Pirate's strongest king

The strongest king of pirates Chapter 16 Arrive at Angel Island [seeking collection]

A week later.

Port of Bika Island.

A three-masted sailing ship full of various materials slowly left the port and sailed towards the depths of the White Sea.

"Master Chen Ye, we are probably more than a week away from reaching Angel Island," a navigator said respectfully to Chen Ye standing at the bow.

"Is more than a week far enough?"

Looking at the vast white sea, Chen Ye nodded slightly, and then walked into the cabin.

In the cabin, several light shells exude a soft light, illuminating the originally dark cabin like daylight.

Five or six craftsmen with more or less exhausted expressions are gathering together, writing and drawing on a table, carefully checking the yellowish drawings set aside from time to time.

"Master Chen Ye"

Odin, who was sitting drinking tea, stood up when Chen Ye came in.

"Master Chen Ye" several craftsmen turned around and hurriedly bowed after seeing Chen Ye.

Chen Ye nodded, indicating that they don't need to be polite, and then asked softly, "How about these drawings, you have been studying for a week, are you sure to redesign a flying ark that satisfies me?"

To be honest, after carefully reviewing the design drawings of "Proverbs", Chen Ye even doubted whether the original super-large ark "Proverbs" was created by exhausting all the resources on the moon.

Because the "monitoring" on the drawing is too big, almost almost as big as one-third of the island of Bika, it is impossible to build it under current conditions, so Chen Ye had to let these craftsmen follow Based on the drawings, a small ark was redesigned.

"Master Chen Ye, these drawings seem to be missing a part. According to the above note, this Ark called Proverbs is not only a super-large carrier spacecraft, but it also seems to have an unimaginable powerful force, but it is missing That part is the blueprint of the weapon system. Those weapon systems are too complicated and profound, and we really cannot restore them."

The lead craftsman hesitated for a while, and then said cautiously, for fear that Chen Ye would be unhappy.

Other craftsmen also showed embarrassed expressions. It seems that they really have no way to restore that part of the weapon system or redesign a weapon system that is comparable to the original version.

"Missing a weapon system"

Chen Ye was stunned. He hadn't really thought about the weapon system in Proverbs, but if the weapon system alone was missing, it meant that someone deliberately destroyed or hid that part of the weapon system.

But obviously it won't be done by the fellow Wilson, because he doesn't have the courage yet, so it can only be the former King Bika who was worried that the blueprint of Proverbs was accidentally leaked out and deliberately destroyed.

It seems that the original weapon system of this Proverbs might have quite amazing power, otherwise that part of the weapon system would not be destroyed.

At this moment, Chen Ye even wondered whether this "Proverb" was the legendary ancient weapon "King of Heaven" Uranus.

Of course, these are not important. Chen Ye is not interested in that kind of large-scale offensive weapons. All he needs is an ark with the ability to fly in the air.

Frowning and contemplating for a while, after a while, Chen Ye looked up at the middle-aged craftsman and asked directly, "If you don't need a weapon system and only require the ability to fly fast in the air, can you design it?"

At this point, it is estimated that he and Ainilu have thought of a point. After all, for people with ultra-long-range attack capabilities like them, if the power of the newly designed Proverbs weapon system is too small, it is better not to .

"If you don't need a weapon system, this is not a problem, but it will take some time."

Chen Ye sat down, looked at some of the sketches drawn by these craftsmen, and asked "How long does that take?"

"It will take about two months at the earliest. After all, this Ark is beyond the scope of ordinary ships." Several craftsmen whispered and discussed, and finally gave an exact time.

"Two months is two months, anyway, even if it starts, I am afraid it will not be completed in a few years."


A huge sea king with a lion head and fish body suddenly burrowed out of the sea of ​​clouds, was directly pierced by a one-meter-wide thunder pillar, and sank into the white sea in black.

A few hundred meters away on the sea, a three-masted sailing ship slowly moved forward. Seeing this shocking scene, several sailors looked in awe at Chen Ye, who was lying on a deck chair basking in the sun.

Even if they have seen such scenes many times in the past week or so, they are still a little shocked.

This is beyond their imagination. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't imagine that someone could control the most mysterious and awe-inspiring lightning in nature.

"Master Chen Ye, the coverage of your heart program is really amazing. At a distance of several hundred meters, you can always detect the presence of sea kings."

Odin stood behind Chen Ye, looking at the sea king corpse slowly sinking into the White Sea in the distance, couldn't help but exclaimed that he was far from able to do this.

The most important thing is that two weeks ago, Chen Ye hadn't started practicing, seeing, hearing, and domineering, which made him feel a little bitter.

"I have only just mastered the mind program, how can I achieve this level, but because my body is equivalent to thunder and lightning, combined with the electric wave, my mind program covers far beyond most people."

Chen Ye shook his head, put away the right hand that quickly gathered back, and explained with a faint smile.

The effect of Xin Gang combined with the electric wave is indeed beyond his expectations. Although he can't move as exaggerated as Ainilu to cover dozens of hundreds of miles, his sensing range is also far beyond. Most of the strong.

After all, like Fujitora, you can hear the sound of flowing clouds, and even the lightning on the distant sea can hear such an exaggerated powerhouse. I am afraid that the entire Pirate World will not find a hand.

"Radio" heard the words, Odin couldn't help being stunned, the radio wave or something, this was almost beyond his understanding.


Chen Ye didn't explain further, got up and came to the bow, looked at a black spot that appeared in the distance of the vast white sea, and smiled lightly.

After sailing on the White Sea for more than a week, Angel Island finally arrived