Pirate's Thought Fruit

The Pirate's Thought Fruit Chapter 171

"It seems that the only way to go to the navy headquarters is to find some pirates and make up the five hundred demon value, so that if they are allocated to the new world, they can have a little more self-protection ability."

Finally, let’s see what happened to the blur

After Robb settled his attention, he looked towards the most anticipated blur. You must know the blur on Absiri Island, even if it is against the dead surgeon, Trafalgar-Ro, Chiqi x Dre Ke and the magician Basil Hawkins are in a crushed state.

Void: Status: Enabled, currently in: Masked state, activation condition: Except for the awakening, no demon value is consumed. After that, every time the masked state is turned on, it will consume the demon value.

Every second of the mask consumes 10 points of demon value, which can instantly gain the ability of the god of death to virtualize, and at the same time improve the body's domineering, physical skills, devil fruit, and the pupil power of the writing wheel.

Note: The demon value is not consumed when awakening for the first time.

"This...this is too scary."

Robb saw the color of horror appearing in his pupils here. The text displayed by the blur was too shocking. To maintain the masked state every second, he would burn 10 demon points, meaning ten minutes. This state is to burn 6000 demon points, which is really scary.

But compared to the increase mentioned later, Robb is a bit excited, although this state requires a lot of demon value to support.

However, it is a concept to improve all aspects of abilities by 100%. Maybe I don't feel anything right now, but as his strength grows later, Robb realizes how terrifying this ability is.

If you say that you have reached the strength of a general and improved by 100%, you will be playing two generals at once. In that state, you can even play against two generals.

"There must be more than this state!"

Robb suppressed the excitement in his heart a little, knowing that there must be a back state based on his urination of the system, so he continued to look down.

Sure enough, there was a line of bright font under the comment.

The next level: semi-virtualization, the degree of mask can reach 100%, activation condition: every second of semi-virtualization state, you have to burn 100 demon points, you can instantly obtain the ability of death, and immediately increase the body's domineering and physical strength , Devil Fruit, and the pupil power of the writing wheel is 200%.

"Fuck, is it so powerful? It seems that I have to save the devil value a little, in case of emergency. The three-gou jade is not rushed in advance, anyway, it is not dangerous now, just take it slowly."

When Robb saw this interface, he also dismissed his previous attention and kept the remaining two thousand points of demon value. When he planned to reach three thousand points, he would use two thousand five to raise to three hook jade, leaving five hundred points for preparation. In case of need, it is used by burning bokeh, anyway, no matter what time the reserve of demon value can be zero.

At this moment, Robb left a rule in his heart. He knew that now except for his domineering and domineering color, everything else was turned on. For his own life and Perona’s safety, he must keep some The hole card.

After all, he won’t be as lucky as on Absri Island. At this time, he also remembered the invincible moment he was on the execution stage when he was awakened in Rogge Town. At that time, the system said that he was awakening. It also gains an invincible ability when it is blurred.

Note: After the virtual missions, the novice period of the system will end, and no missions other than hidden missions will be issued afterwards.

Note: Hidden quests are extremely pure desires in the host's heart. Completing high rewards such as King's Power quests, the penalty for failure is also extremely serious.

When Robb saw this again, he couldn't help but cursed again:

"Fuck, someone else has finished the task of novice game player, and there are advanced tasks, growth tasks, what should I do if you are like this?"

"...It's okay, although the mission will be judged to have failed, but the host is a man of destiny, and you can enter reincarnation if you die.

"Your sister, is this okay?"

Robb grew up for a while, but now he has no chance of being invincible. He has to protect his life well. He has to grow up to the strength of a general before he can have the capital of the waves. Don’t look at him. The strength of the general navy lieutenant general, but it is not enough to meet those elites, after all, military rank is not the only criterion for measuring a person's combat power.

Take him as an example. He was just a major, but he eliminated the three great pirates who were about to become supernovas. Without him, let’s take the navy headquarters, Lieutenant General Karp. Is that the strength of a lieutenant?

He knew that in fact his virtual strength was just a little bit of qualification to step into this world, and he was far from the term strong.

"By the way, system, how exactly did my blur awaken?"

When Robb thought about this, even though he had some faint guesses in his heart, he still wanted to get the correct answer. Robb couldn't help asking with his mentality of trying.

"Ding... This is the task of awakening. As long as the host is in despair and retains the only thought and wants to protect a person, he can awaken the power of blood from Ichigo, the protagonist of the world of death.

"Ichigo? Reaper, it seems that the previous life was very hot for a while, but I never heard of it later."

When Robb heard this, he was taken aback. He didn't expect that his obsession at that time helped him, but when he heard Ichigo's name, he was a little familiar. In his previous life, he seemed to have heard of this anime when he was watching One Piece. And he vaguely remembered that in that strange dream not long ago, there was a voice telling himself that the orange-haired boy was called Ichigo.

"Am I inheriting the power of his blood?"

Luo Bai muttered to himself, opened his eyes involuntarily, and reached out and shook his hand towards the void.

With the movement of his palm, Robb didn't feel any strangeness from his body, as if that blood was born in his body.

Thinking of this, Robb closed his eyes again and looked at the extremely important task. He vaguely remembered that the white beard turned into Yim last time, and this time because of Perona’s business and that condition. Will it change?

As Robb's consciousness moved slightly, the only main task appeared before his eyes.

The only main line (unchangeable, irrevocable): the strongest man: (currently Lord Yim), the woman who sleeps the most beautifully (currently Boa Hancock), drink and eat the most fat meat (all bule) Ingredients) Drink the strongest wine (in La Frouf)

The mission failed, the host left the world of One Piece, entered the endless cycle, no longer erased the memory, and experienced the 999th bachelor.

"Is it still Boya Hancock? It seems that she is indeed the most beautiful woman in the world!"

Upon seeing this, Robb couldn't help but smile.

"Lorna, I can't blame me for this, this system is tempting me to commit a crime, and I can't help it."

With the improvement of his strength, Luo Bo's desire that belongs to men is also beginning to grow slowly. After all, does that man not want three wives and four concubines?

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-eight: Rest and Rest

"Little Luozi, here I am!"

Just after Robb thought about the blur, he rested for about ten minutes, and from the medical room, there was a sound of excitement like an oriole.

When the sound fell, she saw a beautiful girl suddenly appeared at the door of the medical room. Perona was wearing a white chef uniform and staring at Robb with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, more chefs followed Perona and walked out, pushing a huge cart, which was about three or four meters wide and filled with hot meat.

The cars lined up in a long line, and there were more than a dozen cars, even more than the breakfast that had been shipped before.

"Little Luozi, this is enough, hehe."

Perona crossed Xiaoman's waist, raised a dark spoon, and said proudly.

"Boss, this is too much, right? Sister Lorna wants to hold you to death!"

Seeing this, Leite on the side also looked forward in horror and couldn't help but sigh.

"What are you talking about? Leiter!"

When Rona came over, she heard Leiter's voice, and she lost her breath. She raised a spoon and tapped Leiter's head.

"Oh, I was wrong sister Lorna."

Leiter was in pain, and he couldn't help touching his head, and found that a big bag was born on the originally smooth head, he couldn't help begging for mercy immediately.

"Leiter tells you to learn to speak well, otherwise the boss will not be able to protect you in the future."

When Robb saw this, he couldn't help but chuckle, and when he was very hungry, he couldn't help thinking. When everyone saw the golden flesh in the car, it floated gently into Robb's mouth.