Pirate's strongest king

The Pirate's Strongest King Chapter 67 General Huang Yuan

Galo Island shakes.

The news spread at the fastest speed, shocking many people.

No one thought that when he entered the new world, the master of Thunder would clashed with others.

The "Great Axe" Jie Shi, with a bounty of up to 260 million, was easily defeated and the Pirate Ship was snatched away.

"It's really unscrupulous to snatch the pirate's ship."

"What an amazing guy, just entering the new world, he made such a noise"

"What's rare is that he can actually use a giant axe, not a killer"

"It's not so much kindness, it's better to say that it doesn't care about the opponent at all, so it doesn't care."

On a messy dock.

At this time, the pirate ship that originally belonged to the "Great Axe" Jie Shi has been transformed.

The sail with the pirate logo graffiti was dyed white again, and the pirate flag was thrown directly.

This ship, named Shenwei by Chen Ye, replaced the pirate ship previously abandoned in the Chambord Islands.

"You really don't bother to name it" Robin was speechless.

"Hey, this ship is just a temporary substitute. The name doesn't matter."

Piles of debris were thrown off the ship, so many pirates were a little embarrassed.

Some people may think that Chen Ye is too arrogant, but no one will think how excessive his behavior is.

The weak and the strong, the pirate's world is so cruel.

For pirates, it often happens that every word is disagreeable or unpleasant to the eye, and the situation is where they fight.Moreover, Chen Ye was already quite "kind" for being able to survive with the giant axe.

One of the "Four Emperors" of the New World, the bi method is a hundred times more brutal than Chen Ye. It is a terrifying figure who can mobilize and conquer a country for the sake of sweets. It can be called sinful, but her powerful Strength and power, even the navy that claims to be a righteous division must be afraid of three points.

The strong is respected, this is the law of the new world

Malin Fodor.

Navy Headquarters Building.

"Kapu, you bastard"

There was a roar in the marshal's office, which shocked many navy personnel who were busy. It seemed that the marshal was very angry recently.


A sleeping bubble shattered, and after Karp yawned, he opened his dim sleepy eyes and looked at his old comrade in a daze.

"Warring States, what's wrong?" Karp dug his nostrils and asked in a daze.

Seeing Cap's scorn, the Warring States of Buddha suddenly became a little furious, slapped it on the desk, and roared angrily, "Just yesterday, your good son, the revolutionary, Monqi Dlong, led the revolutionary army and overthrew it. The power of a kingdom"

"Ah" Karp was taken aback, but didn't react for a long time.

"Ah, what? Now in the world government, there is a high-level person who wants to hold you accountable?" The Warring States Period of Buddha breathed out a little helplessly.

If it weren't for Karp as a navy hero, his prestige in the navy is almost no worse than that of him. Even the three major generals are slightly inferior to him by three points, plus he has his dealings and strengths.The fact that his son was a revolutionary who wanted to overthrow the rule of the world government had long been forcibly arrested and imprisoned in Push City University Prison.

You know, back then, in order to wipe out the blood of Pirate King Roger, the world government never let go of those innocent pregnant women, let alone the father of the world's most vicious criminal, the source of the sinful blood.

"Is that so haha"

Karp touched the back of his head and laughed like a fool.


Seeing the old comrades pretending to be stupid, the Warring States anger was mostly relieved, and he sighed helplessly.

For many years of old friends, Warring States naturally knows well.

Karp seemed careless and careless, but in fact it was him who was the hardest to get caught in the middle.On one side is my own son, on the other side is the justice and faith that I have been upholding so hard. There is an irreconcilable conflict between the two. It is impossible to feel good on anyone.


The phone worm on the desk suddenly opened his eyes and rang, interrupting the next conversation between the two.

"Moses Moses, I am the Warring States Period of Buddha, what's the matter?" The Warring States period picked up the microphone and asked directly.

"Marshal, there is news from the intelligence agency on the New World side that Chen Ye, the master of Thunder, has appeared on Jialuo Island."

"How can that kid be so fast on Kaluo Island"

When the Warring States heard this, he was immediately full of surprise.

As far as he knows, although Jialuo Island is not far from the red soil continent, even if it is the latest warship of the navy headquarters, it is estimated that it will take five days to arrive there from the nearest point.

He really didn't understand how the little ghost named Chen Ye got to Jialuo Island in less than two days.

"The reason has not yet been figured out. I only know that he seems to have suddenly appeared on Kaluo Island in the new world. Would you like to check it out?

"There is no need to go to the bottom, pass my order, let the intelligence agencies always pay attention to the movements of Lei Zhi's controller, and report the situation at any time."


"That kid appeared on Jialuo Island in the new world" Karp was a little surprised.

After hanging up the call, the Buddha Warring States did not pay attention to Karp on the side, but directly dialed another number.

"Moses Moses, I am the Yellow Ape"

In the phone worm, there was a lazy voice.

"Porusalino, I am the Warring States Period, you are in the G5 branch of the New World, right"

"It's Mr. Warring States, I'm indeed in the g5 branch, what's wrong?" The person on the other side of the phone worm seemed a little surprised.

"Infiltrated Mariejoa two days ago, the criminal who attacked the Dragonites, the Master of Thunder, has appeared. It is on the island of Karo. It is about the Dragonites. The navy must take action. I hope you will rush as soon as possible. A trip in the past"

"It's really a terrible guy to attack the Dragonite"