Pirate's Thought Fruit

The Pirate's Thoughts Fruit Chapter 26

Suddenly a loud voice came out of the phone worm with anger.

"who are you?"

Jinping was a little annoyed. Although his temperament was gentle, he was at least King Seven Wuhai. Even Smoge would not yell like that, let alone this strange voice.

"My name is Ronversis Robb, an unknown boy!"

"But, do you know Aaron?"


Jinping looked solemnly, could it be possible that this guy caught Aaron and threatened him?

"You bastard, do you know what demon you let out!"

Smogg looked at Robb with a surprised look. Even Da Siqi was stunned. This guy was too arrogant. He even talked to King Qi Wuhai like this.

"What happened to Aaron?"

Jinping was not angry, because when he let Aaron out, he was already prepared. He knew Aaron's nature.

It's just that after so many years, there has been no news, he thought that Aaron had given up that kind of strong racial hatred.

The reason why Rob dared to talk to Jinping like this was because he knew Jinping’s character and views on Aaron’s affairs after reading the comics.

Luo Bo calmed down. He knew that this matter had little effect with Jinping, but his concern for Nami made him uncontrollably angry.

"After Aaron was released by you, he came to the East China Sea. The powerful he quickly occupied the 20 islands around Cocosia Village, enslaving human beings and doing everything."

"How could it be that he was not discovered by the Navy?"

Jinping knows that part of the bounty is how much harm it has caused to the government and people.

"Aaron is not stupid. Although he was offered a reward of 20 million yuan by the navy when he came to the East China Sea, he has already bought all the navies around him after occupying Cocosia Village."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Robb's mouth.

Smogg frowned when he heard the words, but he hadn't noticed that the navy was helping the pirates.

"Without the navy, how many pirate hunters won more than Aaron who offered a reward of 20 million?"

"Okay, I see, I will go to Cocosia Village in the East China Sea immediately!"

Jinping didn't say any more nonsense, hung up the phone, and was about to leave immediately.

"Jinping, what's the matter? I have only two drinks now, don't you want to wait for Rayleigh?" Aunt Shao joked.

"Auntie Shao can't do it, I have something to solve immediately!"

Jinping turned around and gave a fist to Auntie Shao, then turned around and hurriedly left the tavern.


East China Sea, Rogue Town, naval base.

"This Aaron is really strong? Why is Jinping here? Isn't he Aaron's brother?" Smaller wondered.

"Aaron is not strong, but far more than 20 million."

Smogg nodded when he heard the words. Indeed, the navy and Aaron didn't fight too much. Perhaps Aaron was initially offered a reward at the time. As a result, Aaron has not been found to be doing evil in six years, and the reward has not increased.

"As for Jinping, after he rescued Aaron, he once said: No matter where Aaron goes in the world, as long as he commits atrocities, he will stop Aaron anyway and prevent him from committing heinous crimes and being obliterated by the government.

"Forget it, you can solve it. Jinping won't attack the navy. You can handle it better if he comes."

Seeing that Robb knew more about his intelligence than himself, Smaller didn't bother to care about it. He also wanted to see Robb's ability.


Robb nodded helplessly. Indeed, even if Aaron is stronger, but without a domineering role, it is not worth mentioning in Smogg's eyes.

"Da Siqi, let's go!"

Robb said to Da Siqi, then went to get the navy uniform, and then took a hundred seamen to the port.

"Are we not waiting?"

Da Siqi looked at Robb in a puzzled way. Why is this guy so anxious? He clearly thought he couldn't beat Aaron, so he wanted to let Colonel Smaller go out.

"Don't wait, let's go first, not necessarily start the war right away!"

"I'm going to protect that girl first"

Rob's eyes are full of anxiety. He knows that the chances of not going to war in the past are very small. After all, there are murlocs around Aaron's domain, and it is easy to spot them.

"Let’s go sailing first!"

Rob gave an order to see if he could think of a safe way to sneak into Aaron's domain on board.

"it is good!"

Da Siqi and a group of navies also followed on board the ship, while those in charge of sailing and eating and drinking were all placed in order, and the warship was activated in a while.

"Go to Cocosia Village at full speed!"

After Robber issued the ship order, he sat on the deck and called out the long-lost character template.

Host: Longfuchs Robb

Devil fruit: Superman, fruit of thought power, proficiency: 403 for the first time, demon value: 0

Note: The energy value reaches 500, opening the next realm: the control realm.Those who reach the limit: Whitebeard

Overlord color domineering: Status: Not activated, the limit reached: Red-haired Shanks.

Armed color domineering: State: not open, the limit reached: Monkey d Karp

See and hear color domineering: Status: not activated, the limit reached: One Piece King Gore d Roger.

Physique: Status: Tier 3, about power???, Emergy: 159 Note: Because the demon system is not perfect, the power cannot be accurately calculated, only the fifth-order physical power: 4000, Rob-Lookie form strength.

There are ten levels of physical skills: currently unblocked: from one to five, the following is the energy required for each level:.

First order: 1

Second order: 10

Third order: 100