Pirate's Thought Fruit

Pirate's Thoughts Fruit Chapter 227

"Vergo, here you are."

After doing all this, Luo put the handcuffs on his hands again, and couldn’t help but look up. As for him, he didn’t use his power to get himself into the sea. The main reason was that his devil fruit ability fell into it. In the sea, he would be powerless and benevolent, and Bei Bo would never have enough time to transfer himself.

Once Vergo found that there was no one at the bottom of the cabin, he would dive into the sea and look for them. In front of the master Vergo, they had no hope in the sea.

Only by using Vergo to see that he was locked up and not paying attention, causing some damage, and fleeing from the front. After that, he had to approach Robb’s station circle, and he had the opportunity to stop Vergo in a chaotic place. .

He didn't believe that Vergo could expose his identity in front of Qingzhi, and then snatch him. With his understanding of Vergo's strength, it was impossible for him to snatch him under the eyes of the general.


At the same time, when Trafalgar-Luo rescued Beibo, Virgo hiding in the shadows also saw the ghost spider leaving.


Accompanied by a soft low voice, Vergo, wearing a hat, stepped on the air and quickly approached the warship.


The navy on the warship could not help shouting loudly when seeing the man in black fast approaching them in the sky.

"Don't stop, you can shoot!"

"Asshole, brothers, shoot!"

When the navy on the warship saw the people ignoring the words, they picked up their spears, and then pulled the trigger.


Immediately following a clear sound of breaking through the air, countless black bullets dragged the fiery red tail flame and shot towards Vigor.


Upon seeing this, Vergo flashed a touch of contempt in his dark pupils, and now he has no time to play with this group of fried fish.

"Full body-armed color domineering coverage!"

Even when Xuan saw that Vergo's body had mysterious power flowing slowly, it turned the bright yellow muscles into black in an instant.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Immediately after that, the countless black bullets slammed into Vergo's body, but no matter how the navy attacked, Vergo was never injured.


Vergo stepped on the warship fiercely, the huge force even made the entire warship tilt a bit, and then the original intact wooden planks began to crack under this blow.

"Who are you? You dare to rob the warship escorted by General Qingzhi!"

When all the navy saw the mysterious man wearing a hat, they raised their swords and yelled angrily.

"I still don't leave one, the last thing is left!"

Vergo looked at the navy with soft legs in front of him, and a chill came out of the jet-black pupils.


Immediately, the entire deck was shattered fiercely, and Vergo blasted straight towards the navy like a dark phantom.


Upon seeing this, the Navy saw the front of the figure that could hardly be seen, and a look of fear appeared in his pupils, and he could only shout and hurriedly lifted the sword forward and slashed forward.


However, in the next moment, a series of clear and audible breaking sounds were remembered in the sky, and the broken blade was raised in the air, reflecting the bright light of the knife under the sun.


After the steel-black arms interrupted the broadsword, they blasted towards the chests of the navy without any reduction, and then made a huge but dull sound.


Accompanied by the sound of rib fractures that followed, Vergo's pupils reflected the navy's spitting blood and the shock of his eyes.


The huge impact force slammed the bow-shaped navy on the main mast of the warship, and then directly smashed the entire main mast and knocked it down in the sea.


Under the power of Vergo's horror, some navies finally couldn't help the chill in their hearts, and then they couldn't help shaking off their swords.


Only when Wilgo saw this, he didn't show any sympathy. He saw his legs flicker violently, and then turned into countless afterimages, attacking the various navies.


Along with dull sound of blows, a large hole appeared in the chest of a navy wearing a white and blue navy uniform, and then it was bombed like a missile and landed on the surrounding sea.

Soon, the navy of hundreds of people dwindled crazily due to Vigor's easy massacre. In less than seven or eight seconds, no navy stood on the entire warship.

"Now, there is no need to worry about revealing your identity."

Vergo glanced at the empty deck with satisfaction, raised a dead navy, and wiped his blood-stained hands with the clothes that had not been infested with blood.

"Luo, you must have been waiting for me for a long time!"

After Vergo wiped his hands, he threw the dead navy into the sea and walked towards the cabin of the warship.

"Da da da!"

Soon Wilgo came to the bottom of the warship and saw Trafalgar Luo being held in the room.

"who are you?"

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Five: Qing Zhi is serious

When Trafalgar-Ro heard the footsteps in the cabin, he knew that Vigor had arrived, but he just raised his head feebly, and then looked at Virgo wearing a hat in horror.


Upon seeing this, Vergo curled up his mouth slightly, then stared at Trafalgar-Raw coldly.

"Luo, don't worry, we have to talk quietly!"

After that, Vergo walked to the room beside Trafalgar-Ro.