Pirate's strongest king

The strongest king of pirates Chapter 634: Soldiers point straight!

That afternoon, the horn of war sounded

There was no so-called pre-war declaration of war, and there were not too many impassioned speeches. After the five old stars made the decision to start a full-scale war, the huge war machine of the world government was directly activated.

Military Commander Kong, Field Marshal Carter, Navy Marshal Green Pheasant, Admiral of the Navy, Warring States, and Navy hero Karp. These top combat powers each led a huge fleet and placed an arrow formation on the sea. Directly drove to the first area vigorously, approaching step by step.

Such a huge, undisguised, murderous action, naturally, it is impossible to hide it from those in the world who are always paying attention to the movement of the world government, sitting and watching the rising of the wind and clouds, shaking the entire sea, causing an uproar.

They didn’t know that the only two admirals in the navy, who had been dealt with by the king, naturally didn’t understand why the world government didn’t declare a war, so suddenly “five-six-three” set up a battle to attack the king’s commander. Territorial waters.

But there is no doubt that one thing is certain.

In the next period of time, the flames of war will directly ignite throughout the new world, and even spread to the four seas.

"Unannounced fighting, God's Lin Pirates is over, and this sleeping lion has been completely angered." Someone sighed.

The king of heaven is definitely one of the strongest characters in these hundreds of years, creating one miracle after another, but no one would think that the Shenlin Pirates group with too shallow background can really block the fully activated world government, even if it is It seems to have shown the momentum to overwhelm the navy headquarters of the once overlord of the sea

Because some people know very well that the navy has always been only the "surface image" of the world government. The world government with hundreds of participating countries is the real behemoth.

Once this wild beast begins to show its fangs, it will make people feel trembling and fearful

Even after the battle is opened, the Shenlin Pirates group can block for a period of time, but after a long time, the Shenlin Pirates group with insufficient background and too low war potential will eventually be eliminated by the world government.

No one thinks that the world government that has been forced to this point will give the God’s Lin Pirates hope of survival.

"The 800-year history of the world government is not like that of the Shenlin Pirate Group, which was formed less than a few years ago. Even if the king of heaven is known as the strongest man in the world after the white beard, it is hard to say that the world government is like that. Among the behemoths, is there a horrible powerhouse that can be matched?"

Having ruled the world for more than 800 years, it is natural that the world government cannot be without some hard-core allies that only look forward to it. This means that it is definitely not only the navy and the army, but is destined to have a continuous source of force.

The real powerhouses basically have the power to easily destroy a country, and they can indeed control the balance of the battle, but after all, they are only a minority.

No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to take care of multiple battlefields at the same time. The world is so big that tiredness can kill him.This type of large-scale war that is destined to sweep more than half of the world, unless both sides are desperate to directly concentrate all their combat power to conduct a comprehensive decisive battle, and more importantly, compare their respective war potentials and controlled resources.

And at this point, even if the Shenlin Pirate Group really took down Xihai, it still seemed insufficient.

After all, it is not to say that if you conquer this area, people in this area will really see you as the head of the horse, and more are all kinds of struggles.

After all, it takes a process from conquering to conquering

To really gather people's hearts, there must be a long time transition, and this time is precisely what the Shenlin Pirate Group lacks.

Because it is undeniable that the world government may not be the ideal ruler in the minds of a considerable number of people, but pirates are pirates. Undoubtedly, the people of the world recognize the "orthodox" that has ruled this sea for eight hundred years. .

"Hey, there have long been rumors that the five old stars who control the highest power of the world government and have always been invisible even possess a powerful force no less than the four emperors. This is estimated to be confirmed."

"In contrast, I'm even more curious about whether the red hair of one of the four emperors will intervene."

"Indeed, the bi was destroyed by the king of heaven, and the red hair is afraid that at this time, he is also extremely afraid of the Shenlin Pirates."

"Fight, fight, it's better to hurt both sides, hahaha, I seem to have smelled the intoxicating blood"

"Jiehahaha, it's not wasted that I waited for so long, white beard, beast Kaido, bi fell one after another, and the thrones of the four emperors should also be replaced."

In the new world, large and small forces, either in fear, excitement, or expectation, are watching quietly. There are quite a few pirates who have been entrenched in the new world for many years, but have never been able to reach the top, and their edges and ambitions have been smoothed by the years. , At the moment of receiving the news, he decisively issued the order to withdraw from the new world

But there are also a considerable number of forces that appear extremely low-key during the day, but at this time they began to get excited and laughed with excitement.These people have already secretly gathered their forces to prepare for the battle, and are ready to take a share in the next hunt. They can’t wait.

For a long time, the allocation of resources in the New World has already made these forces extremely dissatisfied.

Those islands with prosperous economy and huge profits have basically occupied more than 80% of the area by the Four Emperors.

Now that the four emperors have fallen two, I don’t know how many others will be pulled down next, maybe it is their chance for these forces that are usually overwhelmed by the four emperors to come forward.

At this time, Dressrosa.

The Red Earl, Horon, Sauron and others all gathered in the palace in the King's Highland.

As for Luo, because of Chen Ye's summons, he had already returned to St. Ambia on the golden pterosaur.

"This is already the third surveillance ship that was destroyed. It didn't even touch each other. It was destroyed directly after more than a dozen miles." Violet, who is in charge of intelligence work, was a little worried and will report the latest report. Informed all the people present, "This time the navy has come out all over the place, plus tens of thousands of elite troops led by Field Marshal Carter. In addition, the whole army commander Kong also brought hundreds of people in suits from the Holy Land Mary Gioia. Come out and join the battle sequence"

This time, the front of the sea and land forces pointed directly at Dresrosa, which made her very worried.

Although the king of heaven has not yet ordered the attack, based on the current situation, the probability of Dress 32 Rosa being affected by the war can be said to be more than 80%.

"According to the dark line report inserted in c, the hundreds of people led by the commander-in-chief are all elites selected by the world government from c, and a considerable number of them are capable"

"Moreover, it is worth noting that Sora also brought a lot of devil fruits this time. It is hard to say whether there are any special abilities similar to childlike fruits that ignore domineering defenses and directly act on the human body. Don't be careless."

"I guess, except for some of these devil fruits are the collections of the world government, most of them are the collections of those Denonites"

Thinking of the bones and fruits of his own that Chen Ye had snatched from a certain Celestial Dragon family, Huo Lun couldn't help shrugging his shoulders, "In order to keep his position, these wastes who only know how to enjoy but have no good have to compromise."