Pirates Achievements System
Chapter 206: New and Old Magic Weapons
Nami et al. have been studying the eternal symbols of the Guardian Faculty, and today's magic weapons have changed even more differently than before.
The initial magic weapon, a bit like the shrinking version of the Tower, releases magic that is fixed, including power.
Later, on this fixed power magic weapon, Ron explored and studied with Nami et al., and found a way to manufacture an indefinite magic weapon.
In fact, this magic weapon, which has no fixed power, can already be considered a rudimentary version of the magic mark.
The power is not fixed because it is only a transponder through which users can release the vast majority of their spiritual power, even without a magic mark, and thus the power varies from person to person.
Of course.
After all, the rudimentary version is a rudimentary version, contrasting with the true magic mark, which has many flaws. One of them is insufficient carrying capacity. No matter how great the mental power of the bearing and conversion, the magic mark does not show any signs of collapse, and this rudimentary magic weapon has a conversion cap.
Secondly, this magic weapon is inscribed at the material level and is not the product of a purely spiritual level as it is stamped with magic, making it equally impossible to use it even in the possession of this magic weapon.
The magic they can use is still magic carried by magic weapons.
These two defects are said to be defects, but in Ron's view they are not entirely defects… If he really creates magical equipment that completely liberates the user and does not have a cap, he is afraid to do so.
A presence like BIGMOM, once all the spiritual power is liberated, it is almost impossible to imagine, even if it is not to destroy the heavens and the earth, but the strength will surely surge to become the strongest of the four emperors, even beyond the white beard of the peak period.
That would be terrible.
This magical weapon of immobilized power, Ron and Nami et al, currently produce two grades, one and two.
The upper tolerance limit for the first level is less than 100 points of mental attribute.
With over 100 spiritual attributes, the use of such weapons does not release all spiritual power and can cause damage to the weapon, eventually causing its complete collapse.
As for the second level, the tolerance reaches 200 mental attributes.
As long as the Spiritual Attribute does not exceed 200 points, you can use a second level Magic Weapon to unleash your Spiritual Power and unleash Magic Attacks.
The material of the first grade is pure seafloor stone, the material of the second grade is the highest purity, close to a hundred seafloor stones… the third grade is only present in the scenario.
“Two grades are almost enough, higher, if manufactured, is temporarily unavailable, few people can use it, and can cause some trouble. ”
Ron sinks in his heart.
He tested both weapons for power.
The first grade of magic weapon, if the power is to the limit, the fighting power is comparable to that of him in the East China Sea period, if you are going to be a pirate, how can you have tens of millions of Baileys in bounty.
As for the second tier… to the limit, it won't be any worse than the Major General in the HQ!
This is already very strong.
Despite the fact that the stronger peak is still the gap between heaven and earth, one can look at the whole great route, the elite Major General of the headquarters, the pirates with the bounty of hundreds of millions, each with a namesake.
And most importantly, it's just the power that weapons bring. Users themselves can practice force, exercise hegemony, and so on. Together, power will superimpose!
A Major General with 100 Spiritual Attributes, acquiring such a weapon, combined with magic and force, exerts a power that can immediately rise to a level comparable to that of Lieutenant General in this Ministry!
“Magic weapon… you can really try it, don't know which one you intend to release, Chairman?” Robin crooked his head.
“Release a new magic weapon. ”
Ron had already made up his mind.
The new nature is the two classes where power is not fixed.
It seems that this new type of magic weapon exerts a much greater upper limit of power than a fixed power, but in practice the two are two distinct types.
The impact of a weapon of a fixed power, once it is available and produced in bulk, is too great because it requires very little from its users.
For the world's governments, this is a weapon that can completely replace basic firearms, and the replacement will result in an explosive boost in overall strength, even sweeping the Revolutionary Army of the Four Kings.
It's a pure weapon!
And the modern, according to the mental power of the user to exert the power, although the upper limit of the power is higher, but also more restrictive, and it exists, just to set the stage for the emergence of the mental power cultivation method, which is equivalent to the brick at the grassroots of the magic world.
Robin nodded, “What's the specifics? ”
“This magic weapon was first distributed inside Alvarez, targeting those with a certain mental capacity base, as a reward for accomplishing their mission. ”
Ron had already thought, "In addition, the order in which members joined was also a measure of whether or not to give magic weapons. Anyone who merged with the Don Quixote family was temporarily released, but the mental training method could be unconditionally released internally. ”
“Copy that.”
Robin nodded, then thought of something, and smiled softly: "Speaking of which, some of the Donquixotes seem to be willing to surrender. ”
“Some of them communicated information about us to the outside world. ”
Hearing Robin's words, Ron thought about it, "You don't have to destroy these people, they're sending some information to the outside world exactly what I need, but important secrets can't be revealed...”
Robin smiled, "Yes, I'll let them communicate the information they need to communicate. ”
Ron nodded.
Some information needs to be hidden, others need to be conveyed, and some of these two and a half sons can be used, and Robin is reassured that Ron is in control of the measure.
Robin was very skilled at this kind of thing, and now she's a magician, capable of spiritual exodus.
“By the way, one more thing, some of Donquixote's surrendering cripples seem to be secretly plotting something... to get rid of them? ”
Robin asked again.
She also has the power to take full responsibility for such matters, but at this point in time, by the way, it's up to Ron to decide.
“Concealed plot… true loyalty to Doflamingo. ”
Ron had to shake his head to smile. Doflamingo also existed as a tyrannical tyrant. Charismatic personality still existed. The Donquixote family was loyal.
He thought about it and said: "Leave them alone, protect Rebecca and King Liquor, and wait for them to jump out and say, it just takes a stand..."
“Copy that.”