Pirate's Sword Hero

Chapter 84-The Battle Between Soldiers and Thieves

"Then try it!"

Strike first to be strong, then start to suffer!

Ai Lan pulled out the counter-blade knife and slashed towards the green pheasant.

Cut it!


The counter-blade knife slashed directly from the green pheasant's body, and the whole person was directly chopped in two.The upper half of his body fell to the ground, and ice scum was flying everywhere.


It is a natural fruit!

Of course Ai Lan wouldn't be so arrogant that she could kill the person in front of her with a single stab. This turned into an ice cube to break on the ground, which is definitely a natural fruit ability!

Frozen fruit?navy?

He is the admiral, Qing Pheasant Kuzan?!

After Robin got on the ship, Ai Lan learned a lot from her about the basic common sense of the major forces in the world.Now that he has set the flag to go to sea, he still needs to understand the top strength of the opposing navy and the top strength of the pirates.In this way, if you meet him later, you won't look like a fool.

The top combat power in the navy is the Warring States of the Marshal Buddha, the three navy generals Akasaka Sakaski, Green Pheasant Kuzan, and Yellow Ape Polusalino.

The top combat power of the pirates is the four emperors, namely Edward Newgate the white beard, Shanks the red hair, Kaido the beast and the aunt Charlotte Lingling.

As for Qiwuhai, it is a third-party combat power between the navy and the pirates.

What Ai Lan did not expect was that today he unexpectedly met a general of the navy headquarters!I don’t know whether to say bad luck or bad luck.

The broken ice slag hit by Ai Lan reunited to form, and once again turned into a human form.The ice faded, and the green pheasant appeared in front of Ai Lan intact.

The green pheasant moved his shoulders and neck casually, and said, "Is Reverse Blade Ai Lan? If you use such a weapon, if you are not a pirate, I think the teacher will like you."

Since this battle is unavoidable, Ai Lan must go all out.


Ai Lan took off her load-bearing clothes and wristbands and leggings, and threw it on the ground, making a dull sound.Facing the general of the navy headquarters, if he wears a heavy load, he probably won't know how to die.


Seeing Ai Lan took off a full ton of weight, the green pheasant was slightly surprised.

Ai Lan was naked with his upper body covered with scars. She pulled out the snow with her left hand, holding her two swords in front of her, saying, "Is all the pirates really evil? Is the navy all just?"

The green pheasant had seen the O'Hara slaughter order with his own eyes, and he had long doubted the navy's justice in his heart.

He thought that the situation would change after climbing to the top, but what he didn't expect was.Even if he is a general of the navy headquarters, sometimes he can only be used as a tool of the world government, and nothing has changed.

The green pheasant picked off a handful of weeds and threw it in the air.Then he breathed out a cold breath, frozen the weeds into an ice skate, and said casually: "Extreme justice easily drives people into madness. As a navy, my motto is'lazy justice'. And what is your definition of justice? ?"

"My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is justice!"

This is the justice in Ai Lan's heart. Follow your own heart and do not harm the interests of others. This is justice!

If calculated according to the classic camp of the Nine Palaces, the green pheasant belongs to the neutral and kind camp, while Ai Lan belongs to the chaotic and kind camp.

For Ai Lan, the rules have no meaning.If the existing rules can bring the best, he is willing to support it.But if the existing rules can be overturned to achieve the best, he will do it, even if this kind of behavior appears to others to be rebellious.

"What a young idea!" the green pheasant said coldly.

"But ah, you who defeated Krokdal only had a bounty of 80 million. This is something I really didn't expect. I understand all your deeds since Donghai. You are the same as that straw hat group. If it is eliminated, I am afraid it will become a confidant of the world government!"

That's the end of the story. What nonsense, just start talking!

But before the fight started, someone suddenly ran towards this side.


It turned out that Carlos, who was watching the night, heard the movement here, so he came to check the situation.

Ai Lan stopped Carlos and said, "Go back to the boat! This is a duel between us!"


"This is the captain's order!"

Carlos is also a smart person. Seeing Ai Lan's determination, he basically knew Ai Lan's thoughts.Therefore, he didn't intend to drag Ai Lan here, turned and ran towards the Black Pearl.

This is a duel, a battle of life and death between two people, and has nothing to do with the rest of the personnel.

"Duel? Just relying on your dilapidated body?" Green Pheasant looked at Ai Lan's wounds and sighed and said, "Well, I will give you this glorious opportunity to die."

The green pheasant is a person with natural fruit ability, Ai Lan had to fight with armed color domineering.

The black armed color domineeringly entangled on the counter-blade knife and Xuezou, and the two knives instantly turned into pitch black blades.

Erdaoliu·Ssangyong out of the nest!

Niblade and Xue walked forward and backward, like two black dragons, strangling towards the green pheasant.

"Armed domineering?" Seeing Ai Lan possessed armed domineering at such a young age, the green pheasant was very surprised. "It seems that your growth rate has far exceeded my imagination. Today, no matter what, you can't Left on this island!"

This was the first time he took off the load to fight after being flicked by the small old man on the boat.The kind of joy from the inside out, all over Ai Lan's body.


Ai Lan even felt that his thoughts couldn't keep up with his movements, so he wanted to use the twin dragons to get out of the nest, and the two dragons had strangled the green pheasant.


The green pheasant did not dodge, the ice blade in his hand was also covered with armed domineering, directly blocking Ai Lan's move.

"It's a pity, your domineering can't cut through my domineering!"

Tianwuchen Mingliu•Nailuo Spider!

Since the scattered power cannot cut through the domineering pheasant, it is better to concentrate all the power in one point!


The seven combos slashed on the ice blade of the blue pheasant without any problem. With the last cut, Ai Lan successfully broke the defense of the blue pheasant and cut the ice blade in his hand into two.

The green pheasant swung the remaining half of the ice skates, and forced Ai Lan back more than a dozen steps with just one stroke.

After the two moves, Ai Lan only destroyed the ice skates made by the green pheasant, and did not cause any harm to the green pheasant itself.

"I always thought that I was already very strong after defeating Qi Wuhai. I didn't expect that the gap with the general was still that big!" A trace of unwillingness rose in Ai Lan's heart.

Isn't it a general?What's so great!I must beat you!

The cross markings appeared on Ai Lan's face again, and his whole aura reached a peak!