Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 80: 078, Consciousness as Usual

The highest-specified classic collection room is not only protected by the Theological Array, borrowing information requires the approval of a high priest, and even cleaning work cannot be carried out by slaves. The samurai on guard also have a rank, and Amon is a favorite of the Virgin, and of course has the highest rank and is qualified to guard all the archival libraries.

Maria had said that she would give Amon the opportunity to personally consult the bibliography of the town of Duke when he became a great samurai. As soon as Amon entered the Temple of Isis, he actually had the opportunity to consult any of the scriptures here, and no one knew that the samurai from the outskirts actually understood the divine language of Ehu.

Amon, however, cannot read openly. A samurai on duty reading with a book roll is absolutely suspicious. Some of the most precious secrets are locked in special boxes, which can only be opened with the presence of a senior priest. He could only take the opportunity of a solo tour while sorting out the bookshelves and reading them. The lighter the archives, the fewer people come to borrow the books, and Ammon always finds this opportunity.

There are two types of classics that interest Amon most: one is the legend of the gods long ago, and now the decree of the Ecumenical Empire's unified divine decree, where the different myths of ancient times could only be seen. The other category is the cultivation of minds and notes left by the magicians and samurai of all periods, which are precious to countless human beings.

Amon took a sneak peek at some of the books he was interested in before he really understood how precious the information left by the old lunatic was. Bell must have been here that year, checked all the valuable records, and the old lunatic got a message from Bell. His records to Amon are concentrated essence, Nietzsche has been to many places in his centuries, and he has not only consulted the scriptures of Isis Temple, but has left the compilation to Amon.

But Amon still has a lot to gain here, because the old lunatic left him only records related to the practice of art, and many other materials contain important information that the old lunatic could not have told Amon. Amon's most interesting legend about Duke Town was not found for a while.

Isis Temple's archive is too big. Even if it is one archive room a day, it will take more than a month to go through it all. Amon can only read it quietly while no one is around. In a short time, it is impossible to have a chance to read all the books.

This was Amon's most leisurely time in his life, sometimes touring the archives with other samurai, and sometimes guarding in fixed places to help the clerics consult the scriptures to retrieve information. The samurai have their own residence in the temple, Amon has a separate hut, although small, but comfortable enough to live in. The monthly salary is five gold coins, enough to cover the expenses of a large, ordinary household. Isis Temple is truly luxurious.

If Amon wants to marry a family, he can also buy a house in Monfis City to have children, work at Isis Temple during the day, and go back to "home” at night, only to have to live in that cabin on the night watch. Though not an aristocrat, a glorious samurai like him appeared to have some sort of halo attached to his temple light, along with a generous salary and leisurely life, and many people in Menfis City were willing to marry their daughters to such a person.

Amon has been a level 5 samurai since he was very young, earning five gold coins a month, and the young man is also very spiritual and of course very popular. Occasionally leaving the temple to go to the city to buy something to eat. There are always hotel owners, shopkeepers and other people who are close to each other. Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. I want to introduce him to the girl.

Amon refused with a smile, and he didn't think about it. Though it seems temporarily safe, Amon knows his identity and his back, he is a magician who wants to unlock the secrets of the gods, and has promised a goddess that he will find the surviving tribes of Duke Town to return to their homeland to rebuild their homes, and the road to the future will be difficult.

Amon rarely goes out and spends most of his time in the Archives of Isis Temple, probably the most dedicated samurai on duty. The bustling city of Dreamfield has wandered a few times, guide or merchant Theo's slave Iso. Ammon believed in the visit of the former Jordanian, and Theo was surprised and enthusiastic to learn that the benefactor in front of him had become an honorary samurai of the Temple of Isis.

Theo even wanted to marry his daughter to Amon, and he bragged to himself, saying that he had long seen the unlimited future of this foreign samurai, who was truly a remarkable figure. But Amon preferred to drag Iso out, listening to the drive-by tell all sorts of anecdotes when visiting the streets and alleys, more interesting than the old classics in the archives.

Amon's primary energy is, of course, practicing on both sides of the same coin, and the magical foundation meditation is uninterrupted every night. It is not convenient to practise divinity openly in Isis Temple, but it does not hinder the exercise of strength. As for physical exercise, he is a samurai, but there is nothing to doubt.

Amon's wounds soon healed, but his strength recovered rather slowly, and he felt like he was going through a process of growth again, and his strength recovered slowly, but every day. This growth did not end when Amon himself felt that it had fully recovered.

Amon discovered unexpectedly that growth involves not only the power in the blood, but also the power to use magic. Is this the magic of two-sided power? He was even able to “see” the changes in his body, from the bone marrow to the muscles, as if he had undergone a refinement, and his strength and endurance would have far exceeded ordinary Lv5 samurai, this time seemingly breaking some limit.

When the power growth and physical changes finally reach a stable state, Amon clearly feels his change. Previously he could restore energy and power through divine meditation, but after all, he still needed to sleep and rest, but now he can fully recover by sitting in meditation every night for a while, even if he can't sleep for many days.

If necessary, he may not even eat for a long time, but simply needs to supplement the power consumed through special theological meditation. Then he experimented privately, not eating for half a month in a row, feeling light and healthy without hindrance, but after all, he could never stop eating, and there was still a limit to bear.

Is this the process of advancing from Level 5 to Level 6, "Breaking the Limits”? No wonder the samurai Haven tracked him for so long and still possessed amazing power in the final battle. If Amon hadn't used the scroll beforehand and performed the magic with his staff at the end of the day, he would have fallen before Haven.

One night, Amon was in a very quiet state of meditation and finally felt that the slow growth of power over the past six months had reached a stable state, and he had completely “recovered”. After recovery, Ammon had almost a whole new body, much more powerful than it had been, as if he had experienced a more perfect new birth.

Has he passed the physical test to become a Lv6 samurai? Does it also mean that theological achievements also evolve? If you want to verify it, just take out the eyes of the earth left behind by old madness and read the next message. Amon did not dare to do so in Isis Temple. Although he had his own cabin to cover his magic formation, there were too many tall people here, and perhaps there were spiritual concerns.

One day it was not his turn. Amon left the temple in the evening. Many samurai enjoyed drinking at this time, having some fun and relaxing. Even if they didn't have a home, they would only come back the next morning. Amon had a hard time relaxing. Dreamfield City was huge, he went to the north of the city to find a tavern for dinner, and watched the performances of the artists. After dark, he came back a long way, so he simply found a big inn to stay in, the best room with a small private courtyard.

Amon earns a lot and is very rich, but usually there is little money to spend, and luxury is no big deal when you go out.

In the middle of the night, he laid out a magic array of hidden voices in the bedroom with a magic stone, which took out the long-overused cane and the eyes of the earth, and the voice of the old madman sounded again from his ear--

“My child, I would like to congratulate you once again. Seeing this message, you already have Level 6 magic achievement! Now I'm going to tell you something, maybe you haven't come back. Becoming a Class Six Theologian means practicing high-end theology, but there is a requirement that the basic meditation of theology has been uninterrupted for a long time before.

There are many Lv5 magicians who will not be able to advance for life because they have not done so. Once they have given up their magic practice for some time, the process of breakthrough will have to start anew. Don't go through the scriptures, there is no clear record of this. This is the conclusion that Bell reached in the Temple of Isis archives after studying the practice transcripts left by all the great magicians, and Bell told me.

Everyone's situation is different and it is unclear what kind of accumulation is required for someone to break through Level 6, and some may soon be slow, but the accumulation process cannot be interrupted, otherwise it will have to be repeated. The magician's conscious and subconscious training must not disturb the process because of all the things that have happened, but is part of the breakthrough itself.

At this point, you can no longer deliberately practice magic for the sake of practicing magic, which is a part of your life. Because of constant heart, because of perseverance, because of persecution, or just a coincidence of luck, it is possible for people to do it, but the best condition is to get used to it in order to maintain the most peaceful state of mind in the meditation of the foundations of the divine arts.

Many of the great magicians, including myself, are more or less aware of this when they recall their experiences, but do not disclose it to students and disciples, as I did not tell you beforehand. My expectation for you is to unravel the secrets of the gods, let alone complete this mission if you don't even have the consciousness to get used to it. Fortunately, I wasn't wrong about you from the start, so, my child, you finally read this message. ”

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