Pirate's Most Powerful Villain

The most powerful council 1138


The smoke is gradually dissipated, Didarafe has reached a higher place, squatting on the back of the white bird, and the eyes are lighter as imitation.

"Is it solved?"

He dares to be confident.

Although the power of the 18th, it is enough to set the square thousand meters, but can solve the full body must be able to solve the full body, he has no bottom.

I saw the thick dust, a tall figure slowly turned out, and it was the corner of the wings, followed by a head.

Didala's pupil suddenly shrinks, full of shocking, "impossible, no injury?!"

His gaze looks toward the ground, but not seeing the sound.

"Is it dead? No, I haven't been exposed to Irrigation, is it hiding ??"

So thinking, Didala felt the cold, as if his own body, there is a pair of eyes overlooking him ...

Didala is stiff, with the fear of the heart, slow back Q

At this point, his expression is even more.

"How is it, when are you ...!"

"At the beginning."

The crow is flying, every crow is talking, the sound of the pass, is Yushuo.

"Illusion, you need your eyes to release, from the beginning, you are wrong."

In the speech, the crow gathers, gradually making a pattern of illusions: "In order not to look with me, you will be most energetic, you are locked in my hands, unfortunately, in that moment, you are already in illusion Zhongn. "

Of course, this is the other party.

In fact, release illusion, not from the beginning, but in an instant used to use.

"This is impossible, you want to say, you can release illusion to me as long as you need a gesture?"

"this is the truth."

The illusion shakes his head, said: "Your strength is very good, you can force me to use it, you can kill, your tissue is really powerful, but it is not my opponent. In front of you, your defense is weak, not worth mentioning. "

This is just C3, Didala also has C4, and even self-explosive C0, in power, more terrible.

Especially the self-explosive C0, its explosion range, almost 10 km of square, which is a circular area of ​​10,000 meters in diameter.

"The short board is not allowed, the various sneakers of the big snake pill are very strong, but his soul is weak, so you can't bear my 'moon read', you are the same."

In this way, the eyes of the illusions slightly, the right eye, the odds instantly locked Didala.



A black flame suddenly born, and suddenly swallowed the left shoulder of Didara.


He screamed, and the whole person dropped down.


Didara died and stared, and he bite his teeth. He directly torn his own cheating and discarded it.

During the drop, the arm is burned in the black sky.

"It's amazing, compared to your own life, a arm, can give up without hesitation."

Fantualistic calm praise.

"Wait, do you want to kill him?" Red Sand suddenly drilled out, there are a few embarrassments in front of him, because the abstaining explosion, it has been smashed, "What is it?"

"Anxin, I didn't kill him. If you really want to kill him, just the place where Tianzhao is ignited, it is not an arm, but a head."

Finally, jumped from above the high-altitude big bird and fell to the side of the mortal ghost.

"Let's go, ghosts."

"It is worthy of my husky, and the cleanliness will win."

The mortal ghosts smile, honestly, he is all scared, this 2, it is much more powerful than the real.

... 9 flowers ... ·

At the same time, his heart is also quite depressed, the other party is so strong, in the next few times, he has to listen to the other party.

"It's just a little episode, left."

Finally, I took the hatred of the other party, put on myself, and then left.

Watching two people far away, Red Sands will receive their eyes and come to Didala. Bamboo

"So I said, you are not the opponent of the eyes. This time he is looking at the face of Payne, he didn't kill you."

Red sand scorpion is indifferent, and he is not much careful for the death of the partner. "Of course, you will die, I will make you embarrassing, let you experience the eternal art."

"Hey, the explosion is art. You are evil."

Dida pulls, stop bleeding to his wound.

"You will understand sooner or later. Can you still move? Next, it is necessary to arrest five tails."

"It's just a column force, even if there is no hand, it doesn't hinder the action!"

Dida grabbed the teeth, looking forward to the direction of the meal, anger.

Once again, and it was more than the last time, this time was completely played once.

"C3 is not, then C4, C5, I have to study the bomb you can do sooner or later!"

At the same time, the other side, the sound of the village, the big snake pill base, and a secret room.

"you're awake?"