Pirate's Thought Fruit

Pirate's Thoughts Fruit Chapter 262


Upon hearing this, a middle-aged fat man with a smile on his face took out a set of hats from the counter.

"Objective, a thousand bel..."

It was just that his pupils shrank sharply in the next instant, looking at the boy in front of him dullly, and slamming the rest of the words into his throat.

"Thank you!"

Rob ignored the boss's reaction. He took the hat in his hand, threw a piece of Bailey on the counter, and walked out the door without his head.

"Hi... old... board"

"Just... that one, that one... is... the sea devil... Longfathers Robb!"

The scattered drinkers on the side looked at the empty door in disbelief, their voices trembling slightly.

"Phone, phone, phone!"

The boss woke up suddenly and rummaged for the phone bug in a panic.

"Hello... Navy? I found the sea... the devil, the wolf Phisis Robb!"


"Just...that one, recently...there has been a lot of noise...killing the Tianlongren..."

"You wait, you wait, don't hang up, I will notify the Lieutenant General immediately!"


Rob, standing at the door, raised his mouth slightly when he heard the call from inside.

"It's time to go to the next island!"

The fiery red flame ignited out of thin air, the black hat in his hand turned into ashes at this moment, and a pointer appeared in his hand.


In the next instant, Robb disappeared like a bolt of lightning, flashed into the sea, and rushed towards a pointer!

Chapter Two Hundred and Two: CP0

Great route, new world

At this time, under the gaze of countless people, more than a dozen warships led by five lieutenants of the navy headquarters had already appeared in this turbulent and lawless sea area, sailing violently toward Mermaid Island, vowing to destroy Robb.

"Everyone, what do you think?"

However, on a warship, the five lieutenant generals are gathering on the deck, and the atmosphere is heavy.

"In just ten minutes, this Robb appeared on seven or eight islands almost simultaneously."

After putting down a phone bug, Battius glanced solemnly at the other four lieutenants present, and said slowly.

"There must be something strange in this!"

Lieutenant Mole frowned, said.

"Could this guy intend to beat us one by one?" Lieutenant General Maynard guessed.

"It looks like this, if we are five together, it will definitely be too late, this guy will escape from one of the islands."

Bastille's eyes narrowed.

"Then come, it is possible that we are one-on-one and afraid that he will fail! How dare you want to hunt us!"

Dauberman slammed the table and said angrily.

"Do not be excited, Doberman, have you forgotten the tragic situation of Lieutenant General Ghost Spider in the Chambord Islands? One-on-one, I am afraid that none of us is his opponent."

Stokaberry opened his eyes and looked at Dauberman and said.

"Then you say, let this bastard escape grandiosely?"

Dauberman stood up and shouted angrily, as a dignified lieutenant, he was so awe-inspiring, too aggrieved.

"Doberman is right. According to the Warring States Marshal's orders, we must catch him, but we can't be impulsive. In my opinion, we can divide our troops to search for Robb's bottom lane."

Lieutenant Mole also stood up and grabbed Dauberman, calmed him down, and continued.

"Once we discover Robb's whereabouts, we will notify the other four people as soon as possible. Since these islands are not too far apart, just hold it for a while and wait for the other four to arrive!"

"When the time comes, it will be difficult for him to fly!"

"Okay, just as Lieutenant General Mole said, anyway, we have to entangle this Robb anyway, and we will have to drag him to Lieutenant General Taotu to arrive!

Stokaberry nodded and said.

"Well, that's the only way to go, everyone act now!"

After saying that, the five lieutenants returned to their respective fleets, and then the original more than a dozen warships were divided into five forces, rushing in different directions.


"Hey, this Major Robb seems to want to hunt down these five lieutenants!"

"Looking like this, it's very possible!"

Naturally, the navy's actions can't hide from the many eyeliners near the New World, and many forces are talking about it.

"Not necessarily, even if this Robb is strong, it is impossible to kill the elite lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters. As long as the time is delayed, the other lieutenants will be able to rush to encircle him.

"I think it should have escaped from the waters near Mermaid Island during the chaos."

"How is it possible, if this is the case, this guy's brain cramped to provoke the navy? Didn't you hear that his former subordinates, Leiter, were all imprisoned by the navy in the Great Undersea Prison. They must be vented by the navy."

"However, I think the Warring States period will definitely have something to follow!"

Countless people have cast their sights on this sea area, and started to pay attention without discomfort.


New World, Gutes Island

Soon, Lieutenant Mole came to the port of this island with several warships.

"Lord General, although I don't know what is going on, but I can guarantee that I have just discovered the sea demon, Longfathers Robb."