Pirate's Thought Fruit

The Pirate's Thoughts Fruit Chapter 120

"It will get better!"

Perona looked at Robb's eyes seriously, and then smiled.

"hope so."

Robb sighed. Even people who are as strong as the Four Emperors can't change this world. It would be so easy to change for the better. He is just a foreigner.

"Little Luozi, I will, come on!"

Perona could not help raising her little pink fist, knocking it on Robb's head, smiling and encouraging. As a negative fruit, she was surprisingly positive at this moment.


Robb stared at the people in front of him blankly. For some reason, there was a warm current flowing into his heart. Perhaps it was the reason why he was encouraged by others for the first time. Perhaps it was because of other reasons. Robb was not at this time. know.

"They are back!"

At this moment, no one in the crowd yelled, and then the crowd became boiling.

"are you back?"

Robb couldn't help turning his head and looking at the blue sea. At this time, three small black spots appeared on the endless sea level.

It was the three warships that had originally carried a group of old and young wives and daughters, but in the waiting of everyone, finally came back.

Soon, the three warships arrived at this kind of island, and the crowd became a sensation in an instant, and people rushed towards the warships.

A pair of people hugged each other, and they burst into tears, crying bitterly, celebrating the joy of a new life, and celebrating the difficulty of reunion.

"Yes, it will get better."

Seeing this scene, Robb couldn't help showing a smile, and a strange feeling emerged in his heart, it was a sense of accomplishment.

Soon, the navy began to take care of the trivial matters behind, holding hands in pairs, and walking towards the town on the island with salutes.

"Boss, Colonel Ailu, they are here!"

About two hours later, Leite suddenly ran to Robb's side and said excitedly.

"Oh? So fast?"

Robb couldn't help but looked towards the sea, only to see that at this moment, above the wide sea level, there appeared a dense number of warships.

At a glance, there were more than one hundred ships. At this moment, all the fleets in the West Sea were heading towards Trisland.

"This...what the hell is Ailu doing?"

Robb looked at the magnificent fleet, staring blankly at the scene before him.

Chapter 83: Shocking Action

South China Sea, Tersland

Although the name is similar to Trisland, this kind of island is quite different from it.

This is an extremely chaotic island. The forces here are complicated and not under the jurisdiction of the navy. It is a paradise for bounty hunters and pirates.

At this time, in the most luxurious hotel in the middle of the island, after Kidd left, it was occupied by countless murderous pirates.

"Have you noticed that all the navy's fleet outside has been recalled by the bastard Ailu?"

"Yes, I also received this news from my subordinates."

At this time, the entire hotel was filled with doubts. This extremely conspicuous move by the Navy to collectively leave all the foreign fleets was spread in the South China Sea within a short period of time, and the pirates of Transland Island got it right away. The news.

"It should be the behavior of Captain Kidd that made the Navy angry."

At this moment, a pirate expressed his opinion that it is indeed worthwhile for the Navy to have such a lineup and only Kidd is possible.

"No, the major general sent by the navy last time gathered 30 fleets and was destroyed by Kidd. Is it possible that Major Robb from the West Sea has already arrived in the South China Sea?"

Is the Navy determined to clean up Kidd this time?How dare to recall all the warships abroad.

Some people frowned, puzzled, knowing that although Kidd's forces are terrifying, the damage it causes is definitely not as strong as the thousands of pirates scattered everywhere.

"Follow him, isn't it the best time for us to snatch the treasure?"

A ferocious pirate licked his scarlet lips after taking a big sip of rum, and said greedily.


At this moment, the clear cries of seagulls came from the island, and then sheets of newspapers were thrown down directly by the seagulls.

"What big thing happened?"

When everyone saw it, their expressions were all stunned. You must know that most seagulls can only be bought for fifty Baileys by themselves, and direct delivery like this means that this is due to a major event.

"Kid Kira is arrested! How is it possible?"

As soon as everyone opened the newspaper in their hands, they were directly stunned in place, with horror in their eyes.

I saw that the most conspicuous headline of the newspaper reported about Kidd, and attached pictures of the sinking of Kidd’s pirate ship, with the scars on Kidd Kira’s body, all of which confirmed this. thing.

"Is that Robb really a major?"

Everyone trembled, and there was a deep chill on their backs. When they saw the next message, they took a breath of cold air.

I saw a photo attached below, hundreds of fleets escorted Kidd and his party, and welcomed the arrival of Major Robb, and then Colonel Ailu directly appointed Robb as the first commander-in-chief of the West Sea!

Announcing that it will fully suppress the South Sea Pirates and declare war on the South Sea Pirates in the next week!



Just after the news spread, the entire West China Sea immediately boiled, and at the beginning it aroused the anger of the pirates. On that day, more than a dozen large groups of hundreds of millions of large pirates attacked the headquarters of the West China Sea Navy.

In just an hour, the Pirates team was defeated and impounded, and Robb's name spread throughout the South China Sea.

Subsequently, under Robb's leadership, the navy dispatched an entire team of warships. Wherever they went, the pirates fled and were suppressed. According to the figures released by the navy, there were as many as 300 pirate forces in just three days.

For a while, the entire pirates that were rampant were hit hard, and countless pirate forces quickly hid.

A week later, the navy fleet regained more than a hundred islands of chaos. The first was Trisland. At the beginning, there were pirates fighting Robb who might not be in the luck of certain fleets to resist until the sea. After the thieves discovered that Robb was supporting quickly in the air, they gave up resistance.

In the next three days, all the chaotic islands visited by the navy were empty islands. The pirates had already fled and hid. For a while, no pirate in the South China Sea dared to emerge.

Of course, there are still some hidden pirates in the South China Sea, but they are vaguely uneasy in their hearts, and they dare not show up. They think that the navy's open South China Sea operation may have sent a lieutenant general or even a general.