Pirate's strongest king

The Strongest King of Pirates Chapter 42: Chambord Islands

The Chambord Archipelago, located in front of the red earth continent in the middle of the great route, is close to Marine Vandor where the navy headquarters is located.

Because there is one of the world's largest mangroves, the "Archi Mangrove", and because the roots are always exposed on the water, the island is composed of 79 trees, divided into 79 areas, forming the Chambord Islands.

The area on the island is also very clear. Based on the numbers on the tree, numbers 1 to 29 are illegal areas such as human trafficking shops; numbers 30 to 39 are amusement parks; numbers 40 to 49 are sightseeing areas and sell souvenirs; 50 No. 59 is the shipyard, with coating artisans; No. 60 to 69 are the entry and exit areas of the navy and government; No. 70 to 79 is the hotel street and other places.

The biggest feature here is that the roots of the Yarqi mangroves secrete a special natural resin due to respiration. The resin expands with air to form bubbles and then fly into the sky.Since the bubble is only suitable for the climate of the Alchi Mangrove, once the bubble leaves the climate of the Chambord Islands, the resin component will be broken because it cannot fully exert its power.

After sailing on the endless blue sea for half a month, the Shenwei finally arrived at the last island in the first half of this great channel.

"This is the Chambord Islands, so beautiful"

Robin wore a black tight-fitting camisole, showing her figure that seems to be getting plump after following Chen Ye to the fullest, with attractive arcs, and a pair of sunglasses on her white forehead, looking in front of her. This island with bubbles floating everywhere, could not help but be a little surprised.

"The three of you stay on the boat and wait for a while. Let's find a coating craftsman first. After coating the boat, we will set off to Fishman Island."

Chen Ye looked at the big ship at his feet, shook his head, and then lightly embraced Robin's slender waist and flew directly to the shore of the Chambordian Islands.

If he were alone, he might just give up going to the fisherman island and fly directly over the red earth continent to the new world.

"It's hard to believe that the coated ship can go to the bottom of the sea, but I am afraid it is also quite dangerous." After arriving at the shore of the Chambord Islands, Robin gently punctured a small bubble, and then softly sighed.

"Well, but there are still many people who ventured forward. The pirates who retreated from the second half of the Great Passage called the first half of the Great Passage the Paradise, and the second half the New World. You can imagine how cruel it is over there. "

Looking around, thick tree trunks and bubbles obscured the line of sight, except for the bursting of bubbles from time to time, it seemed very quiet.

It didn't take long before the two of them walked to a thick tree trunk with the word "28" on it.

"No. 28" Robin was taken aback, Mei Mou looked at the strange number with some surprise.

Chen Ye smiled and said, "I heard that the Chambordian Islands are formed by a super large special plant, divided into many areas. This may be the label of one of the areas."

"So that's it" Robin nodded slightly.

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps from a distance.

A group of strong-looking men with guns and cannons ran over, and the middle-aged man headed by yelled arrogantly, "I met two more, don’t let them run away. It seems that I can earn a lot of shellfish today. Profit."

"Haha, I just caught a pretty chick, and now I have met a more slicker girl. This is a real profit."

"That kid looks white and pure, there should be many noble ladies willing to buy him as a pet"

A group of people quickly surrounded Chen Ye and Robin's speechless eyes, all of them looked fierce and looked arrogant and unscrupulous.

"Is this island so messy? It seems we were targeted by human traffickers."

Robin glanced at these traffickers slightly, and was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the island seemed to be messy, and she ran into traffickers just after landing.

"Well, this area should be a lawless area." Chen Ye shrugged and nodded.

"This little girl's skin is so white, I really want to feel refreshed" A big bald man showed green light, his eyes full of greed and desire when he looked at Robin.

"Dead bald head, don't mess around. From my eyes for many years, this little girl is probably still a place, don't spoil it." The middle-aged man headed by the middle-aged man scolded a few words. It seems that Chen Ye and Robin have already Became the prey in their cage.

"Damn, it's worthless if you ruin it. The chick who ruined you last time has become sluggish and almost can't sell."

A brawny man with a hideous scar on his face sneered and took out two chains, walked over with a big grin, looked at Chen Ye and Robin sneered and said, "You two, if you know each other, just follow the uncles obediently. , Maybe we can suffer less."

"Chen Ye, I didn't expect to be offered a reward of 150 million yuan, and you who were called the Master of Thunder by the Navy, no one can actually recognize you."

Robin on one side ignored the brawny man who came over, his eyes teased, and he chuckled at Chen Ye beside him.

"Ah, really, really the master of Thunder"

A few meters away, the brawny man who was walking over and wanted to lock Chen Ye and Robin with a chain, listened to Chen Ye and Robin’s conversation with no one else, and immediately stopped, and looked at Chen Ye in disbelief. , And then his face turned pale suddenly