Pirates Achievements System
Chapter 205 Banquet
Thanks to the completion of the construction of the new base and the initial integration of the new Alvarez Guild, a banquet is naturally best suited for celebration.
The banquet will be held in the lobby of the new base.
The Alvarez Guild's high-ranking rallies, including Solon, also held three swords in one corner and drank wine.
King Liquor and some nobles from Rebecca and Dressing Rosa have arrived.
In the past, only the rumored little people appeared at the banquet, and the little princess participated in the banquet, sitting in a special chair reserved for her.
Ron was somewhat surprised that Mansherry, the princess of the Little People, also had a low spiritual attribute, roughly perceived, and more than 50 points.
Yet another alternative… No, it seems more appropriate than sugar.
Ron crooked his head.
Mansherry is naturally grateful for rescuing her and defeating Ron of Doflamingo, and with her personality, she should be unlikely to resist magic.
If she mastered magic, she might be able to combine her demonic fruit abilities to develop her own therapeutic magic.
“Well… you can try it after the banquet. ”
Ron noticed that Mansherry looked over and smiled at her and drank a glass of wine.
On this most central table, King Liquor, Rebecca and other royal families are seated here, as well as senior cadres of Nami, Robin and other Alvarez, but the most striking is undoubtedly Manshire, after all, the cute one.
“Thank you Mr. Ron for saving the country…”
King Rickou also looked at Mansherry frequently, but as king, he was still very steady and quickly opened his mouth to Ron with gratitude.
After a busy few days, he finally handled most of the problems left by Doflamingo, and was even more grateful for saving the country and liberating Ron from the darkness as he learned so much about the darkness and teeth created by Doflamingo.
Without Ron, he wouldn't even know Doflamingo turned his people into toys and then let them work day and night.
Ron laughed, and King Horikou touched a glass.
Rebecca next door also held up a tall cup and poured a little wine, as Princess Dress Rosa, and raised a glass to Ron on behalf of the people.
However, her alcohol appeared to be somewhat problematic and her face turned pink with only a small, light bite, and there was no sign of subsidence.
She didn't know what was happening to her face, but found that Ron seemed to have looked at her a few more times, seemed to be smiling and had to rush a little.
Ron was laughing, and Rebecca, the princess, had a lovely place.
“His Majesty, uh... although I defeated Doflamingo and rebuilt the Guild's base with your assistance, the enemy I faced was not only Doflamingo, although the base was built in Greenbite, but also the danger I faced threatened Dresrosa. ”
Wang Liquor's gaze slightly condensed.
He also learned a lot about Ron, knowing that Ron had been involved in the war to destroy the BIGMOM Pirates and had been targeted by BIGMOM.
“Dress Rosa is a country under the umbrella of a world government, a common threat that I think Mr. Ron can solve, and if it were a more serious threat… the government would not ignore the country. ”
King Liquor thought about it and said.
Doflamingo stole the country, while Doflamingo had the status of seven martial arts, and Doflamingo also used a conspiracy to gain the confidence of the people.
Otherwise, the whole people would not obey, and Doflamingo would not have been able to take the throne unless it was bloody repressed, and the Government would not have ignored it.
Unruly States outside the jurisdiction of the Government are also counted, and it is normal for subordinate States under the Government to have their Admirals on the move in the event of a disturbance.
Just like Alabasta.
Even though Clockdall possesses the power to easily suppress the entire country, he must conspire to hold himself as a hero, to discredit King Cobra and to take the position of King a little bit.
Whatever the enemy, once the real threat to Dresrosa is to the country, the government will send generals, and Dresrosa's riches and the gold surrendered each year alone will not stand idly by for the destruction of the country.
“Well, actually, that's a few small problems that I could solve. ”
Ron laughed and said, "And being built in Greenbit is not likely to threaten Dress Rosa. ”
King Liquor laughed, "In any case, we can't keep the benefactor out of the door. If there are any enemies, let's deal with them together. ”
Ron touched another drink with King Rickou.
At this point, a telephone bug rang on Robin, and she nodded slightly at the crowd at the banquet and left the table to the rear.
Ron's spiritual strength detected that Robin was listening and then stood up and left the loud lobby and came to the rear.
“There have just been two rebellions…”
Robin quickly hung up the phone bug and spoke to Ron.
Ron nodded and said, “Leave these rebellions alone. There will always be people who are unwilling to submit to new forces. What about those who are willing and unclear about attitudes? ”
Willingness to obey Alvarez and unclear attitudes account for nearly 70% or more of Donquixote's forces.
“I've been in constant contact for days, with disobedient little bosses, and I let pre-arranged pirate hunters do the same. ”
"It's basically all under control now," said Robin. ”
Under the Don Quixote family, there are also plenty of bounty pirates who, unwilling to obey, just let the Alvarez pirate hunters do it.
Ron nodded, "Well, once the situation is more stable, Donquixote's people will gradually be absorbed into Alvarezli and the merger will be gradually completed. ”
“In addition… with regard to the continued acquisition of demonic fruits, the transactions have gradually reduced participation. ”
Robin listened to Ron and had to indulge, "How can we maintain the basic operations of the Don Quixote family if the deal of maintaining the underground world is fundamental to the existence of the Don Quixote family and reducing their participation in these deals? This is different from the pirate hunters of Alvarez. ”
Ron smiled and looked deeply: “Just use some special means to sustain it. Don't you think it's almost time for the magic weapon to come out? ”