Pirate's strongest king

The strongest king of pirates Chapter 586: Weibull was crushed! Two more

New world.

On a deserted island in a certain sea area.

"Boom boom"

The shocking movement was deafening.

A terrible shock wave swept out, destroying everything ahead.

The earth and gravel were all slashed away, leaving behind a shocking concave track that was dozens of hundreds of meters long.

"Hey babble"

The intense electric light was shining violently, as if thousands of birds were singing together, violently bombarding the shock wave.

The pale electric light and the dazzling white light drowned everything.


The next moment, the strong and unmatched blazing figure broke the shock wave directly, rushed to the fat figure, and slammed it.


Edward Weibull was taken aback.

But there was no hesitation at all, the pheasant in his hand appeared halo, and it slammed down.

I have to admit that although his brain is a bit silly, his fighting consciousness is surprisingly strong.


The shock wave visible to the naked eye destroyed all obstacles.

There was a large amount of dust, and the whole land became dilapidated.

"The ability is good, but"

The dazzling electric figure, a flicker appeared directly in front of Edward Weibull, and at the same time a blazing electric light wrapped around his right leg, sweeping out like lightning, "It's still too weak."


The atmosphere was torn apart, time seemed to freeze.


The terrible blow hit Edward Weibull, who was caught off guard, and knocked it out.

Outside the island, above the turbulent sea.

A large pirate battleship, just suspended there.

"The captain's strength is getting more and more unfathomable¨"

Standing above them were Yu Zhiliu, Fenggui and others, and they couldn't help but wonder.

Edward Weibull's head may not be bright, but his strength is definitely not bad, and with that exaggerated recovery ability, ordinary generals may not be opponents.

But facing Chen Ye, he was not at the same level at all, he was crushed directly.

The important thing is that they wouldn't be naive to think that now Chen Ye has done his best.

"This guy"

Seeing Edward Weibull who was completely crushed, iss Ba Jin couldn't help but feel chilled.

She didn't worry about Edward Weibull's accident. After all, she knew her son's terrible recovery ability over the years.

It just didn't happen that his son would have no resistance at all in front of the king.

"Hey, it's almost time"

Yu Zhiliu took the cigar, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, and motioned to Luo who was standing on the side, "Go ahead, Luo"

At the same time, under his control, the entire warship moved further and further away from the island, flying towards the far sky.

"Well", the iss Ba Jin on the side noticed Yu Zhiliu's unkind sneer, and when his face changed, he was about to retreat violently.


The sharp Nota sword was unsheathed in an instant and aimed at her "heart swap"

A red heart flew out, and there was a red line linking Iss Ba Jin's body.

At the same time, the female pirate, who had been arranged there a long time ago, was also directly stabbed out of Luo Ji's mind and consciousness, exchanged quickly, and returned to the other party's body.


The female pirate's eyes widened suddenly, she was about to say something, but the next moment she was stunned by "my body".

What did she see

My body is actually in front of me

"What's the matter with my body"

The "Female Pirate" screamed in horror, and was about to rush to regain her body, only to find that her shoulder was directly caught by the wind ghost, and she couldn't get rid of it.

"What do you want to do to rescue me, son," the "female pirate" screamed toward the roaring island with a grim face.

"No need to call, I can't hear you at all," Yu Zhiliu said lightly.

Now this pirate battleship is too far away from the island, and Edward Weibull has no resistance at all under the violent attack of the king, and there is no time to distract and pay attention to the situation here. .

"What do you want to do? I have promised the king to serve him."

The "female pirate" struggled, and at this time she had recovered, and yelled hysterically, "In order to separate my mother and child and attack me, did you carefully prepare this performance?"

"Jie Jie, stupid woman, don't look too high on yourself. The captain is indeed testing the power of that guy Edward Weibull himself." Feng Gui slashed behind the "Female Pirate" with a hand knife, and Jie Jie laughed strangely." To get rid of you, the captain doesn’t need to do anything personally. Now it’s just a matter of convenience

"Don't be naive to think that we will keep hidden dangers like you. In case your mother and your child will give you a rake at a critical time in the future, it will be a very headache." Trafalgarro cried the ghost and said indifferently. .

Before the "female pirate" gradually lost consciousness, she saw her own body and walked in front of her

"Sorry, your ugly body, I just accepted it by the way"

"Iss Bajin" walked over with a cane, Wang Hao, his big mouth covered with lipstick grinned, and grinned gloomily, "Your good son, I will help you take care of it for a while. During this time, it will be troublesome. You take good care of my body"

At this moment, iss Ba Jin understood everything.

The other party just wanted to borrow his own body to achieve the purpose of controlling his son Edward Weibull. I only blamed myself for being careless. I didn't expect Trafalgaro to have such a terrifying ability.

Thinking with regret, iss Bajin's consciousness plunged into darkness.

Huo Lun, who had been sitting on the ship's rail, jumped down and came to the "female pirate". The "soft" bones emerged from his right hand, intertwined into a white cage, and imprisoned him. In it.

"Hey, in this way, our side is equivalent to adding another powerful combat force"