Pirate's Most Powerful Villain

The most powerful counterparts of the pirates, Chapter 984

New capital, sword road.

In the training area, more than a dozen disciples, they have looked up and look at the sky.

"What happened? Is it played down?"

"Not a good, it seems that there is a tsunami!"

"Run, this city is going to be overwhelmed!"

I am talking about it, and a silver-haired woman came in.

"Excuse me, is Saber here?" Alice Phil.

"SABER? Do you say the blonde's knight?" A disciple said: "Inside, find it, we have to run!"

Said, a group of people have ran out the road, such as birds.

In short moments, the whole road, already empty, almost no smoke.

At this time, a bald old man came out and looked at the disciples who fled and flee them, and immediately walked: "It is really like it!"

"Don't you run?"

Suddenly, Urudia came over, she still worn the costume and obstruction.

The old man swept her and said: "My life is dedicated to the sword, before the 'return' your master, I will not go!"

"Oh ... it is necessary to cheer."

Urtia can't help but laugh, this old head is very cute, obviously just a general person.

Shake the head, she didn't take care of each other, but went to the door to see Alice Phil, "The people you found, in us," If you come, you will take it away. "

"Where is SABER?"

Didn't see Altolia, Alice Phil has a feeling of flustered, always feels that Saber has encountered a big problem.

"She is in the bedroom, now in a coma, as for when I wake up, I don't know."

Uridia has no concealment, simple reply.

"How can this? What did you do? Let me go, I have the ability!"

Alice Phil is anxious.

"Take a moment, is this not a tsunami? Here, the adult's sword farm, how can the tsunami destroy this city?"

Uridia smiled slightly and immediately raised his hand.

"The arc of time!"


Magic rushing, over the winter city, a huge silver magic array, suddenly appearing.



The way the huge clock pointer is in front of it.

With the fluctuation of the magic array, the time of winter, is being counterfold.

One second ... five seconds ... ten seconds ... 30 seconds ... 70 seconds!

For more than seventy seconds, the huge tsunami in Wintermut is desirable, faded in the speed visible in the naked eye.

In the end, this big waves returned to the sea and returned to calm.

"Harbin ... Harbin ..."

Urudia's eyes, slightly asthma, and her horns appeared, it is clear that it is not small.

The old man saw this scene and couldn't help but said: "Who are you? Is it actually handled time?"

"You are the magic!" Alice said: "You are fine?"

"Nothing ... just," Urudia looked up, see the sky, a black cloud is accumulating strength, seem to destroy her, "attracting inhibitory!"

One of the heavens and earth, shrouded in her head, and she had a feeling of suffocating.

"Miss Alo Lili in the bedroom, you go straight, then turn left behind, the left turn is the most inside."

Uridia put his hand, under the suppression, her face is slightly pale, "You will go, I can't move."

She didn't dare to move. It seems that as long as they move, there will be destroyed her strength.

"Are you really nothing?"

Alice Phil hesitated, or as Saber, when it entered the way.

"Qin Emperor, I seem to have so far. You have some days before, it is the force, while face does not change color?"

Uridia is calm, quietly waiting for the waning of the planet.

This doesn't matter to resist, the peace of the world, a planet will, to kill her, and crush a ants.

I saw that I gathered in the sky, and I finally turned into a spear of Thunder, and suddenly projected in Uridia.


Leisure big!

Chapter 0752 threatens the planet will

The light of the Thunder's Thunder on the sky, the shape of the spear, suddenly falling, and hits the sword farm in winter.

Under this heaven and earth, Urudia closed eyes.

She is completely resistant, a planet will, this kind of unusual power, don't say Uridia, even if it is ten, it is difficult to resist.

At different levels, the level of life has essential gaps.

However, Urtia is not afraid, and will not regret it.

Although she will die, she will be destroyed, it will be killed, but she believes that Qin Emperor will retract the time and space and resurrect her.