Pirate's strongest king

One Piece: The Strongest King Chapter 482 The Defects of Immortal Surgery [Two more, various requests]

Less than half an hour

Aboard the dilapidated Malin Fodor, only the navy with low morale remained.

The various forces, together with the king's Qi Wuhai, have also left the battlefield one after another.

This war on the top, which will be hailed as the alternation of the old era and the new era, has finally come to an end.

After this battle, the mountain named "White Beard", which has always been unattainable, was crumbling; a star named "King of Heaven" rose slowly and shining brightly.

On the sea, a new legend was born

The old man with a long white beard and the old man with swordsmanship holding the first generation ghost did not leave immediately.

However, facing the empty, ruined island, both of them had pale faces, a little frustrated and suffocated.

"Green Pheasant, send a message to the world immediately"

After taking a deep breath, the five old stars with long white beards solemnly said, "It is said that under the intervention of the Four Emperors of the New World, the navy headquarters bravely fought, fighting hard at the cost of heavy losses, and severely damaged the white beard and the pirate group under his command. , The arrogant arrogance of the pirates was hit hard.” As for the rest, the Navy will consider it for itself and don’t need him to teach.

"To understanding"

The green pheasant looked heavy and nodded.

Although it is said that the navy headquarters has suffered heavy losses and is unable to suppress the situation in the sea, there are still some things to say.

Unlike the "Four Emperors", the navy holding high the banner of justice must never lose the hearts of the people.

Otherwise, the naval personnel at the grass-roots level below are afraid that problems will arise sooner or later.

"After properly handling the affairs here, you and the Warring States period, come to Mariagioa"

Did not stay here much, because there are still many things waiting for them to deal with.

In this attack by Yuzhiliu, although he did not hurt the Tianlongren, it scared those guys enough. It is estimated that they are protesting loudly around the office buildings of the world government.

In this war, the warships of the navy headquarters have not been completely destroyed, which can be regarded as a small comfort.

However, the two of them had lingering fears about the ability of the rain to save the hope of rain and ambush the army's highest combat power. Obviously, they did not intend to take the warship back to Mariagioa.

The old man with a long white beard directly used his power to manipulate a boulder like Fujitora, and flew towards the direction of Mary Joa with the old man with swordsmanship.

"Now, the trouble is big ¨"

Looking back at Malin Fodor, who was almost impossible to rebuild, the old man with a long white beard sighed.


The Swordsman Fifth Old Star nodded his head with a gloomy expression. It was not only a big trouble. He had known that it would cause such serious consequences. He said that he would not agree to do anything to Baibeard.

"White beard should not be able to survive. The next situation should be discussed carefully."

The white beard was punched through the heart by the green pheasant, not to mention that it is basically impossible to survive, even if there is really some healing devil fruit that can be cured, it will almost not survive for a few days, and the two are not worried at all.

Perhaps the implementation of the old-fashioned operation might really make White Beard survive.

However, those with the ability to operate fruit are on the ship of the king.

Even if you want Trafalgarro to perform an ageless operation, it is absolutely impossible that the beneficiary will be a white beard.

Thinking of this, the old man with a long white beard shook his head and said, "I used to get the news that Trafalgaro, a man with the fruit of surgery, was under the command of the king. I always wanted to send c0 to take him out. The reason is not implemented"

"Now, I hope that the king can't help the temptation of immortality, and let Trafalgarro perform an operation for immortality," the long-white bearded five old star smiled bitterly.


The old swordsman was silent, but he had to agree with him.

Because the ageless operation can indeed make people live forever, but there is a fatal flaw.

The world only knows that the fruit of surgery has the ultimate ability to sacrifice oneself to perform surgery for others, but they don't know that once the surgery is successful, the body of the beneficiary will start to stop growing and aging.

This stop is comprehensive, including cell strength, bone hardness, etc.

That is to say, no matter how hard you work, how hard you practice, the beneficiaries of the age-old operation will not have any improvement or change in their physical strength.

At their level, no matter how much a person has potential, once the physical strength is limited, no matter how much strength is improved, it will definitely be extremely limited.

It will probably stop here in the future, and there will be no leap forward.

For now, the strength of the king is enough to make people jealous

Amazing speed, super attack power, and endless moves have never heard of anyone who has the ability to develop the Devil Fruit to this level.

Since the opening of the great pirate era, the navy has fought against the Four Emperors countless times, and none of the generals has ever lost, but now one after another has fallen into the hands of the king.

If the strength of the heavenly king continues to rise so endlessly, the terrible consequences, the five old stars don't even dare to think about it.

Therefore, this five-star star hopes that the Uranus can't help the temptation of longevity and ask Trafalgarro to perform an ageless operation on him.

Let’s not talk about whether Trafalgarro is really willing to sacrifice himself to become the king of heaven. Maybe during the operation, when the king has no resistance, he could not help but directly assassinate the king.

Even if the operation is really successful, the so-called longevity is only relative.

It just has a long life, and when he is fatally wounded, he will still die.

When the power of the king of heaven ceases to grow, then the situation will surely stabilize. At that time, no matter how developed the power under his command, it will basically not change drastically.

Because among the strong under the command of the King of Heaven, whether it is the Earl of Red or the Ghost Sword Jason and others, many have reached old age, and their strength will only get weaker and weaker, and they don't even know that they can last a few years.

At that time, when the world government is relieved and after this period of weakness, it can gather the strength at hand to completely solve this disaster at any cost.

However, this idea is obviously unrealistic.