Pirate's strongest king

The strongest king of pirates Chapter 340: Invitation to fight!

"Hey, Yuzhiliu, are you surprised?"

Magellan glanced at Yu Zhixi obliquely, and asked with a grin.

"You are not Magellan, that guy is a very serious person, and has a tough temper and will not betray the world government"

Hearing Magellan's words, Hiliu of the Rain immediately understood that this guy is definitely not Magellan.

Chen Ye once said a few days ago that Luo Na can directly replace the "mind" ability, completely save the seizure ability and cultivate this again.

Equivalent to directly occupying someone else’s body

This was originally planned for the cultivation of the new three disasters.

Unexpectedly, Magellan, who had been detained all the time, had been neglected recently, was also directly "taken away".

"Tsk tusk, it looks like it really succeeded"

Ghost Sword stepped forward, looked at Magellan, and asked with interest, "You can display Magellan's strength"

"I haven't fully adapted to this body yet, but the side effects of the poisonous fruit have broken me," Magellan said with a wry smile.

He is one of the personnel imprisoned on the sixth floor of Advance City, but the strength is almost the weakest group.

After Chen Ye sent someone to find him, although he knew that Magellan's abilities had great defects, but thinking of his powerful strength, he gritted his teeth and accepted Chen Ye's proposal.

In the past two days, he was almost the same as Magellan before, aside from rest time, he spent more than ten hours in the toilet a day.

"Strong power is not so easy to get, and there is always a price to pay."

Yu Zhiliu sighed, looked at Chen Ye and others, and asked curiously, "Have you dealt with the three plagues under Kaido?"

"The candidate has been selected, and it should be on the way."

Luo Dan on the side replied with a smile.

"Let's go, after dealing with things here, it's time to set off. The guy with the white beard has already brutally broke into our coastal defense line"

"Klockdal, Whitebeard should have been contacted"

"Hey, I'm really looking forward to it."

at this time.

In a certain sea area.

Several large pirate ships, like giants, came slowly.

On the mast, the skull flag hunts in the wind.

There are always some menacing, murderous, people can't help but change their colors.

On the leading flagship, the white beard sat on the throne, sipping wine.

Although the whole person has infusion tubes inserted in many places, he is still domineering and looks extremely calm.

The captains of Marco and others also gathered on the deck, but their faces were a little serious.

After learning of the defeat of the Bai Beast Pirate Group, the entire White Beard Pirate Group was enveloped in a dull and depressed atmosphere.

"Father, the manpower under the king of heaven may have exceeded our expectations. Do you want to notify the DiKalbán brothers to come over?" Marco took a deep breath, knowing that once Whitebeard makes a decision, he will never change it. , Had to suggest.

As the second top spot in the White Beard Pirates, he knows his father’s physical condition very well. If the heavenly king fights with the beast Kaido and suffers serious injuries, it’s okay, if not.


"Since you want to make a move, let's do a big job"

"Our Whitebeard Pirates are not easy to mess with"

A group of captains were murderous and spoke one after another. Although their faces were mostly serious, they didn't have any fear or retreat.

The White Beard Pirates, but they never know what fear is. Only the enemy fears them, and they do not fear the enemy.


At this moment, before White Beard could speak, a phone worm in Marko's pocket suddenly rang.

Ace and others couldn't help but look at Marco.

"Moses Moses, I'm Marco"

Marco connected the phone worm with a frown.

"Marco, I'm Aiboita, is Daddy here?" A low voice came from the phone worm, a little angry and unwilling.

"Well give it to me"

Ask for flowers

Baibeard reached out and took the call worm, and asked with some confusion, "Aiboita, what's the matter?"

"Father, the captain of the fleet under the king of heaven, wants to talk to you"

On the phone worm, Aiboita, with a blue nose and swollen face, but nothing serious, gritted her teeth and said with some pain, "Sorry, I am ashamed of you, not their opponent."


Everyone present suddenly changed their faces upon hearing this.

"Why didn't you report in advance after you fought" White Beard Tiger stared and asked in a deep voice.

"White beard? I'm Krokdal, I don't think you will forget me." The phone worm suddenly changed his expression, grinning sneerly.

"Klockdale Crocodile Imp, so it's you"

The tone of the white beard suddenly became cold, with a trace of murderous intent.

"It turned out to be Sand Crocodile, that bastard"

When Marco and others heard this, their faces turned blue, a little ugly.

On the phone bug, Krokdahl sat on a pirate ship and said lightly, "Don't worry, this time I will only be discussing with Ai Boita, and I didn't do anything to your men and horses."

"Don't sell it anymore, that Thunderbolt kid sent you here, right" White Beard asked indifferently. The other party didn't kill Aiboita, which proved that he was mainly looking for him.

"It seems that when you are not old enough to be confused, it took a lot of effort to contact you."

"Just say anything, I don't have the patience to talk nonsense with you"

White Beard said coldly, his whole body was not angry and pretentious, like a big mountain pressed there, unable to climb.

"No way, you have got into our territory like a headless fly"

Krokdal didn't sell it, and said faintly, "I have been ordered by the captain to come to you to write a book of war, dare you to take the white beard"

"Gum la la la war book?"

The white beard smiled angrily, the tall body stood up, full of momentum "just to my liking"