

"We have trade relations with the monks' union. This time we want to discuss business with the leaders of the monks' union." The monk said with a smile.

"We have, many little fairy furs. We want to ask the monk to handle this for us." The monk whispered.

I frowned, this guy seemed to want to make a lot of money.

"We can buy it, but it can't help you deal with it." I said softly. The monk frowned, smiled softly and said, "It's a pity, let's talk about it next time."

I am not an idiot.

They only need the best interests.

The party had just begun, and suddenly the sky flashed.

"Jiuling Empire, driven by His Highness." Suddenly, a loud voice came from the sky, and my eyebrows frowned.

The prince is here?

I don't know how many princes are in this Nine Spirit Empire, but I know that there is definitely no good news for the arrival of the prince.

The owner of the city was surprised that the prince came.

"I have met His Royal Highness Ling Hong." The master of the city is respected, and the daughter of the city master is certainly a respectful salute.

A strange young man glanced at the crowd. Behind him were several old people, not all of them weak.

"Xu Er hasn't seen you for a long time." The prince looked at the girl.

Huier nodded softly and said, "His Royal Highness, what can I do for you?"

The prince smiled softly, and said, "Why did your Highness hear that Whale has become a Melaleuca Legalist, and actually even hosted a banquet, so he didn't invite His Highness?"

Huier said softly, "His Royal Highness is very busy, how dare to interrupt."


"I'm very busy, I want to come to Whale's party. This is my little gift, take it." The prince smiled and handed a small box to Whale.

Whale was stunned, saw the shape of the city, took it hurriedly, and opened it gently, a bright red bead exuding blood energy.

The "blood beads" monks were surprised to find that these beads were worth a lot of money.

But Whale's fluctuations are not large.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Whale said softly.

I asked the monk next to me, "Is this prince and the daughter of the city king old acquaintance?"

"Don't you know?" The monk looked at me and couldn't believe it.I believe that not many monks do not know about this.

"Whale's son is Whale's fiance."
