Pirate's strongest king

The Pirate's Strongest King Chapter 93: Enemy [1/4]

"However, don't you think that this is a cooperative relationship between us. My goal is not only to kill that man, but also to kill a dragon in this world, including the Dragon Slayer."

"You are really obsessed. But you are so busy now." Jeff watched him slowly stand up.

"What do you mean?"

"Under Chen Ye, now has a group of dragons that came four hundred years ago." He explained, "Now all the dragons only listen to his orders. And he has become the king of the continent of Ishurgal."

"Really" Akunorokia grinned. "That's really exciting. The pleasure of slaying dragons will make me stronger."

He moves his human body.

"But the current body is not qualified enough. It seems that it will take a while to restore the dragon body. Well, it is quite convenient now." He was originally a human, but because his parents were killed by the dragon four hundred years ago, he hates the dragon very much. I vowed to slaughter them all, leaving no one behind.

"In the Albares Empire, you can move around at will, but if you want to destroy, go to Ishurgal. The war with them is about to begin."

"Hmph, it seems that you have found something to do in the past four hundred years, the emperor of the Albarez Empire, hahahaha"

Unclear whether it was a ridicule or what, Jeff ignored it and left here.

"Chen Ye"

Jeff is no longer pursuing whether end will destroy himself, he just wants to get rid of Chen Ye.Reshape the world.

Chen Ye has successfully angered the two sources of evil in this world, and completely ignores them.

"Why Chenye provoked the Albares Empire?" Mebis' cries suddenly shook the noisy guild extremely quietly. "Sorry, my voice is too loud. Cough cough, you continue."

She adjusted her mood and sighed, "Forget it, now is not the time to blame him. Whoever makes him our king is enough for you to come back safely. This provocation will definitely anger the other party. And, Chen Ye told me that Jeff has resurrected Akunolokia, within the Albares Empire."

"Haakuno" the first generation covered Meester's mouth and motioned him not to panic.

"This is too exaggerated." Meester swallowed nervously, and whispered, "The finally defeated Akunorokia has been resurrected, this"

"Presumably, after the resurrection, Akunorokia will hate him very much for the purpose of obliterating Chen Ye." Mebis put his chin on his finger and thought, "After all, he underestimated human beings and suffered a devastating blow. Now His hatred will surely make him extremely angry, and his strength will rise to the point where we can't estimate. We must do a good job of defense. A roar of Akunologia will razing the entire Magnolia to the ground. ."

"But do we have this kind of protection?" Meister frowned. Does this kind of defensive magic really exist in this world?

"Of course." Makarov took a sip of hot tea and said confidently. "Seven years ago, Jeff appeared on Sirius Island. At that time, we were in the guild's internal s-level wizard assessment. With Jie With the appearance of Wolf, the black dragon also rushed forward and wanted to destroy Sirius Island in one blow. At that time, the first generation used everyone's magic power to condense into a fairy ball and saved us."

"Fairy Ball" Meester hasn't heard of it yet.

"This is one of the three super magic inside Fairy Tail, absolute defensive magic." Makarov continued to explain, "but to activate the Fairy Orb, you must have a strong magic power. And this is a guild member with a guild pattern. Chapter talents can be acquired."

"That's it. In other words, the stronger the magic, the greater the scope of protection."

"Yes, it's just that in our guild, except for Chen Ye, it is not possible to activate such a large-scale protection magic alone." Mebis said, "Even if it was me, I used to condense everyone's magic power to protect the entire Sirius Island. Fairy ball. And in a protected place, time will freeze, and the people inside will fall asleep. It takes a lot of magic power to unlock this magic."

"Then please ask the chairman." Meester thought so simple.

"Even if Chen Ye can launch the Fairy Orb. He still needs to fight Jeff or Akunorokia. Defensive matters must be left to us. We cannot rely on this man for everything. Although he should be sheltered. My own people, but I think he must be more enthusiastic about fighting when that happens, and he has no time to take care of us. It can even be said that he will ignore humans and attack indiscriminately."

""Mester was silent for a while "will the president do this?"

"Yes," Makarov and Mebis replied in unison.

"He is not like a benevolent king. Compared to protecting his companions, he puts his own interests and goals first. Others are optional. Because he has this ability, he doesn't care about us at all. these people."


"You really understand me." Chen Ye suddenly appeared in the guild and couldn't help laughing when he heard Mebis' analysis of him.


"My Lord Heaven"

For a moment, there was no sound in the guild, and they looked at Chen Ye who came up nervously.

"I'm telling the truth." Mebis didn't change his face, and just got up with him.

"Uh-huh." He shrugged, obviously not caring what others said about him.And he really is."You just said that you want to start the Fairy Orb in Magnolia"


"Don't worry, I have imparted the improved magic of the fairy ball to Fried, as long as he won't die at that time, Magnolia will not be destroyed." Chen Ye sat at the bar very leisurely "His defensive skills are barely enough. I can be regarded as fulfilling my responsibility as a king, lest you can't understand my style every day."

"Do you still care about this?" Mebis always felt that he would not do things that didn't make sense to him.

"Well, I'm just to make Lucy happy. If she changes her mind not to be with me, it will be difficult." He smiled and picked up the wine glass and drank happily.

"It's really rare to see you in such a good mood. It turns out that it's because of Lucy." Mebes looked solemn in a blink of an eye, "Chen Ye, you don't really fall in love with her, right?"

"Maybe," he said jokingly.

"No, you will kill her like this." Mebisco still remembers Anxelam's curse.It was because of Jeff's love that she slept like death..