Pirate's Most Powerful Villain

The most powerful counterparts of the pirates Chapter 1293

"It seems that it is going to kill me, but this is good, I also want to see how powerful in the opponent's strength." The smile of the spot.

At the same time, it is launched by your own technique. The surgery of the Haochun is directly sent out. At the same time, it is constantly moving, he knows, the surgery of his own Haochong is definitely not what is this person. The role of threats, but I don't know what to say.

He looked at the place where he was attacking, and he suddenly had a brow, because that person is already there any breath, but it appears behind him.

Really drinking is just that he is very curious, no matter what, now I always know how powerful.


He put his body directly in time and space, that is, the other party is that there is no way to attack himself, but he discovered it soon.

This person's attack is actually able to play him.

The whole person flew out, he was shocked, I really don't know what is going on, it is not a battle, why is there anything like this, it is a shock.

"Hey, forget to tell you, in the study, I am more powerful than anyone, so your three-foot cat is still not shameful in front of me, so I don't know how it is. Dead. "Man is a smile.

He looked at the spot that jumped out of the stone, and then a smile, showing the eyes of the cat to see the mouse, and I don't know what to say.

He wants to play with the spot, but the spot is not to play with this person, because he knows, if it is what is going on, then it is really not known.

Chapter 1035, I have never heard of you.

"For, no matter what, the delay time is also good, even if it is putting out the old man, it is nothing to do, anyway, there is no way to choose." It is known to know what it is now.

The mask he brought is already fell by this punch, and the corner of the mouth also spilled some blood. The power of this person's attack is also very powerful.

"Then I will let you know, my real strength, fire, Long Yan's song!" , then the faucet of countless flame rush to this person.

This strong man is holding a punch, then a punch, this person is actually the power of using his own flesh is to unlock all the skills, that is, this person is on the front. At the time, the power is very powerful.

Squeezing yourself, if you just say the flesh, it is not the opponent's opponent, so it must be a way to think that if you are not like a method, it may be done.

It is precisely because of this general idea, he is directly to start using his own surgery attack, anyway, no matter whether there is any effect, it is no problem with the role of some resistance.

He needs to find this person's weakness. If this person is so powerful, then the weakness must be there, and it is still very well-known.

Otherwise, the strength of this person is really powerful. He is not a chance to win. Thinking of this, his writer is directly open, then the month is directly launched.

Since it is not used, then use illusion, see if this person can learn to solve the illusion, if this is the case, he can only take it out of your own press box.

However, this person is still shaking, then a smile, said: "No matter what, now, the other things don't need to say anything."

"It turns out that there is still no way. I thought it would not need to use my own stack, but since this, I can only say that your strength is very powerful, I will use my most powerful way to bury you. "After the spot, I looked at this strong man.

And men are haha ​​smile, say: "No matter what, today you have to die in my hand, this is my mission, and the task I have implemented, I have never failed, so I have never failed. Whether it is, you have to enjoy the remaining time left. "

After that, the figure disappears, and the spot is also directly opened directly, then the whole body is filled with lightning.

Their planet is covered by lightning, and the spots look clear, then it is said: "Find you." After he said, it is directly in front of the man, then a punch.

The whole person flew out, hit the strike on a planet, and the planet had to hit a pit, and the man was laughing, said: "This is right, I said your strength. How can I be so weak, if it is so weak, it is not a waste of me. "

He seems to be a little harm, but not too much, but because of the power of the spot, it is very exciting. It seems that he wants to fight against the power.

He rushed up, and the spot was directly excited to the greatest extent, and it was gathered in his own body at the same time.

I saw that it was a lot of purple, and the speed was very big, but I didn't know what to say, they seem to be an enemy.

Just don't know if it is true, no matter what, he is already known, now there is a good thing to get your own things.

Other things are nothing, the two people constantly fight, and the ill vantry is no way to use, only can be used to fight with their most powerful strength.

Spotted yin Lei is a whole attack method, and the power is very powerful, hit on the other side, but only let the other party paused, and it is hurt, but there is no other thing. .

He is still very excited, and the war is high, looks at the spots, the power in the hands is getting stronger, and the other party seems to all the moves are above the body. If the spot is said, this person It is a very powerful person, but it will not be other.

This kind of thing is he still encountered, but it has never encountered such a strong body, even if it is in his own cactoscale, it is also a thing.

This, even in your own world is absolutely unable to appear, and what you have, what is going on, I don't know.

"For, anyway, no matter how it is, as long as you find his weaknesses, then there is no problem. As long as you defeat his weaknesses, then the other party is to finish. Who will kill who is still Not necessarily. "Sprinkled his eyes, then looked at the distant thing.

Who knows what is going on now, but no matter what, always know some things, that is where the other party's weakness is.

The two constantly battles, at this time, the strong man has been painted, because the lights continue to him, let his skin are baked, but the other party is a bit of things, let him Very shocked, I don't know how the other party did.

Obviously, it is a flesh, but this flesh is even more powerful than the most powerful people in the fire shadow.

He even believes that even if it is absolutely defense, it will never be so leisurely.

"Very good, very good, I haven't tried this kind of thing many years, how many years, how many years, my body is not hurt, I didn't think that today I finally felt my injured. Feeling, this feeling is really happy. "

After the man is finished, it is directly a smile, then lift his fist, saying: "But generally let me hurt, the last result is killed by me, know? "

The spot is not talking, he knows, now there is nothing, only to kill the other party, and it is the most important thing.

Chapter 1036 Giant's Boxing

"But I am very curious, what is your identity? If you say, you should be a protagonist in another world, even if it is not the protagonist, it is also very powerful person in the world, why I have you heard you? "

It is very curious because of this world, because all the characters are existing, all in the plot, but even if so, no one knows what is the world, But it is a little bit of knowledge, this person is definitely not a person in the world you have experienced.

Because this person's combat method is true that he has never seen.

"Hahaha, do you want to know my identity? But I am sorry, you are not qualified, because my world is still there, so, no matter what, I will not let you know. If you really can leave from this world, go to those places, you will know. "

After the strong man is finished, it will be rushing again, and it is too powerful to fight, but the strength of the other party is so powerful. Let the spots are shocking. After all, I am now the cactus mode, but even if so, Just barely fight with each other.

And it is only in the wind, it can be seen that this person's strength is more powerful, and the eyes are closed, and then the write wheel on your forehead is directly summoned, and then the unlimited month will be launched.

At this time, this powerful man is a face, his attack is also a notice. At this time, it is a breath, and the Chakra on his body is not much. If it is to continue to fight, maybe It is really killing, monthly, only a slight influence of the other party's actions, but the unlimited monthly read is the most powerful.

But even if so, it is still not letting the blind, because the other party is too powerful, let him not know what to say.

Anyway, this is the case, the inexpensive or take this time to restore your own Chakra, after all, what happened in the month.

This strong man has experienced what is going on. Of course, if he wants to know, it is very simple, but now he only wants to recover his Chakra, after all, he knows If this is not the case, there is no way to wait for the delay time.

He knows that he is not a way to kill the other party, even if it is sent to his most powerful move, it is not used. [~ ǔC

Although the strength of the spot is powerful, many convenient is not in front of the fight, encountering these enemies who are good at front, always have to suffer.

So what is going to do, I don't know, he doesn't know how to kill each other, but his only thing knows is delayed.

It must be delayed.

Even with complete consumption of your own life, it must be a little more time to give Qin Yang. At this time, Qin Yang is already open in his space, and it is already open to the box. He sees the mysterious energy of oil green. Suddenly a smile, the mysterious energy in this box, there is so much.