Pirate's Thought Fruit

Pirate's Thoughts Fruit Chapter 96

At this moment, a chill arose behind him wearing the captain's coat, not only because the coat that had been wet before was not dry, but also because he just felt that his body seemed to be out of his control.

"Are you really going to spare him?"

Perona, who had long been hiding on the branch, looked at Robb and said.Leiter on the side was also puzzled.

"Oh, how is it possible?"

Robb chuckled and said.


West Sea Naval Headquarters Base

Andrew nodded to Robb in the video, and squinted his eyes to look at the base. At this time, the sky was slightly bright and many soldiers were yawning and preparing to change shifts.

"call out!"

Andrew strung out from the dark like a cheetah, jumped up and down, and touched the center.

The whole process went smoothly, and the exhausted soldiers around did not find Andrew at all, and Andrew came to the entrance of the base.


Two clear voices sounded, and the two gatekeepers fell helplessly into Andrew's arms and fainted.

Andrew placed the two of them next to the door, and then sneaked into the center of the base like a ghost, skimming the floors, knocking out the patrolling soldiers, and came to a room.

"It seems that only some movement can be made. I hope the soldiers will notice it later."

Andrew squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the closed iron door, his thigh muscles tensed, and he kicked forward.


At the sound, the iron door was kicked off violently, and two iron pieces broke out in the crack of the door, and it was the iron lock that was kicked to pieces.


The three video monitors in the room who were drowsy were suddenly awakened and looked at Andrew in horror.

When Andrew saw this, he didn't want to talk nonsense, his calf muscles tightened fiercely, and he stepped forward quickly, raising his sharp knife arm.

"Boom boom!",

With three dull voices, the three monitors felt that their eyes were dark, and they fell directly to the ground weakly.

Then Andrew looked at the seven or eight video interfaces in front of him. At this time, the entire West China Sea Naval Headquarters had a panoramic view, and every part of the screen exuded a state of laziness and exhaustion.

"These guys are really not like soldiers!"

Andrew couldn't help but hate iron and steel. At this time, he actually gave birth to the idea that these navies could obstruct himself.

"Hmph, Xihai should change the sky."

Andrew glanced coldly at the video phone worm in his hand, then looked at the video console, where there is a string of tiny pictures on the left, about a hundred red dots.

At the bottom of the red dot, there is a huge green button. Next to the green button, a telephone bug is looking at Andrew curiously.

"Andrew, just enjoy the last time."

A trace of madness flashed in Andrew's eyes, then took out the video phone worm in his hand and placed it in front of the console phone worm.

After that, I pressed the green button, and the hundred red dots on it immediately turned green. At the same time, the curious phone worm beside the button kept looking like Andrew's video phone worm as if being pulled by a magical force.

The two phone worms looked at each other with affection, and the series of tiny pictures also changed at this time.


Bay island

"What's the matter? Has the government notified?"

At this moment, huge surprises erupted on the island, and a large number of people discovered that the largest display in the central square suddenly evolved from a black screen.


Someone soon noticed something was wrong, because no familiar admiral appeared in the picture.

At this moment in the picture, a bloated little man in the captain's coat and cigar was standing on the beach, gazing at the vast sea, as if waiting for something.

"Isn't that Capenberg?"

At this moment, no one in the crowd shouted in horror, and then countless people also cried out in surprise.

"Yes, it must be Capenberg!

"Absolutely not wrong, he is the terrifying pirate who offered a reward of 100 million four years ago, Carpenberg, the head of the Flame Tank Pirate Group!"

More and more people gathered and looked at the man in the picture in disbelief.

"Did he get caught by the navy?"

Someone has doubts.

"No, why would you stand there safe and sound?"

Some people retorted, the mystery lingered in everyone's mind, and countless people stopped and paid attention.


West Sea, Keli Island.

"Isn't that Capenberg?"

The busy people stopped and looked suspiciously at a huge screen.

"Has he been caught by the Navy?"


West Sea, Motka Island

"That's Capenberg!"

Many people held the rewards in their hands and looked at a huge screen with confidence.

"what happened?"

At this time, not only the West Sea Gulf Islands, Klia Island, and Motka Island, but also almost all the legal islands under the jurisdiction of the Navy in the West Sea, there were voices of suspicion.