Pirate's Thought Fruit

The Pirate's Thoughts Fruit Chapter 25

"Fuck me all!"

Robb hugged the huge tree and shouted, his terrifying arm swept toward the navy.

"Keep shooting, keep the formation, don't accidentally injure your teammates."

Crowe said anxiously.


Robb attacked while controlling the bullet, his injuries continued to increase, and finally about seven or eight seconds later, Robb plunged into the crowd again.

"Crow, come here!"

Robb saw Crowe not far from him at a glance. He kicked his legs and rushed towards Crowe. Angrily, he still remembered Crowe's proud face.

At that time, he decided to beat him severely. Because he was too close and Crowe technique was not too strong, and no subordinates responded to him, he was sucked by Robb.


Robb caught Crowe's hair with his left hand, turned his right hand into a fist, and spitting blood into his stomach with a fierce punch.


After several consecutive punches whizzed towards the face, Crowe was almost beaten into a pig's head in the blink of an eye.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"


Lieutenant Mott was shocked, seeing that Robb had caught Captain Crowe and quickly stopped his men.

"Stop it, Robb won!"

Smogg frowned and said, his men were really rubbish. Although he knew Robb would win, he didn't expect to lose Namikuai.

"Smogshang Junior (colonel), Oh, CNOOC Namodo people, Oh, there are so many people, we haven’t lost yet!” Even though Crowe was beaten into a pig, he still spoke. Not clear, but still struggling.

"Shut up, bastard, even I was caught by the enemy, and I haven't lost yet? It's better to exercise if you have a mouth corner."

Smogg was also anxious, sometimes he didn't know if he was too strong to bring them up, playing too easy.


"has it ended?"

Robb gasped slightly, what really consumed his energy was the large number of bullets at the beginning.

"Get Demon Value +2"

Robb was also speechless for a while, and the captain of the navy only gave two demon points, and he was probably not as good as Aaron's random cadre.

In the comics of the previous life, although the naval headquarters captain Iron Fist Hedibo is so useless, he should be stronger than Crowe. After all, it is the headquarters. We can imagine how weak Crowe is.

"No, I can't go alone, Aaron is not that weak!"

Robb had a hunch in this battle that he might not necessarily win Aaron if he went all out.

"Rob, welcome to join the navy!"

Smogg smiled and walked towards Robb.

"Colonel Smogg, please go to Cocosia Village, where the people are suffering under Aaron's rule."

Robb quickly said what he thought, if he could borrow Smogg's power, Aaron and his party would be very simple.

"Aaron? The Aaron who offered a reward of 20 million?" Smogg was taken aback, as if he had a certain understanding of the reward criminals in the East China Sea.

"So low? You can solve it yourself, and let me see your abilities."

"Huh?" Robb was stunned. Smogg's pretense made him unable to refute.

"Colonel Smogg, let me go too!" Dasqi saw this, and immediately took the initiative to ask for it, because she wanted to repay Smogg for the present.

"Hey, you little girl, don't mix things up, it's not going to the house!" Robb heard the words and said anxiously, this is not a little girl.

After hearing this, Smog thought for a while and said:

"Well, Robb leads the team, and Da Siqi is the adjutant. You two can head to Aaron's field with a hundred seamen and a warship."

Chapter Eighteen: Dialogue with King Qiwuhai!

Chapter 18: Dialogue with King Qiwuhai

"Okay, but I have a request"

Robb gritted his teeth, and now he is very anxious, and he has no energy to quarrel with others.

"Oh? Tell me" Smogg looked at Robb with interest.

"Smogg, do you know the phone bug of King Qiwu Haishenping?" Robb quickly said. If Smogg doesn't have one, he can only go to Betty.

"Zhenping? What do you want his phone bug to do?" Smaller puzzled.

"The village of the girl I want to save was enslaved by Aaron, so I investigated Aaron. He was one of the cadres of the Pirates of the Sun and the brother of Jinping Haixia."

"So I know that one of the conditions for Haixia Jinping to join the King's Qiwuhai is to release Aaron."

"Come with me" Smogg did not say anything after listening. The information was public, and he knew from the beginning that Robb's details should be dirty, but he thought he could control him.

"Oh?" Robb heard this, and there was a little excitement in his eyes. Sure enough, Smogg's network was not comparable to that of ordinary admirals, and even his relationship with Qingzhi was deeper than he thought.

"take it."

Smogg, who returned to the room, took out a phone bug, dialed a few strings of numbers, and got through the phone.



On the Great Route, Chambord Island, Jinping was drinking in Lei Li's bar, and he was a little confused when he saw the phone worm ringing suddenly.

"Smogg, what is Qingzhi's subordinates asking for me?"

Jinping answered the phone worm while talking.

"Smogg? Is there anything you want to do with me?"

"Hey! Are you really flat?"