Pirates Achievements System
Chapter 359 Kill Cado
“That's tricky. ”
Kill BIGMOM's Solon, put his sword into the sheath, sat on a stone, and watched the battlefield of Caido open from afar.
This tricky finger is not BIGMOM, but Caito.
Looking at Cado's defense and resilience, even in full swing, he was involved in the siege, and I'm afraid he couldn't kill Cado, even if he pierced his heart and head, he could stay alive and recover.
“It's tricky to kill him, even if it breaks his defense. ”
Ron nodded softly.
As the voice dropped, he flew in the direction of Cado.
“Step back. ”
While flying in, Ron spoke to Nami et al., not loud, but clearly entered the chaotic battlefield.
After Nami and others heard Ron's voice, the movement in their hands paused. After seeing Ron flying over, they backed away.
Everyone's eyes fell on Ron.
They can't kill Caido, even if they exhaust Caido's superiority and strength, I'm afraid they can't kill Caido. Even Ping and the Duke of Dog Lan and others don't know what means to kill Caido. That defense and resilience are already immortal monsters.
“Finally your turn. ”
Cado looked up at Ron.
He knew he had failed.
If all three catastrophes die, and BIGMOM dies, and he can no longer dominate the world, and can no longer kill him, then the world will not be ruled by Ron. As long as he remains alive for one day, the world cannot ignore his existence.
Imprisoning him or imprisoning him is impossible, not even for the Navy or the Government.
“It's actually over. ”
Ron looked at Caito, his right hand out, with a slightly flat opening.
"As long as I'm not dead, it won't be over. ”
Everybody looks at Ron.
It's only a matter of time before Caito wins, but if he doesn't, he can't. Now the only thing that could kill Caito is Ron.
Everyone began to move back silently, including the green onions.
And Nami and others retreated extremely quickly, and instantly reached a very distant place, but they clearly knew Ron's movements and did not want to be affected at all.
Ron saw Qingxian and others quickly retreated to the distance, and reached out his right hand. When he grabbed the void, the elements of the wind in heaven and earth flew together and gathered in his palm.
Five-step magic in the fire system, too much damage.
In contrast, the fifth order magic of the wind system is a monomer, but the small range of attack power is stronger than the fifth order magic of the fire system and better suited to Cado.
“Come on! ”
Cado sensed the power of the reunited hurricane in Ron's palm, and he stood there and looked at Ron with absolute confidence in his body and abilities.
No one can kill him, including himself.
In just two seconds, the hurricane in Ron's palm condensed, a ball of hurricane, blue, and clearly visible, at the heart of that ball of hurricane, was a prismatic halo of bright white light, an element of wind that condensed to the ultimate.
Wind system fifth order magic.
The wind of silence!
The next moment Ron quietly disappeared from the sky as the five-step magic of his palm gathered to form, and when it reappeared, it had come to the front of Caido, and the wind of silence in his hand pressed directly towards Caido's chest, instantly disappearing inside Caido's body.
Kaido's pupils shrunk slightly, and even as he felt a horrible force burst out of his body, his madness destroyed and his body completely tore apart.
Kaido made a roar, and the whole person began to change, from human form to Orc form, and armed color hegemony was also fully stimulated, suppressing the power of the eruption in the body.
Ron did not wait, and after pouring the wind of silence into Caido's body, he shook himself back a hundred meters away, looking far away at Caido's direction.
Knock, knock, knock!
When the wind of silence erupted, Cado's body made a crackling sound, the sound of bones being shattered, along with cracks on the body's surface.
Seeing this scene, retreating to the Duke of Dolphin in the distance, as well as very equal people, was a change of face and could not help but take a deep breath.
What a horrible attack!
You know, so many of them joined forces and bombarded Caido's body a little bit, but now Ron is just a close blow, causing Caido's body to crack, as if everyone was going to blow it up!
This scene even Qingyu saw some numbness in the scalp, he knew how horrible the attack was, and even his strongest attack was far from comparable.
Ultimately, there was a bang in Caido's body, and the wind of silence blew away completely, causing his body to split from his shoulder, and all of his core was cracked and blood gushed out.
A blade of wind erupted from the cracked position, and instantly the earth nearly a thousand meters cut out an abyss, cutting the nearby ground out of the deep trenches!
“It's over. ”
The Duke of Dog Lan looked at the scene and exhaled softly.
The cat and snake boss next to him also breathed a sigh of breath, and when he was about to sigh the horror of Caito, there was a somewhat unbelievable voice coming from next to him.
“No… no, it's not over!! ”
That was Nami's voice, and she looked somewhat shocked at Cado's direction.
Seeing that the body had been torn apart, the blood was pouring out of Caido, and the torn body began to heal towards the center, regrouping together!
This is not the capacity of the natural system, it is purely horrible to the ultimate life, immortal body!
“You almost killed me. ”
Cado glanced at the wound that was gradually healing on him and looked up at Ron, 100 meters away, and said, "I don't think you can kill me either. ”
Nami opened her eyes wide and said: "Even fifth order magic can't kill that guy. How terrible is his body? ”
“No, it should still kill. ”
Robin, the only one who didn't show anything too shocking, sat on his chin with one hand and revealed the color of his thoughts, said: “That blow can't be ineffective, at least it damages Cado's great vitality. If you do it again a few times, you will surely die, or when that blow erupts, we can make up some attacks here, completely smash Cado's body, and also kill him. ”
Robin's words calmed Nami and others down a little.
Indeed, if you can beat Kedo like this with one blow, then you can still kill him, just a little bit of trouble.
Not far.
Ron looked at Caeto, who was healing his body, and said: "This will hold you up. Your defense and resilience are indeed immortal... but you should know that I can use it just a few more times, and you will still die. ”
“But if I kill you like this, maybe you won't like it. ”
Ron shook his head and raised his hand again. “As a respect for the strong, use this technique to get you on the road. ”
Ron's words stifled Cado's body in place, while the distant Qingyu et al. all revealed some stunning and incredible divinity.
What this means... is there a stronger attack than that?!
Yes, it is.
Five-order magic is also strong and weak. Five-order magic in the elemental system is naturally less than the five-order magic in the special system, and Ron learned the five-order magic in the special system a week ago.
It's just that he doesn't really want to use this magic because it's too bad to destroy, and it can even have a permanent impact on the environment.
But Kedo, who can carry the magic of the fifth wind system without dying, deserves more strength.
“Once this is done, a certain area of the ocean will be permanently in a thunderous environment, so... go to sea. ”
Ron looked at Kaito slowly, and when the voice fell, he instantly came in front of Kaito, pressing his hand against Kaito's chest and pushing him forward.
The instant it crossed the coast and came to the sea a thousand meters away.
Cado reacted and punched Ron in the head, but Ron's figure disappeared again, appearing dozens of meters away, with an extra wand in his hand.
“This is my strongest attack. ”
“You can stop without dying, this world, and I'll give it to you. ”
Ron looked at Caido's flat mouth and the wand in his hand swung gently.
Thundering is one of the powers of the gods, and often the gods punish the use of human beings, so the fifth order of Thundering is magic, which is also the use of the rights belonging to the gods.
It's called.
God Punishes.
With Ron's wand falling, the whole sky was filled with clouds, thunderous skies, and the white light that swept through the sky drowned everything, descending from the sky and devouring Caido's figure.
This thunderbolt fell on the surface of the sea, causing 10,000 meters of sea surface, and there were countless lightning arcs, as if the whole ocean had become the sea of thunderbolts.
A few seconds later.
Everything dissipates.
Disappearing with Thunder was Cado's figure, not even a trace, leaving Ron floating dozens of meters away, slowly lowering his wand.
The clouds are dense in the sky, the thunder arcs are constantly interwoven, it seems that they will never disperse, symbolizing that this is the place where the gods punish, and that they will never be forgiven by the gods.
Far away.
The figure of the very equal man was all solidified there, along with the green beard, at this time it was also like wood, and there was a void in his mind.
Caido left no trace of it, unable to understand the power of that blow.
That is not the power that mankind is capable of, that is the power of God.
“Clean up the mess. ”
Ron stepped down, appeared on the shore, beside Nami et al., left a quiet message, then stepped down, and the whole person disappeared a thousand meters away.
Looking in the direction of Ron's disappearance, it took a long time for everyone to return to God.
Previously, Ron was alone in the Holy Land, destroying the Tyrannosaurus, and there were doubts about Ron's ability to dominate the world, because with certain special abilities, it was not necessarily possible to stab the Tyrannosaurus before fleeing the naval siege.
But now, there is no point in questioning the power of Ron to strike Caito the Hundred Beast, which means that there is no one to fight him, not even all the strongest.
From this moment on.
The highest point in the world, where everyone needs to look, is Ron alone.