Pirate's Most Powerful Villain

The most powerful discipline of the pirate, Chapter 1164

Donned, shook his head: "Forget it, can't let him die so now ..."

The voice fell, he took a palm.

"Wanli Tongtian!"


· At this moment, a huge palm, across thousands of miles, take the woods and cloudy battlefields

Chapter 0888 is wiped from the map

The palm across thousands of miles and projected toward the battlefield of the leaves.

This is "Ri Ghost Road", which is much better than the ghosts in the general sense, not only that, the normal move is only a thousand miles of palm, but under the use of six-star blue dye, the movement of the movement is further.

At this moment, this spirit is in the country, and it has fly over the two small countries. In the end of the fire, it will enter the fire of the fire, and it is like a wind coil, and it is rapidly and flying.

This is the six-star blue dye, the general find, it really can't take the power to take the power to the place.

At this moment, Lei Ying makes the five dragons that have been exhausted and have begun to explode.

The Dragon of the Five Bads, from the spirit of Lazi Yun,, is falling towards the gorge below.

They did not deliberately lock which goal, for them, and everything below, is the object that needs to be destroyed.

"Not wonderful! This kind of endurance ... never seen it!"

The second generation of fires have changed their faces. There is no time to think too much. Direct come to the program, grab the other party, and launched the space forces: "Flying thunder!"

"Wait, second grandfather ...!"

The agency is shocked, and there are more than a thousand wooden risks around.

"That's too late!"

The thousands of hands shook their heads, under the grief of the board, the two people shuttle, blinking.

At the same time, Lei Ying is also crazy, his speed is indeed very fast, a moment can cross a range of 50 meters, but under the power of Wushan, it is not far from the power.

He now has already smashed the blue dyeing, and the ancestors of the 18th generation greeting, saying that there is no side effects, and the ghost is not controlled by him, even if you want to destroy.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

· Lei Ying is angry, the speed is getting faster. Qi

As for the cloudy, he has been unprotected, of course, can't. Bamboo

Seeing the sky is printed into a pale color, the pierced dragon, falling into the earth.

In the moment of all broke out, a huge, like the big hand of the giant, broke, directly over the five-headed dragon, roll the thunder, then quickly withdrawn.

At the same time, it will take the shocked cloudy in the same way.

All this happened between electric light stone fire, from the four generations of thunding, the five dragons were turned out, and the sky is overwhelming, but only five or six seconds before and after.

Lei Ying only felt a flower in front of him, and then his horizons were flooded by a white fog.

Next, Wulong was completely falling.

Boom! !

The big earthquake, the cliff is broken, this square canyon, under the power of the Wulong, shred, and in an instant.

Then, the landing Wulong completely broke out.

The power of this tricky, more than the killing, more of the terrain changes, crushing the earth, reversing the mountain range, is light.

In a burst of giant sound, this party is full of push.

It seems that there is a natural disaster, all the spirits are extinct.

When all dissipated, the mountains, canyons have been disappeared, and they are inspired ... is a flat land.

The square is ten miles, all everything is erased, as if disappears from the map.

If someone can overlook from thousands of meters, it will be shocking. On the earth, there is this orange yellow, where it is a green mountain, the forest!

So, just a dead place.


I don't know how long, in the central area of ​​the dead, there is a wave of space, the thousands of hands and the ahead have another Q

The two just returned, they were completely shocked by this scene.

The terrain is greatly changed. If the coordinates are not wrong, the thousand hands are doubts, they are not the position of the transfer.

"Good terrorist power ..." The thousand hands is out of breath: "How can the four generations of Lei Shao will have this kind of tobach? This is the outbreak in the village, I am afraid that the entire village will completely disappear."

The opener is full of face, Zhang Zhang, seems to look, but no one is.

"Both ... are dead? Nara Luo Jiu, Fei Asma, the day, the sun, the day, the sun, the mountains, the mountain, the nation ... dead, all dead, more than a thousand wooden leaves are elite ... "

Don't say that it is them, even if it is a shadow, under the previous force, it is also very different from the mortal. If it is not a thousand hands, there is still a hand of flying god, afraid that she has to hate.

See this, the thousand hands is also very uncomfortable. He took the shoulder of the film and said: "You still have a phoenix feather, they can resurrect."

"I know." The master looks, "just ..."

"Don't know how Yun Yin ... that is the same as the power, Lei Ying is crazy? Is it a to grasp itself to escape?" The thousand hands shifted the topic, and couldn't help but frown. "I always feel that this is not his own Force. No matter what to say, let's find it first, maybe there is a survivor. "


The survivor, naturally there is no, even the terrain has changed, how can people still live, after all, it is impossible to have space for sputum.

It is a cloudy side, almost all reserved, which is much longer than the blue-dye-dyed sky, in the crucial moment, moved this group of people outside the hundred miles.

At this moment, in the border of the fire country.

A group of people slowly woke up, soon, 973 people found that Lei Ying looked at the distance.

"Lei Ying adult. It is you saved us!"

T '

"Wooden leaves are really evil, even put down this kind of fall!"

"This time is really much loss of Lei Ying!"