Pirate's strongest king

The strongest king of the pirate Chapter 121 Resolve3/4

After finally meeting Wendy, Jubia and Gray were proud of their treatment.

Everyone seems to be in a bad state.And beyond the battlefield centered on Magnolia, there are unfinished local wars.

Irene took Elisa to a place where no one was disturbed.

"Take me here to do what?" Elusa was still in a state of preparation.

Irene looked particularly relaxed, sitting on the fallen tree trunk, seemingly intending to talk to her.

"Can Elsa tell me about your childhood?" She put her wand aside, seemingly unwilling to fight.

"No comment." She was wearing a pure-hearted dress and held the red tasseled knife in her hand. "And, you should have no interest in me. Why do you pretend to ask me about the past now."

"Hehe, I have already surrendered "6, 4, 7"." She smiled lightly, "As a condition, your king will remove the dragon seed from my body and let me return to an ordinary woman."

""She will look at her suspiciously. "You would turn around for this kind of thing. Your loyalty to your country really makes me doubt."

"That's because you are too simple, Elsa. I haven't seen anything in these four hundred years. Even four hundred years ago, as the queen of your own country, you were murdered by others. No matter what you did for your people No matter how much contribution they make, they will be suspected and framed by something out of nothing. Therefore, how much harm can my betrayal bring to them.” She slid off a leaf gently. “I am very grateful to Jie. His Majesty Alf asked me to regain consciousness of human beings, but the dragon-killing magic is deeply ingrained in my body, and I am afraid it has been fused with my flesh long ago. Anyway, I am willing to believe it once.

"Elisa did not speak, but looked at the woman in front of her with a serious expression.

"Your king is truly amazing. The only powerful magic power that I can feel right now is released by him." She played with the leaves in her hands. "I don't care who I am loyal to. It is just that whoever is good for me, I will be loyal. Who. You just don’t understand this question. The pain of more than four hundred years has long been imprinted in my heart. As long as the dragon scales rise again, I cannot accept myself."

"So you want to change your body." She kept her breath and tried not to make herself too impulsive.

"Body" she laughed "Yes, I have always been obsessed with this. But do you know why I didn't act on you who was just born"

"Elusa didn't want to know, but was silent.

"Because it was impossible to attach another soul and consciousness to human beings." She looked at her with a smile, then lowered her head, and a drop of tears suddenly fell.

"I abandoned you before I made up my mind, because you were so cute at the time."

"I don't understand my mother's pain at all, I only know how to smile at me. Such a child, my child, how can I succeed"

"For a long time I have been forcing myself to think of you as a useless garbage, but I still can't help but blame myself, worrying about whether you will survive, how good your life is, but I can't face you. You have a You treat yourself as your new born body mother"

"" Elusa fiercely put the red tasseled knife into the soil, and suddenly knelt down and started crying "Wooah"

She has never felt the care of her parents, and never thought that one day she would see her mother.She has always felt that she is an orphan, and she has survived by herself from beginning to end.No matter what kind of predicament she was in, what kind of torture she suffered, she came through through gritted teeth.

She has seldom cried since she was a child, and this is the first time she cried.

Irene couldn't help crying loudly.

Chen Ye's heart net filters everyone's movements.He slowly fell to the ground, and after a war, the damage was too large.

It seems to take a long time to heal and repair.As long as the battle between Yixugar and the Western Continent is victorious, those dark guilds who are ready to move will surely take advantage of the danger, and take advantage of the two countries are in the healing stage to come out and looting.

Although it is not difficult to regain strength, it is not good to take too long.

The members of the "guildmaster" Fairy Tail were taking a break in front of the broken guild and stood up when they saw Chen Ye.

Around him were groups of captured soldiers and a few severely wounded Twelve Shields.

Everyone looked exhausted, scarred but still afraid to relax, because there was no definite news that the war was over.

"Where is the chairman, Jeff"

"Are we winning?"

"The first generation is gone"

"How is the president's battle?" Makarov had already exhausted his magic power, but after Mebis was gone, he was suddenly enveloped in a warm breath of life, and now he has recovered his vitality.

Seeing everyone staring at him nervously and expectantly, he glanced at them lightly, "Jeff is dead."


"Really real"

"Too, too good"

After hesitating for a long time, the crowd burst into fierce cheers.

The captured Twelve Shields and the enemy soldiers lowered their heads silently, unable to believe that Jeff was really dead.

"How is it possible?" Imber is the most excited one. "Your Majesty is immortal, how can you be defeated by you"

"Yeah" Chen Ye raised his eyebrows, his eyes fell on Imbel, and he shuddered involuntarily, "You don't believe me"

"" Inbel licked his dry lips and swallowed nervously.

"Then I will send you to see him."

Just finished


A purple-red and 45-colored falling thunder slammed straight towards Imbel. After a scream, he disappeared, leaving only a scorched pit on the ground.

The others were so scared that they lost the ability to think and be afraid, their faces were pale and sat on the ground not daring to move.

"Don't question what the king said. Otherwise, this will be your fate."

It is a threat of killing chickens and monkeys.Even the members of Fairy Tail are all standing upright, afraid to speak.Although I knew Chen Ye's cruelty for a long time, every time I saw him use his abilities, his scalp numb.

"President, do you have a way to restore the current terrain so that your people cannot live." Makolov asked boldly.

"Yeah." He looked around, and Elisa and Irene appeared behind her. "Erin, leave it to you."
