Pirate's Most Powerful Villain

The most powerful discipline of the pirate, Chapter 650

A root iron suddenly falls from the sky, and the body of death is stabbed. Every iron thorn seems to be fixed with this space.

Then, Jia Ling Tiezhai is screaming: "Final song is forbidden!"

boom! !

During the room, a huge stone monument, landed from the sky, the volume of its volume, comparable to a high-rise building, directly coming to the top of the death of the death, to slap the sky, suppress.

When it is completed in the 99th, the black should be turned into a moment.

A huge black buckold, blocking the wings of death, which produced a large gravity, and there are countless dark rhizarns.

"Is it successful?" Below, Yan Pai Shali shocked muttered: "Such a high-intensity rules and binding ... Can you succeed?"

99, it is already the top-level ghost, if it is even, what else can stop the death of death?

This kind of ghost, used to deal with the team's long, there is no problem, it can be easily suppressed.

You must know, Holding Tiezhai, that is, the ghost, is a whole world, one of the best of the ghost.

All people's sight, firmly look at the black sacred space, only to see the huge black, and it is constantly changing, it seems to be broken at any time.

The face of the Zhenzi is large, he can't take care of the body, grab the meat, and turn around.

"Don't look back !!"

Not only him, even the Knight King, it has already been a trunk, and it has launched a junior.

"Don't want to die, hide behind me!"

The voice falls, the next moment, I am overfulfish!

A high-spirited dragon, the black room, under the biplane of the death of the death, inch smashing.

The gravity space collapsed, binding his bandage to tear, inserting 1 into the body of the body, even the stone monument placed on him, and collapsed again.

All attacks are broken under a wing fan, and is resolved.

"No ... It's impossible!" Holdering Tiezhai fossy, the heart of the gods: "Is this a big master?"

In all collapses, the big explosion began to swept away.

The wind is raging, the magma is rolling.

At the same time, the sound of the wings of death resounded.

"Small mortal, humble reptile, you can use your mid-lost power, do you want to ban me? Giant. Dragon Soul!"

Roar! !

In the dragon, it seems to have countless giant. Dragon is roaring.

Even, on the sky, there is a group of dragons, which is the soul of the dragon, the dragon!

Chapter 0504 Yifasi-ku

Dragon's power!

On the night sky, if the dragon imaginary shadow is hidden, the dragon is Qiming, and the earth is shaking.

The wing of death is inciting the double wing, shocked, cracking the ban, the big explosion, the wind and waves swept the waves.

With its centered, the flames visible to the naked eye are spread outward.

At that, all buildings were turned into the heat of the heat, cultivated to the flour.


Pingzi Zhenzi did not answer, pulled the god-lags, and fled away.

The rest of the fake, and we have desirable to avoid this power of natural disasters.

"Arthur captain!" A death was scared, and he muttered frightened.

"Don't panic, stand up behind me."

The knight king is calm, he slowly draws out the waist.

It is not a chopper, but the sword of the victory.

"Wind king!"

A light drinking, in an instant, the seal is released, the power of the twisted light, the turbulent shield, and it is completely protected her own ten people.

Next moment, heat waves struck.


In an instant, this heat wave made the vision of all the human vision, and the fire and the wind swallowed everything we were.

Synnantian and other people look at the scenes of the week.

Tall urban construction, street lights, streets, bridges, cars ... everything, being hit by this heat wave, blinking, cultivating the powder, dissipating with the wind.

This seems to be a nuclear explosion, and all the things in the square thousand meters are all moved to flat.

For a long time, it has been over four or five minutes. This is the force that is gradually faded.

The flawless shield before the Knight is scattered, and everyone will see everything in front of the eyes.

"City ... disappeared?"

The eyes are grown up in the eyes, and it is incredibly in front.

It seems that it is not a modern city, but a volcanic land.

It is a broken earth everywhere, as well as the genette, and the geodes of the geodes flow.

Architecture, tall buildings, buildings, everything does not exist, all have already turned powder, and you will never see any towering.

And above the ruins of the dead, the death of the death is in the ground, and the red light is flashing, which is a hot high temperature.

I have previously burst out the power of the dragon, because the energy is too strong, now he is very bad, it seems to be self-bursting.

"Datunned ..."

The wing of death is suppressed in the body, and there is a little helpless in the heart: "Sure enough, the two-star body, you can't help so huge power."

At present, twenty words, the wing of death is the only one because the power is too large, but it is difficult to control.