Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 41 034, Wrath of Horus (top)

Amon didn't explain where he went yesterday, he couldn't explain it to Link, and some secrets don't have to be revealed. He asked if there was an iron mineral-rich zone near Link, perhaps finding swamps and ponds to shelter the Iron Armored Beast.

Link thought about it and said, “There really is a place, under the mountain rock that produces iron ore in the southeast direction of the village, there are water ponds in the dense forest, not far from the side of the road that leads out of the mountain. Do you want to keep these iron armored animals next to the village? ”

Amon laughed: "What, are you scared? Ironclad beasts don't eat humans, they're omnivores, they eat water grass and fish shrimp from sludge, and occasionally they also prey on small animals. These iron armored beasts are just a little big and a little fierce, but they are already humane. Naturally, they will no longer harm the people here by being subjugated by me. They can be kept there and become the protection beasts of the village.

As for you, you can't always be afraid of them. You might be able to play against them later. They're very smart and know what you want to do. Practice, and when you become a Level 3 magician, I'll give you a real cane and a weapon of battle. ”

As soon as I heard this, I was worried about Linkton, my eyebrows were dancing. I couldn't even close my mouth. I nodded. “Thank you, Amon God, for your grace. How dare I accept this! I wonder what your devout waiter can do for you? ”

Amon waved: "You've done a lot for me, and I'll tell you directly if you need anything. ”

Link's eyes spinning and probing said, “Amon, can I ask you something? ”

Amon lowered his head and started eating meat. He swallowed the roast meat in his mouth before saying: "Tell me if you need anything. ”

Link's tone was stuttering: “Can I... learn to write? You know our people are illiterate and you said I'd better learn to write... but who can teach me? ”

Amon thought and didn't want to say, "Oh, you should learn to write, otherwise some brilliant theology will be difficult in the future, I'll teach you when I have time. It's not easy. You have to be careful to learn. ”

Link nodded like a chicken pecker: "Of course I will. Thank you for your grace!... It's harder to write than magic, isn't it? ”

Link was so excited when he left, he felt like he was about to fly, and he finally had a rock in his heart. Yesterday morning Amon asked about the road to the mountains, and he feared that Amon would leave suddenly and then Amon would disappear with the cat. Link once suspected that he had left without saying goodbye. Don't mention how sad it is.

I was just wondering if Amon could teach him how to write? On the one hand, he really wanted to learn, and on the other hand, he was testing Amon's attention. Learning to write is not a day or two, at least it means that Amon is still here for a long time. Amon also said to give him a real staff, which would have to wait until he became a third level magician.

Excited Link forgot that Amon was surrounded by a branch and a leather pocket, and there was no staff, so where did he get it? But Link didn't think much. Amon was almost like a god in his mind. It was possible to create any miracle. Even the five fierce Ironclad Beasts were brought back like honest kittens.


As the landslide cut off a tributary of the juvenile river, forming a weir plug lake beneath the plateau, the road to the Syrian city state was submerged and Amon's retreat was cut off. Even if the road could still pass, there was no way out for Amon. The town of Duke no longer existed, and he could not go back to exile.

Ammon today has two options: to stay in the village and continue practicing physical and divine arts; and to take the other road down the hill into the Kingdom of Baron as his first stop on the continent. He did not intend to remain permanently in the cave wildling village, but was not in a hurry to travel. Last night in the cave, he had figured out that the next step was to practice the body surgery and pass the test of "blood purity” to become a fourth-level middle-class samurai, then continue practicing the advanced divinity as a fourth-level magician before leaving.

Practicing medium and high order theology is not just a matter of close-sighted meditation, but the world's awareness is also an important experience necessary for the magicians, otherwise they will not be able to understand the magic of higher places. Otherwise, the old lunatics would not have traveled all over the continent for centuries.

But Ammon's next test of “purity of blood", Bell's note makes it clear, needs to practise mindfully and experience changes in the body, preferably in a quiet and uninterrupted environment, so this cave wildling village is the most suitable place.

After Link left, Amon noticed Schrödinger again. The pot of barbecue had been eaten up, and the cat was lying in the grass nest snoring and sleeping, and although it was depressing, it didn't hurt itself. Amon's leather pocket is next to the grass hole, and it contains the bone. If it were normal, Schrödinger would definitely carry the bone into the grass hole and press his paws to sleep, but not today.

Schrödinger had not moved the hood, his mouth had been lifted open by the cat claw, revealing the corner of the bone, but Schrödinger had not taken it away. It appears that the cat is also unable to move the bone, which may indicate that Schrödinger does not possess magical powers, and his earlier speculations may be wrong.

Amon took the bones and took out every piece of the collection and studied it carefully. Since he promised to give Link a cane, he could pick it out now. Weaponry doesn't look much, and Amon is most interested in the scrolls, which are eight rolls in total and vary in size.

This is Amon's first contact with a magic scroll. Such a precious artifact could not have been encountered by a blacksmith's son before. He wanted to understand the usefulness of the scroll, because it could not be opened when it had been written, and when it had been opened with vigorous force, it was the initiation of magic, which was a disposable consumable.

If the person who wrote the scroll himself does not explain, and falls into the hands of a person who does not understand the scroll, others do not necessarily know what the magical effect and power will be after it unfolds, and it will not be easy to use. Writing a scroll not only takes a great deal of effort, but does not necessarily succeed, and no one wants their painstaking magical power to be used by others, unless he voluntarily hands it over to someone, at which point the user will be made clear.

Of course, all kinds of reels are made in a specific form. People who are familiar with the inner skill of reels or are very intelligent in detecting theology can recognize many kinds of reels without explanation, but Amon doesn't have that skill yet.

Several of these scrolls he obtained may not have been made by the bearer himself. The scroll was marked outside, and he could tell from the scroll what was used by the magician from Equus, because it was written in Equus herbal scripture, indicating what kind of magic and what kind of power the scroll was applied after it unfolded.

Ammon is lucky, five of the eight reels are marked outside and are of different types of mid-order divine reels. This stuff is very useful at critical moments, meaning that it doesn't take your powers to perform the corresponding intermediate art. If Medanzo had seen it, he would have calculated how much the scrolls were worth, and wondered what they would look like.

The other three reels did not have any markings. Amon could not recognize which reel it was. Naturally, he did not dare to use it randomly. Only temporarily put it away, then took out the three canes obtained today, and wanted to experiment with the effect of performing the divine art separately.

The scepter is not heavy, and if you can get it, Amon will take it. Unlike armored weapons, the pieces will be useless after they are destroyed along with the embedded stones. There are only three complete scepters left in the cave.

One of the most special canes, handled from brown wood, is sturdy and durable and still shows no signs of decay after thirty years. The top of it is actually set with an earthly eye. The precious special gemstone of course demonstrates the extraordinary character of this staff and does not know how to make it. The earthly eye appears to be naturally grown and wrapped in wooden lines, revealing only a few pointed corners.

Amon had just inspired the Stone with his powers. He had not yet had time to run the staff to test the effects of all sorts of magic. He suddenly heard a voice in his ear: "O you who have the honour to come here and pick up my staff! Whoever you are, listen to my last last words. I am Nero, the main cleric from the Temple of the Cape of the Ecumenical Empire, the Seventh Great Mage.

I was ordered by the Ecumenical Empire to hunt down Belle and the betrayed Virgin. I don't believe that Onion would betray the Goddess, and Belle would be gracious to me, but I had to carry out the imperial orders, which are also divine orders! I heard the voice of Horus in the temple, ordering me to find these two men and kill them, and the truth is that Horus, the god I have believed in all my life.

Bell was a destroyer, and he pissed off the gods and would destroy himself, and I would fight him and face destruction, because I knew he was powerful. Why didn't the all-powerful Horus personally sin against Bell and send down the message to let me go? It is precisely because of this slight hesitation that I left this message... ”

The eyes of the earth can serve as carriers of information theology, and the old lunatic leaves a lot of information in Amon's eyes. When the owner of this staff was similarly proficient in communicating information, he left a message in the eyes of the earth, but Amon accidentally read it.

This man claimed to be the main cleric of Cape Temple, which was supposed to have happened 30 years ago, and he was one of the great magicians who had been instructed to hunt down Bell. Looks like Bell caused quite a mess. Even the Ecuadorian god Horus was shocked. He actually sent down the message to this great magician.

With the lesson that last time I read the theological information, the information was interrupted and disappeared, Amon was surprised but not distracted, still focused on stimulating the eyes of the earth, and the voice of the theologian continued ——

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PS: Double up today, add the second half of the chapter at night.

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