Pirates Achievements System
Chapter 133: I Can't Accept
Alabasta Palace.
In a room.
“The Clockdall guy… is the purpose of taking this country?! ”
Kobra's face changed and gradually revealed a touch of anger: “In order to seize the country, whatever it takes to plan the Alabasta drought for a year, incite riots...”
“The key is how to respond now. ”
Vivi bit his lip and said: "Croquedal's heroic image is now built, but what we want to uncover is not difficult, but after the revelation, it may be the revenge of Croquedal. ”
Vivi and Kobra are all aware of the horrors of the Seven Wuhai Sea.
And without mentioning Baroque Works, Croquedal alone is not something Alabasta can resist, and the other side can even use force to take over the country!
The other party is now engaged in a series of actions designed to arrange a reasonable and complete event to confuse the world government and gain its support.
But once uncovered.
If Clockdall chooses to solve the problem by force, kill her and Kobra and defeat the army here... the world government may end up compromising!
She can imagine that after that happened, the world government, instead of stripping Clockdall of his Seven Martial Sea title, helped Clockdall conceal Alabasta's scandal and put Clockdall on the throne!
Vivi gradually looked away at Ron.
They can't defeat Croquedar alone, they have to rely on the Navy to break Croquedar's plot and defeat Croquedar.
Ron shook his head and said: "Although the system of the Seven Martial Seas under the King has somewhat contained the rampant situation of pirates and allowed the forces of the sea to strike a certain balance, they are, after all, pirates, and the evil acts they have done are themselves destabilizing the sea. ”
Speaking of which, Ron took out a telephone bug and dialed the phone.
“Hey, I'm a warring country. ”
On the other side of the telephone worm came the voice of the Navy Marshal Warring States.
Ron briefly describes Princess Vivi of Alabastan and finds that Croquedar is plotting to take over the country, saying: "… This heinous act is unforgivable! Please authorize the immediate arrest of His Majesty King Seven Wuhai Croquedal. ”
“Can you confirm the intel? ”
“Confirmed. ”
Ron silently responded.
The warring States listened to Ron's report and fell into silence.
It took a few seconds for him to say, “Lieutenant General Rohn, hold still for a moment. I need to report this to the government. ”
The belligerent hung up the telephone worm.
Ron let go of the telephone worm and smiled at Vivi and Cobra, saying: "It has been reported to the Warring States Marshal and should come to fruition soon. As soon as the government removes the title of the Seven Wuhai in Croquedal, I can lead the Navy in arresting him. ”
“It's much more reassuring to have Ron here. ”
Cobra relieved and smiled at Ron.
Although they can report to the government here, after all, they don't have much evidence, and Croquedal might even peel off the government by then, and the ghosts know if they can fix it.
With Lieutenant General Ron here, the weight of the speech varies and the opinions of Alabasta's sovereign and naval branches are available at the same time.
A moment later.
Warring States called back.
“Lieutenant General Ron, are you in Alabasta now? ”
Ron nodded.
"You don't have to ask. Go back to the G7 branch. The world government will take care of this. ”
“What does it mean for the government to take over…? ”
Ron frowned, "If you want to arrest Croquedale, you can use the power of the Navy, and I can arrest him. ”
“The Government rejected the proposal to arrest Croquedal. ”
“Why?! ”
Ron stood up violently, unacceptable: “Why not arrest Alabasta for conspiring to seize the kingdom and maliciously create riot and chaos?! ”
"Lieutenant General Ron, Crokdal is the Seven Wuhai Sea," the belligerent said. ”
When he heard the words of the warring nations, Ron was angry: "Then let Croquedal continue to take the Alabasta Kingdom and ignore it?! ”
"The government has taken over the matter and will let Croquedar leave Alabasta," the belligerent said. ”
“That's it? ”
Ron could not accept: "What evil has he done in Alabasta been ignored?! Even if such a dangerous figure leaves Alabasta, it will surely continue to wreak havoc. How can you let it go like this! ”
The belligerents were somewhat excited to hear Ron's tone, which had to be exacerbated.
“His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, the Navy and the Four Kings, are the three forces that strike a balance in this sea, which is extremely important... You killed Moria earlier and have had some impact, you cannot lose two Seven Wuhai in a row for a short time. ”
“This is what the government meant and ordered. Leave Alabasta immediately and leave Croquedal alone. ”
Cobra's face next to the words of the warring nations was ugly, and a little anger appeared in the divine state, and Vivi also held on to her little fist.
The Government and the Navy have such an attitude!
Did Croquedar's evil acts in Alabasta just get ignored?!
Thinking about what happened to this country in the course of the year, both Kobra and Vivi are a little unacceptable, how can Croquedar go unpunished!
“Warring States, is that what the government means?! ”
Cobra grabbed the telephone worm and spoke silently to the other warring nation.
The warring nations slightly shrugged, "Are you? ”
"I'm Kobra, Alabasta's king. ”
“ …… ”
The warring nations didn't expect Kobra to be next to Ron, and his face had to look a little ugly. After a few seconds of silence, they said, "Your Highness, we have great sympathy for what happened to Alabasta. But did Croquedal also dispose of many pirates who invaded the country during the year? ”
“Fixing pirates with pirates is a decision that has been explored by the world's governments, and it is indeed productive… The government will give you an account of this. ”
Cobra couldn't help but cough violently for a few moments and said angrily: "Give me an explanation? If Crokdal continues to enjoy impunity, how can I account for the civilians who lost their lives in the riots?! ”
The belligerent silenced for a few seconds and said, "I'm sorry, it's a government decision… or you can come to Marijoa and talk to the government personally. ”
If you go to Marijoa and talk to her personally, will that make any difference?
The anger in Kobra's eyes dissipated and he coughed furiously against the chair. He looked at the ceiling and gradually revealed a hint of desolation in his eyes, only feeling a deep sense of helplessness.
Neither the Navy nor the Government would be able to confront Croquedal, even if he wanted to bring justice to civilians who had died as a result of the riots.
Vivi was also biting her lips and holding her little fist.
And that's when Ron talked.
“I'm sorry, Warlord, this decision is unacceptable. ”
Vivi and Cobra heard Ron and looked at Ron with all their eyes open.