Pirate's Silver Fox General

Pirate's Silver Fox General Chapter 418

"Cowboy, Donald Duck only joined us on the first day..."

Before the rape blossoms were finished, the cowboy quacked, "There is no extra food here."


Donald Duck stopped the rape blossoms who wanted to say something, and patted his chest to indicate that there was no problem.

In front of the rape blossoms, he absolutely can't admit counseling, he wants to show a brave scene.

Since its birth, Donald Duck has never wanted to behave like this time.

"Come with me."

The cowboy was very upset, turned around and ran out of the canyon.

Donald Duck waved his wings at the rape blossoms, and then quickly followed the cowboy group.

An hour later, eight ducks came to the territory of the Santa Dora lizard.

Once Foxy and Donald Duck almost ate these lizards, but after several years of reproduction, these lizards completely occupied Alabastan.

The target of the cowboys and ducks today is the Sandora lizard. There is no way. If it is possible, they want to go into the city to steal some fresh vegetables, fruits or meat, but now human cities have ambushes, so they can only take risks. Hunting the giant lizard of Santa Dora.

"Ahead is the site of those stupid lizards. At that time, Yiwang will go out to attract, and then we will swarm up again. Does everyone understand?"

Eight ducks squatted behind a small hill, and the cowboy retracted his head and warned with a serious face.

"I understand."

Several ducks nodded.

"Donald Duck, don't act in a while, let's see how we act..."

The cowboy looked in the direction of Donald Duck, his words stopped abruptly before he spoke.

"Where is Donald Duck?"

The cowboy had clearly seen Donald Duck squatting there before, why did he disappear...

Chapter 573, the best wild duck

"Cowboy, that stupid duck ran into Sandora Big Lizard Base Camp."

Shi Dongpu shivered, watching Donald Duck swagger into the territory of the Santa Dora lizard, afraid that the Santa Dora lizard wouldn't know that he would send him home.

"This stupid duck, hurry and save him."

The cowboy was a little anxious. Although he hated Donald Duck, it was because of rape blossoms. He didn't want to kill Donald Duck.

"That's too late."

Yiwang was trembling, and Donald Duck was already surrounded by ten Sandora lizards of various sizes.

However, in the next scene, the ducks all began to doubt their lives.

What did they see?

Donald Duck was clutching his hat, and the hat suddenly turned into a giant sword and swiped it in circles, and then the ten Sandora lizards belched.

"Hey, come here quickly."

Donald Duck didn't have a hard time, standing beside the body of the Sandora lizard and beckoning to the cowboy.


Stone rubbed his eyes, feeling like he was dreaming.

A few ducks stupidly walked out of the small hill, and then pushed the body of the Saint Dora lizard with their claws. After confirming that they were really dead, their gazes at Donald Duck changed.

"Hey, are these enough?"

Donald Duck looked at the cowboy.


The cowboy swallowed, and two strings of snot came out of the tip of his nose.

"Then let's go back!"

Donald Duck happily piled up ten Saint Dora lizards, and then carried them on one wing, which caused several ducks to open their mouths.

Among them, the smallest lizard was seven or eight meters long, and the largest was more than 20 meters, and it was still ten. As a result, it was easily carried by Donald Duck.

This has overturned the cowboy waiting for ducks.

On the way back, Donald Duck walked in front, and the cowboy and others followed behind, still looking silly, some sucking their noses and rubbing their eyes.

After all, the impact Donald Duck gave them was too shocking.

"Boss, I don't want to eat these lizards."

Napoleon lay on Donald Duck's head, looking at these ugly lizards and had no appetite at all.

Donald Duck stopped, causing all the cowboys following to collide.

"Hey, you go back first."

Donald Duck dropped ten lizards in one go, and disappeared before the cowboys could react. The rape flower said that he wanted to eat bread and fruit last night, but the human city could no longer enter.

Fortunately, Napoleon reminded himself.

He wants to make rapeseed happy.


The cowboy ducks only saw a long rainbow spreading over the Gobi, and the shadow of Donald Duck was long gone.

And Donald Duck's speed made the cowboys suspicious again.

Rainland is one of the richest cities in Alabastan.

In the future, it will become the dream city of Alabastan, and it will also be the home base of Krokdal in the future Qiwuhai, but Krokdal has not yet come to Alabastan.

Donald Duck came here in just an hour and was not invisible.

Just swaying into the city like this, some outsiders or residents along the way were stunned.

Don’t you know that the running duck is almost extinct now?

This duck is walking on the street so arrogantly, it is definitely a pet of a big man.

For a time, many slave traps and pirates did not move, all observing Donald Duck.

But then a lot of thugs were ready to move.

Because the duck ran into various stalls, he bought a lot of food and fruits, and even took out gold and diamond jewelry from the backpack slung around his neck.

And the sharp-eyed thugs found that this small backpack was worth at least 100 million Baileys.

This makes many thugs greedy.

Now a fast-running duck, with a mental outlook or with special abilities, can sell at least a few million Baileys to 10 million Baileys, but now this duck is actually carrying something worth 100 million Baileys on its back.

Isn't this just for them to grab it?

What's more, after observing for so long, the chance that this duck will not have an owner is more than 60%.

In a hurry for half an hour, Donald Duck walked down almost half of the street, carrying a parcel the size of a villa, like a hill with all kinds of food.

Fruits and vegetables, meaty bread, as long as Donald Duck can eat, he has money anyway.

Even if you run out of money, you will rob a few pirate groups in a big deal. It's a little strange if you don't do this for a long time.

"Sure this duck is a wild duck?"

Outside the city, at least five or six teams were guarding.

Among them are pirates, slave hunters, thugs, and even local gangsters.

"I have been observing the wild duck since it entered the city. It is certain that it is wild and there is no pet mark on it."

Some slave traps held nets or nooses in their hands.


Before long, everyone saw the big package rolling out of the city.

If you don't look carefully, you may not find Donald Duck under the package, after all, the package is too big.


Following an order from the leader of a slave hunting group, several teams rushed forward.

"call out……"

But when they didn't run a few steps, a Changhong passed by sideways and swept in tightly with a storm, and everyone was lifted out and plunged into the sand.

"what happened?"

Pulling out their heads from the sand one after another, everyone turned around and looked at the golden yellow Changhong slowly dissipating on the sand flat line, all stupid.

"Quick...chase, this is a superb wild duck."

"The speed is so fast, it will definitely sell for a big price."

Next, I don't know where the wind is leaking. Many people know that there is a super fast running duck in the rain, and the speed of running is unprecedented.

It is very likely that the pet of General Silver Fox is the same breed.

At the same time, time went back to one and a half hours ago.

After Donald Duck left the team, the cowboy waited for the duck to return to the Gobi Canyon.

"The cowboys came back, and they hunted ten large Sandora lizards."

A duck at the trailing point of the canyon is holding a telescope, looking at the dust in the sand in the distance, it is the cowboys.

And also dragged ten Sandora lizards.

Properly harvested.

"What? Ten Sandora lizards."

Some old ducks and the little ducks who were playing raised their heads and ran to the mouth of the canyon excitedly.

The rape blossoms were a little nervous. Although she knew that Donald Duck was very powerful, she was still afraid that he would be injured.

But when the cowboys got closer and closer, the rape blossoms tried to widen his eyes, but there was no Donald Duck in the team, and his face suddenly changed.

"Cowboy, where's Donald Duck?"

Before the cowboys and others could breathe, the rape asked nervously.

At this time, many ducks discovered that the duck brought by rapeseed yesterday was not there. Could it be...

Many ducks looked at the giant Sandora lizard.

The cowboys looked at each other, not knowing where to start.

So far, they have not recovered, after all, Donald Duck's shock is really a bit big.

"The hat Donald Duck wears doesn't seem to eat the giant Sandora lizard, so he may be going to a human city."

Yiwang touched the horned helmet on his head. Why couldn't his hat speak?

"It's over."

"Sure enough, I am still too young to go to a human city. It may already be..."

Many ducks have already begun to sigh.

Even the old white-bearded duck frowned...

Chapter 574, Donald Duck is Very Angry

"How come, I'm going to find Donald Duck."

Rapeseed looked anxious, she was about to run out of the canyon, she was going to find Donald Duck.

"Rapeseed, you can't go out now."