Pirate's strongest king

The strongest king of pirates Chapter 587: Candidates for Dark Fruit [Three more]


The battle did not last long, and it ended soon.

Chen Ye, who seemed unharmed, directly threw aside Edward Weibull, who was covered in blood and fainted by him.

Edward Weibull's amazing resilience is indeed a bit shocking, I'm afraid he will wake up soon.

Yu Zhiliu controlled the Pirate Warship and flew over.

He couldn't help but marvel that the two were not of the same level at all, and they ended the battle so quickly.

If it is replaced by him, it is estimated that even if it is three days and three nights, the result may not be obtained. After all, the resilience of the guy Edward Weibull is too strong.

"Captain, this side has been successfully resolved" Yu Zhixi Liu pointed to "iss Bajin" on the side, and said with a smile.


Nodded, Chen Ye exhorted, "Don't show your feet."


"Iss Bajin" nodded.

In the past few days, she has been observing iss Ba Jin secretly for a long time, and she has grasped everything about her character and everything, plus Edward Wibull's unbearable IQ, she is completely confident to play the other party 100 rounds.

The next moment, she jumped off the battleship full of "caring" and ran to Edward Weibull, yelling somewhat exaggeratedly, "My dear son, are you okay?"

This kind of exaggeration and hypocrisy matched the original iss Bajin, and even Horen and others almost laughed out loud.

"Ah, my whole body hurts"

Sure enough, it didn't take long before Edward Weibull woke up, grinning slightly.

That exaggerated resilience is indeed amazing.

But after all, he was not the arrogant monster of Bai Beast Kaiduo, after this battle, the whole person was almost scared by Chen Ye.

Anyone who tries his best, can't even hurt the other's hair, but is repeatedly abused, and it is estimated that some shadows will be left in his heart.

Edward Weibull pulled "iss Ba Jin", glanced at Chen Ye who was on the opposite side with some fear, and whispered, "Mom, this person is terrible, when shall we leave?"

"Good boy, don't be afraid"

Patting Edward Weibull on the knee, "iss Bajin" comforted, "The King is now our ally. He has agreed to help us regain the inheritance left by your father, but it may take a while."

"Really, but mom, I can't beat this guy, can I not fight him in the future"

"No, we are allies"

The battleship flew towards St. Ambia across the sky.

"Luo, you should have studied the body structure of Blackbeard." Chen Ye, who was leaning on a beach chair, looked at Trafalgaro and asked directly.

Blackbeard's body structure is different from ordinary people. It is "alien" and can hold multiple devil fruits.

For a long time, even if he didn't need to possess other devil fruits himself, he still let Luo study that guy's body.

After all, the dark fruit is such a powerful, but obviously flawed fruit ability, if there is no complementary devil fruit, it will not be able to play a big role.

It was a pity to just give up that powerful fruit.

As for the fruit of the shock, in fact, both the navy and the pirates have been searching for news and traces of it in the past two years, but no one has discovered it so far.

In this vast ocean, it is too difficult to find a specific devil fruit, maybe it is still somewhere unknown on the seabed.At the time, Blackbeard was able to get the dark fruit he dreamed of. It was pure luck, but even so, he still struggled to find the second bdda for more than ten years.

"The analysis is almost done. It's just that kind of weird structure. Not everyone is suitable for transformation." Luo nodded slightly, and explained softly, "The conditions are a bit harsh, and the surgery is also very troublesome, whether it is Hiliu or Hollen. , All inappropriate"

"Having multiple devil fruit abilities, it sounds like a fantasy" Yu Zhiliu walked over, spit out the smoke, shook his head and smiled lightly.

He didn't care if he could have two Devil Fruits.

After all, he is very satisfied with his current ability.

It's a pity that all along, both he and the Earl of Red have tried to practice with Hailou Stone, but they have never been able to break the demon fruit's confinement like his own captain.

"The conditions are harsh and the operation is troublesome, which means it can still be performed, right?"

Chen Ye was not surprised by Luo's introduction.

After all, if it is so easy to transform, then there are "alien" people in this world, I don't know how many, and he has never thought of massively transforming the bodies of those strong under his command. After all, it is like a Pandora's box. Opening it might be a double-edged sword.

Moreover, it does not mean that having two fruits is really strong.

Like Zhenzhenguo, there is basically no need to develop powerful capabilities, and there are very few.

Human energy is limited, just like Huo Lun. If he was given a natural fruit and a bone fruit, he had to be distracted to develop two abilities, he might not be stronger than he is now. Strong, even bone-bone fruits may not be able to enter the stage of awakening now.

Moreover, the ability to develop fruit also requires talent.

"Well, although it is troublesome, it is not impossible if there are suitable candidates."

Luo nodded. It takes too long to perform the human body modification operation, which has almost reached his current limit. In fact, it takes a small amount of life to be modified.

But if Chen Ye needs it, he doesn't mind losing a little life.

After all, since Doflamingo was solved by his own hands with his ability, in his mind, his life already belonged to the captain.

"You help me see if that guy is suitable for transformation"

Chen Ye sat upright and pointed to Edward Weibull who was sitting on the side and eating a lot of food to supplement the consumption of Edward Weibull.

Just on the look, that bloated body looks almost like the guy with the black beard

Isn't the amazing recovery ability, the strong fruit ability, and the strength of its own not the best candidate to match the dark fruit?