Pirate's Thought Fruit

Pirate's Thought Fruit Chapter 214

"The last time you did not drink much because of Aaron, you went to the navy headquarters to do business. This time, you have to drink more of Auntie Shao's wine.

Aunt Shao showed a smile. The reason she had a good relationship with Jinping was that the little brother Xiaoba who used to be Jinping saved Lei Li's life, and Lei Li's friend was naturally her friend.

"Haha, don't worry, Auntie Shao, I won't be polite. Fortunately, it was Brother Robb last time. Otherwise, Aaron would commit another crime and be arrested by the Navy.

Jinping said with a smile.

"Huh, boss Jinping, why are you here?"

At this moment, a surprised voice came from outside, and then he saw Octopus Xiaoba come in.

"Didn’t you hear that Raleigh’s old man is coming back this time? At the same time, I learned that Robb brothers, who were making a lot of noise, were about to arrive in the Chambord Islands. Congratulate him."

"By the way, why are you here? Didn't you tell you that this island is dangerous?"

Jinping frowned. Although a murloc like Xiaoba is not as valuable as a mermaid, it is still very dangerous in the Chambord Islands, because Xiaoba does not have his strength.

"Boss Jinping, I just wandered around Aunt Shao, it's okay."

Xiao Ba heard this and said confidently.

"It's okay? Hey..."

Hearing this, Jinping couldn't help covering his forehead, a little speechless, because as far as he knew, Xiao Ba had been caught several times, and it was Raleigh who rescued him.

"Jinping, wait a long time, come and have a drink!"

At this moment, there was a hearty voice from the door. He saw Pluto King Raleigh approaching with a smile, and then somehow took out a bottle of rum and the red wine in Shinpei's hand and banged it.

Without waiting for a calm response, Lei Li drank to himself.


Hearing this, Jinping smiled and drank the red wine in his hand.

"Auntie Shao, I have to say that your level is getting better and better."

Jinping put the empty wine glass on Auntie Shao's cabinet and applauded.

"Puff, you guy, you are not young, and your mouth is very poor. If my wine is so good, Lei Li will not go out for a month without returning to the pub."

Aunt Shao couldn't help but laughed.

"Where is it, Lord Leiter just likes gambling."

Hearing this, Zhiping couldn't help but burst into a bitter smile.

Aunt Shao smiled and said nothing, because she actually knew that Rayleigh didn't come back because the wine was not good, but that the guy was a gambler.

"Small gambling, come on, let's have a drink today."

When Raleigh heard the words, he didn't care. Instead, he laughed, and took the shoulders of Zhiping, and drank the rum like his mouth.

"Little eight, go grill takoyaki!"

Jinping was on the way to Chambord Islands this time because he wanted to have a good drink with Lei Li.

"Okay, Jinping boss!"

A smile appeared on Xiao Ba's face. At this moment, he felt happy. In fact, when he was following Aaron, he had been very unhappy. The life in front of him was what he yearned for.

His dream is not to rule the king and conquer the sea, but to run an octopus shop, watching his friends and family members eat his takoyaki, laughing full of praise.


Soon, in about 20 minutes, Robb and his party finally arrived at the harbor in Area 65 of the Chambord Islands.

"Finally here, Xiao Luozi, have you ever sat on that bubble? Let's go sit together"

At this moment, Perona, standing on the deck, excitedly pointed at the bubbles floating in the air, and said happily.

She had only been to the Chambordian Islands by following Moonlight Moria. She was just passing by and sat for a while, but she was also deeply impressed.

"Haha, good, but wait for me to call them first."

When Robb heard the words, he also grinned as he looked at the bubbles floating on the island. He hadn't been to the Chambord Islands yet, so he followed Qing Zhi back to the navy headquarters last time.

This time it was also because of the arrival of Smogg and the others, as well as their promise to Rona, that they chose to stay in the Chambord Islands for a day or two.

Chapter 164: The Influence of Youth


"Hey, Andrew? I'm already in the Alchi Mangrove area No. 65, where are you? I'm going to find you."

Robb picked up the phone bug and said with a smile.

"We are on the 65th, wait, we will be there soon!"

Then there was an excited voice from the phone worm, and even hung up the phone worm.

"These two guys, you must be anxious."

Upon seeing this, Robb also gave a bitter smile. Andrew and the others set off when they received the news, and he stayed in the North Sea for a while.

"Next, call Colonel Smaller."

Then Robb made another call.


"Colonel Smogg? I'm already in the Alchi Mangrove area number 65, where are you?"

"Here? I'm in area 49, not far from you. Come on, Dasqi and I are waiting for you at the entrance."

Immediately, from the phone worm came, Smogg's voice.


Robb nodded when he heard the words, and then hung up the phone worm.

"Brother Robb, Brother Robb!"

At this moment, an excited voice came from a distance, and then I saw Andrew and Ailu running towards the port.

"So fast?"

When Robb saw this, he was also taken aback. It seemed that the two of them lived in District 65.