Pirate's strongest king

The strongest king of pirates Chapter 644: Assault g-5


The waves rolled and seagulls crowed.

This huge fortress seemed a bit empty.

In the huge port, several old-style warships and a dozen frigates of various sizes were docked, which seemed a bit empty.

More than a dozen patrol ships patrolled the nearby sea.

If you look closely, you will find that the personnel on the warships are basically navy with a military rank below the school level.

On the shore, a series of black and huge coastal defense heavy artillery, orderly forested there.

On the iron frame on the side, that round of heavy artillery shells that were pitch black and larger than a basketball made people feel a little numb.

Around the fortress, tall watchtowers stand, and on each watchtower there are two or three naval personnel on them, always responsible for monitoring the sea and high altitude conditions.

This is the g5 fortress.

It is the only branch under the navy headquarters that has been facing the new world pirates.

However, the entire g5 fortress seemed a bit too quiet at this time, shrouded in a depressed and tense atmosphere.

On a watchtower.

"Ah, it's so quiet, so annoying"

Looking at the calm sea in the distance, an ensign took a 610 breath of smoke fiercely, then crushed the cigarette butt forcefully, grabbed his hair a little irritably, and muttered, "Obviously very leisurely, but why is it a little irritable?"

"At this time, who can be calm"

The navy, which had been patrolling the sea and the high altitude, put down the raised monoculars, and said helplessly, "Maybe I don't know when it will be the end of the world."

The war on the top two years ago alone made the whole world panic. Facing the battle power displayed today, it seems to have overwhelmed the Shenlin Pirates, which was once the navy overlord of the sea, and no one has a bottom.


The second lieutenant nodded, somewhat worried and said, "If the world government fails to defeat the Shenlin Pirates this time, no one can say what the world will be like. It is said that the situation in the West Sea is a bit bad now."

With that said, he took out a morning paper.

The headlines there seem to be big news from Xihai.

The "Holy Crusades" defeated the coalition forces of several kingdoms steadily, and the battle situation was precarious, I was afraid that it would soon be unable to hold it.From the outbreak of the turmoil in the West Sea to the present, it has only been a few bdeh days. There are already more than a dozen kingdoms under strong occupation. The situation is really worrying.

"Speaking of it, it's been a few days, the branch on the Xihai side should have taken action."

"There have already begun to contact the major kingdoms in the West Sea. It is said that they want to form a coalition to fight against the sacred kingdom. Many kingdoms have agreed to it."

The second lieutenant just said, always feeling as if the sky had darkened a lot for some reason. He was raising his head in some doubt, but his pupils suddenly shrank. "Wait, this is."

I don't know when, black and heavy clouds are converging quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, covering the sky above the G5 branch.

"Di di"

The sharp sirens echoed throughout the g5 branch.

But in less than a minute, the entire g5 was enveloped by a large black cloud. This astonishing change shocked many navies in the g5 fortress.

"what's the situation"

"The sky is dark"

"Oh my God, only that person can do this level"


Throughout the G5 branch, countless navy faces paled.

It was the five old star with a long white beard who was in charge of sitting in the g5 branch and was sitting indoors drinking tea. His expression suddenly changed, and his whole person disappeared into the spacious office like lightning.

"Boom Rumble"

The dark clouds are densely covered, intertwined with fiery electric lights, roaring constantly.

The spreading, violent and dangerous aura filled the navy of the entire g5 branch with anxiety.

"Boom boom boom"

Pillars of thunder descended from the sky one after another, without warning, and continuously bombarded the dozen warships on the sea. In the blink of an eye, the dozen warships were destroyed and sank on the sea. Countless naval soldiers were panicked. Calling out, swimming in the sea.

"Ahhhhh" countless electric arcs frantically flooded the nearby sea, rushing around randomly. Because of the destruction of warships, thousands of navies that fell into the sea kept screaming, and people were constantly screamed by the terrible electric arc. hit.

"King of Heaven"

The figure in a black suit appeared abruptly in the air, looking at the fleet that was destroyed in an instant, growling angrily.

The old face was exposed with blue veins, and it looked a little red and purple, and the seemingly old body was extremely straight, exuding a terrifying breath that made people frightening.

"Five Old Stars"

Numerous navies who had been stunned at first screamed.

More, it is a surprise.

Ranked at the top of the world government power, with a rare floating ability, they almost subconsciously believe that this five-star must have a powerful and unparalleled strength


The pale thunder light illuminated most of the g5 fortress, as if responding to the anger of the five old stars.

Quite abruptly, a thunder pillar with a diameter of more than tens of meters suddenly dropped from the sky, and slammed the five old star fiercely.

The terrifying thunder light made countless navy faces pale.

Can the five old stars stop the attack of the world's strongest man?

"Huh, is this a demonstration to the old man"

The old man with a long white beard suspended in mid-air had cold eyes and couldn't help but snorted, and his empty left palm directly aimed at the high-altitude "air cannon"

"call out"

The dramatic howling was harsh, and accompanied by a burst of amazing white light, the atmosphere was distorted.

A strong and unmatched air pressure suddenly shot out from the palm of the old man, and directly hit the thunder pillar that was killing.

"Boom boom"

The terrifying bright thunder pillar, and that amazing air cannon, bombarded together.

The pale light shone, and everything seemed to freeze.


Suddenly, the strong wind raged violently.

The terrifying air wave, like a shock wave, spread in all directions.

Some navies that were too close, even more like rags, were lifted off by that terrible air wave.

"Kacha Kacha" even the sturdy military fortification below was directly impacted by the shock, causing fine cracks to appear, and they continued to spread.