Pirate's strongest king

The strongest king of pirates Chapter 505: Neptune’s rejection [two more]

Ten days later.

Chambord Islands.

Due to the relocation of the navy headquarters, even if the army is in charge, the first half of the Great Channel is still chaotic.

In the Chambordian Islands alone, the inaccessible areas have once again increased a lot.

In fact, it is not that the world government does not want to send heavy troops to the Chambordian Islands directly to cut off the pirate’s passage to the new world.

But things are not as simple as they seem.

After all, as long as the sap of the Yarkman mangrove tree and the craftsman who can coat the coating, the coating can be completed. It is not important to pass through the Chambord Islands.

Even if the world’s largest Yalkiman mangrove in the Chambord Islands is destroyed, it is still impossible to prevent the inflow of Yalkiman mangrove sap. At that time, it will only breed a secretly connecting most pirates in disguise. The underground black market is just self-defeating.

Because the Yalkiman mangrove in the Chambord Islands may indeed be the largest in the world, but it is not the only Yalkiman mangrove in the world, nor is it only the Yalkiman in the Chambord Islands. Mangrove sap can be coated.

Sit down heavily, or destroy the Chambord Islands directly, in a short time, you may be able to achieve significant results

However, let's not say whether the pirates of the New World will agree, and what actions will be taken against the navy.

Just hiding in the dark, even the world government’s helpless underground forces can’t find the business opportunities in it, so they can sell the sap of the Yalkiman mangrove from other places, even for those who want to enter the new world. The pirates provide coating services and make huge profits from them.

At this time, inside a certain ripped bar.

Without the upgraded copy of Moonlight Moria, he came directly from the capital of the seven waters to the straw hat group in the Chambord Islands. Because of that straw hat, he was treated specially by the two of Hades Raleigh and Shaqi.

"Luffy-jun, you really have decided."

Pluto Raleigh seriously looked at the serious and determined straw hat boy in front of him, and once again reminded, “With your strength, if you rush into the new world with turbulent undercurrents and constant disputes, the greatest possibility is to be caught by that terrible The waves were crushed"

"The new world is terrible"

"Sorry, I suddenly got sick of not being able to go to the new world"

Listening to the words of Pluto Raleigh, Usopp and Chopper, the two timid, had already sweated coldly from fear, hugged them together, tears streaming down their faces.

"Uncle Raleigh, I have already decided"

Straw Hat Luffy put down his wine glass, looked at Lei Li with a serious face, and said with a rare stern expression, "No matter what kind of powerful enemy I will face in the future, I will go all the way and never shrink."

"Is it ambitious to move forward?"

Sitting on the counter, Xia Qi took a cigarette, smiled and suggested to Pluto Raleigh, "Raleigh, I think you are still a little bit tired. I will train these little guys for a month. Although the time is a little tight, it can What's the improvement?"

"In this way, it seems not impossible"

Pluto Raleigh touched his chin, but did not directly object.

"Training Us"

Sanji, Usopp, Frankie and others all looked suspiciously at the gray-haired and old-fashioned Rayleigh, "Uncle, don't force it."

"Hehe, don't underestimate Raleigh, little ghosts"

Xia Qi spit out the smoke, shaking his head and laughing, "He only needs one hand, it's enough to kill you in seconds."

In this world, I dare to say that I am sure to kill Raleigh. I am afraid it is only the king of the new world.


The Straw Hats all looked at Lei Li in disbelief.

This gray-haired old man, although he is a companion of One Piece, is he really that powerful?

"It looks like I was underestimated"

After a hearty smile, a powerful and incomparable overlord look suddenly swept from Lei Li's body.


The tyrannical momentum filled the whole bar

"Kang Dangdang"

In the entire house, bottles, tableware, etc., all involuntarily shook the weaker crew members such as Usopp and Chopper, and fainted directly.

In a moment, the overwhelming aura disappeared.

"Can I make them compensate?"

Only the mess all over the floor was left, and Xia Qi couldn't help rolling his eyes, a little helpless.

"Excuse me, it looks a bit too late"

Raleigh smiled apologetically, and then looked at the horrified and stunned Straw Hat Luffy, Sanji, and Brook, who were barely standing, "Now, I am qualified to guide you."

New world.

Saint ambia.


Looking at the letter sent by the Neptune Shark Star, Chen Ye smiled lightly, but didn't feel how disappointed.

Perhaps, if anyone is in the position of Neptune, he dare not easily offend the world government, and choose to work for him regardless.

"It's a pity" Robin shook his head.

At the beginning, she had tried her best to persuade, but since they still refused, she had nothing to say.

In the final analysis, possessing a "Sea King" Poseidon who can easily summon and control a large number of sea kings, its deterrent power may be enough to make people daunting for other forces.

But for Chen Ye, who has broken the confinement of the devil fruit and is not afraid of sea water or sea floor stone, if the good money is really matched one day, he can rush directly into the sea with absolute Power will kill it strongly.

"Nothing to regret"

Chen Ye waved his hand and said, "This is their own choice, and the consequences will be borne by themselves"

For the fisherman island, he really does not value it very much.

Even if the undersea forces are not there, it is not a big deal.

"Guess, next, will they go to find red hair, or to find bi" Chen Ye asked with a smile while crossing his fingers in front of him.

"I think it should be red hair"

Robin pondered for a moment, and chuckled directly, "With that guy's character, he probably won't refuse, and the conditions should not be too harsh."


Chen Ye smiled faintly, and did not refute.