Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 119 117, War and Peace

Amon shook his head: “There is only one possibility that I can lay down my weapon here, that your guards will kill me, but before that, they will surely kill His Majesty the King by mistake! So in order to protect you, I cannot lay down my weapon. Before making a request, Your Majesty, let me make a request and invite the man outside. ”


Under a guarded “escort”, Medanzo walked in alive, and stood behind Amon with a sword. Being a faithful SS captain, he saw his chest raised as if he was accompanying the commander looking at the army under Cha, but his eyes kept staring at the two beauties on the bedboard and watching, holding the sword in Amon's ear and whispering: “My God, you are amazing, I knew you would catch the king, I didn't expect you to put this beauty on the table! ”

Then he waved to those around him, "How can you servants look around the Princess's jade? It's rude to sweep your face off the floor. Get out of my face! Your Majesty also needs to be dressed. This is not a good place to stay. Get us a good tent. ”

Speaking, Medanzo had already changed Amon's position, hanging the long sword back to his waist, pulling out the short blade and gently tapping the back of the chair behind the king. And Amon put away his short blade and reached out to take out a branch, two steps ahead and one finger around him: “I'm sorry, I was rude, how can I treat His Majesty and the two princesses like this? Please fetch the king's clothes and wait for the two princesses to leave the house to rest and get us a comfortable tent. ”

He picked out the branches, and the two bed plates on the table flew away, as if they had fallen out into the courtyard in the air by invisible hands. Celia, it turns out that the “branch” in Ammon's hand is a staff, the Legion Leader is also a magician, and the power is quite delicate.

The King's hands-on efficiency is high. The palace people lifted the bed board with the two princesses and set up a magnificent beast leather ledge. The King naturally has a special ledger and bedding to spare. Amon and Medanzo “escorted” Lucille, only to say that the king was tired and scared and needed to rest. If there was anything to talk about tomorrow, the big account was closed.

The guards surrounded themselves with large sums of money, and Amon and Medanzo could not fly, but no one outside dared rush in because the king's life was pinched in the hands of the assassins. I don't know how the king and the assassin “rest” is. Anyway, the rest of the camp won't sleep, they'll have to wait for dawn in the middle of nowhere. Guess what the two assassins really want to play with?

The Supreme Commander of the camp temporarily became Celia, the king's accompanying archmage, and after such a big event, she was unable to take charge, and immediately sent a secret newspaper to inform the Legion Commander and the main cleric of the Legion of Nanar, as well as the front command of the main battlefield. This information can only be known at the top of the front line at the moment, otherwise a tight blockade cannot be broken, or it will shake the heart of the army.

Celia, of course, is to blame for the great samurai in front of the ledge. Afi also couldn't complain about her stomach. Medanzo made a lot of noise outside, finally attracting Celia's attention. When she went out to perform the magic to try to take Medanzo, Amon dived into the camp from the other direction.

If Celia was still next to the King's Big Book, even if Amon had access to the camp, it would be difficult to sneak up on the King's Big Book. The king's large account has a three-way front, which is the usual place for deliberation and dining, and Afi stays outside the front door with close protection. In the middle is the king's sleeping quarters, followed by an account room, guarded by the palace men who serve the king, and two magicians and a group of guards outside the back door.

When Celia did it, the fierce battle outside the camp attracted everyone's attention. Amon suddenly did it on the side of the king's ledge, chopping the entire tent in half with one knife, but the people inside were unharmed. It's hard to describe how stunning this knife is. Amon didn't use a short blade made out of the fangs of a snake, it was the knife the mayor of Dasti gave him when he left Duke a few years ago.

Amon sneaked in silently, but didn't hide his hand at all. A hunter walked in the mountains with a knife, but with a dazzling light like a rainbow rowing through the night sky, waving a knife in the distance cut a dozen feet wide beast leather ledges in half with a bracket and made a sharp cracking sound. Separate tents were swept to both sides by a force that covered all the people in front of and behind the tents.

Afi, a great samurai, naturally wouldn't be haunted by a fallen tent, and when Amon waved his sword, he reacted. He swept open the great account and rushed in, appearing next to the king in the first place. He was closer and, although delayed, rushed into the account faster than Amon.

But he had just rushed in, and Amon, who had also rushed in, picked the staff in his hand, and the king's sleeping slab split into two halves, two naked princesses lying on it and smashing it towards Afi. Afi's duty was to guard the safety of the king and the queen. His sword had been lifted, but his subconscious reaction had not been cut out, but rather picked with the tip of the sword. He very nicely picked the two bedboards from his side and landed peacefully on the table of the forehead. The two fearful princesses were unharmed.

When he raises his sword before striking again, Amon also rushes in, waving his staff and hitting directly with a whirring sound, a power that a great warrior can inspire. The long sword struck the stick, sounding like a thunder, and it was Afi who flew out.

If Affi held the cane at full strength, it might not be as far away as a shock, but the king lay between the two. Lucille also deserved luck today. He had fun during the day and drank a little wine at night. When he was in bed with two princesses, he suddenly burst into sharp tears and saw the stars in the sky naked.

The king and the beauty are having a good battle, and the others dare not disturb them, so they are not too close to the spot of the account. Amon's space divinity accurately split the bed, threw the two princesses at the great warrior Afi, but Lucille fell from the ground between the two split bed plates, and then looked up and saw a sword and a cane crossing over his body.

If the power of the two great warriors bursts hard, the king in the vicinity could have been killed by the sword's scattered aftermath for several times. So Afi couldn't get hard, so he was crashed out, and when he hit the big iron stove in the courtyard and came back, the others had jumped out of the bottom of the tent, Celia and Aruka had arrived, but the king had fallen into Amon's hands.


Orebain, the commander of the Legion of Nanar, and Vivian, the main priest, were appalled to hear that the assassin was Amon, the commander of the Legion of Ann-La, and his personal guard, Medanzo, and suddenly reacted when the two men crossed the line of defense and entered the rear, in an unclear offensive two days ago.

Gore had long warned that Amon was the most familiar with the terrain around the area. But Orebane never dreamed that Amon, as the commander of the regiment, with only one of his own, had quietly infiltrated the enemy's defensive line, avoided all outposts and scouts, and had accurately touched the king's camp and successfully held the king hostage!

If the king is here in three lengths or two, not only will the accompanying guards be blamed for escaping, Orebane and Vivien will not be able to eat and walk, even if they win even more on the battlefield, they will not make up for such mistakes, let alone the Nanar Legion will not win at all.

Upon receiving the secret report, Orebane ordered the entire army to hold the battalion and the line of defense, not to launch the attack, and with Vivian he rushed to the King's camp with an elite personal flying horse. In order to deal with the two assassins, the guards around the king were enough, and there was no use going any further, but Orebane had to, and he had to be loyal to the driver.


On the side of the Legion of Ann-La, the main cleric George is anxiously awaiting news that Amon and Medanzo are still alive and dead and that they will determine the fate of the entire battle. Ammon said that his plan, even if he could not catch King Hati, could disrupt each other's front arrangements. Disturbing the Nanar regiment in the rear made it difficult to reconcile the first and last. The An-la regiment only had the opportunity to carry out Pharaoh's orders to rescue the main battlefield.

The adventures of the two men were always safer than the deaths of 20,000, and Ammon, in his capacity as Commander of the Legion, gave the order and did not bring a priest. The main cleric, George, had the responsibility of supervising the army, but eventually he nodded reluctantly and did not stop Ammon from moving.

Orebane and Vivian left the camp suddenly, with their elite bodyguards, on the edge of the Black Fire Marsh in the northeast direction, naturally without concealing George's investigation. The great magician couldn't help but be delighted. It seems that Ammon's actions have succeeded. At the same time, he was concerned that it was almost impossible to escape without knowing how Amon and Medanzo were doing.

The only help George can provide is to exert pressure on the battlefield, and the Ann-La Regiment is already ready to strike. George and John immediately led the regiment's main force to the north, attacking the Nanar regiment's battalion. If it had been changed a few days ago, there would have been absolutely no such military action on the part of the Ann-La Regiment, but today the situation has changed.

In the last war of pursuit and attack, the Nanar Legion's light enemies were so fierce that the battle had damaged energy and had not yet been rectified, not to mention the absence of the chief, and the orders received were merely dead. And the Ann-La Regiment has just won three battles, gained morale, and the confidence of soldiers who have never fought before has been reversed. No matter what enemy they encounter, how dare they attack their defeated generals on their own initiative?

The Legion of Ann La was so elite that it launched a fierce assault on the Legion of Nanar, this time really amounting to beating people up on trees. George didn't rush in, he set up a battlefield and chose a major direction to make steady, steady strides. Since the other party did not take the initiative, this fierce scene of war seemed like an offensive drill. John mobilized all kinds of cooperation and launched a series of offensive rounds.

Just halfway there, Olebane heard that the battalion had been attacked. He had to bite his teeth and continue to move on to the King's camp, sending a message that he had to rely on his work to stay dead. George's aim was not to capture the battalion, but to use his strategic advantage to devastate each other's viable forces, so he did not forcefully attack the fortress and solid work, choosing only the weaknesses in the line of defense to launch a shock war, while the Nanar Legion paid a lot of casualties to guard the gap in the line.

After a day of fighting, the main attacker, the Angela Legion, also suffered hundreds of casualties, but attacked the corner of the Nanar Legion's battalion, with brilliant results. They burned down many tents and stockpiled a great deal of munitions, and they retrieved their barracks and brought back a great deal of loot before the reserves of Orebane and the State of Syria came to reinforce them.

After this battle, on this flanking battlefield, the fighting power, morale and the initiative of offensive defense between the two regiments have been reversed. The Nanar Regiment, which has suffered two devastating traumas, is no longer in a position to respond proactively to the An-La Regiment, but to take a passive stand.

There is also a rumor that left Hattie soldiers in shock, and the Legion of Ann-La shouted slogans as they attacked: "King Hattie has been captured alive by our great Legion Leader, Amon Sheng, and the fall of Hattie's army is imminent. Your Legion Leaders have rushed to the King to surrender, so surrender! ”

Such rumours are incredible, but it has to be suspected that the commander of the regiment and the priest left in haste only to order them to remain dead, and that the war situation was so intense that they did not see them return to preside over the big picture. Something must have happened. Is it true that the king was captured alive? If the king is captured by his enemies, Hathai's main power must be defeated!

One day later, Orebane returned and ordered severe punishment for those who spread rumours in the army, but panic overshadowed the minds of many soldiers like a shadow that could not be lifted, but dared not speak publicly.

How did Ole Bain get back? He was ordered by the imperial prime minister and minister in charge of military affairs, Chogooli, and the commander-in-chief of the front line, Gregory. Half a day after his arrival at the King's camp, Gore himself drove the shuttle with Lord Chocolate.


It was very sudden that Gore received information that the king had been held hostage, and before the news came, he was discussing the front line war with Prince Yasser, who was overseeing the front line on behalf of the king, Chancellor Djuguly of the kingdom who commanded the Enrique Legion, the main cleric of the Enrique Legion, the main cleric of the Anu Legion, Wallet and others.

Visitors are the elders of Hattie Academy of Theology, the chief theologian of the palace, and a Class IX major theologian. The only three Great Nine Sorcerers in the Kingdom of Hati who have come to the front of the main battlefield this time are two, which is considered elite.

"One of His Majesty's most recent orders was to urge us to launch a major offensive to destroy the main forces of the Ecumenical Army as soon as possible, preferably to capture Racis II alive and build an unprecedented marvel in the history of Hati. Your Majesty is in a hurry, Lord Gore. ”

"Of course, I understand His Majesty's mood. Everyone wants an early and final victory, but at this time, the Aegu army will be a struggle for the trapped beast. The battle force in despair is immense. Although we can win, it will be costly. As long as the siege lasts another half month, Hatta will not prevail, and they will have neither the strength to fight back nor the possibility to retreat across the desert. ”

Prince Ashish nodded: “Lord Gore commanded this war as if it were God's enemy. The Ecundant army was led by our nose, and the battle situation has now fully met expectations. His Majesty the Father was indeed a little too anxious, and he waited many years for this great victory and of course wanted to catch Racis II. Ecupharaoh will be a prisoner of King Hathi, and will be dishonored for a hundred years. I will explain to my father the specific circumstances of the battlefield that your lords are still acting as planned. ”

Grey added with a smile: "I suggest His Highness add another explanation. If he wants to capture Pharaoh alive, he will surely escape at this time. Although the master around him cannot lead the army to retreat, it is possible to protect a person from escape back to Eju. The Pharaoh has not yet left because the main army is trapped in the desert, awaiting rescue. ”

Chogooli also analyzed: "I would hope that Pharaoh would flee sooner, which would mean abandoning the war. The armies besieged by us would not fight but collapse, and a great victory would come sooner. Pharaoh's presence in the army is a symbol, and the Egyptian army will continue to invest in reinforcements here. Reinforcements may come from two directions, one from Cape Town State, a support corps across the desert, and the other from the Ann-La Corps on the coastline. ”

Prince Yasse nodded: “Egu's country is strong, and in order to fully reverse the war, it is perfectly possible to invest two more regiments. ”

Wallet cautiously intervened: “In my opinion, the longer the Pharaoh does not flee and the longer the war is delayed, the better it will actually be for Hathai. If Pharaoh had gone, we would have wiped out the Horus Legion and the Isis Legion, and although it would have been possible to rebuild the great victory of Ecu temporarily, it had not shaken the very power of Ecu's nation. In the spirit of Racis II, it is certain that the armament will be restored, even if it is not for the sake of competing for a thousand miles of fertile earth, for the dignity of the Ecumenical Empire and for his face.

That way the war will not end, and whether we win or lose in the future, we will pay a heavy price. If we do not attack now, attract the Egyptian successor troops to fight under unfavourable conditions, trap the Pharaoh's power and destroy them all in the desert, this will make the Egyptian Empire hurt and unable to make an expedition for a long time before peace really arrives. ”

"That's exactly what I thought," said Gore nodding. "Since the Ecuda army is waiting for help, let them breathe here alive for the last time, first destroy the Angela Legion, which came to the rescue in the east, and then concentrate on crushing the Ecuda that came across the desert. We do not even need to fight the extermination war, the destruction of logistics in the desert, the inability of the disintegrated army to receive supplies in situ is basically a dead end, which is a consuming war in which we prevail, depending on when the Ecu energy is consumed? ”

* * (to be continued, please go to www.qidian.com for more chapters, support authors, support authentic reading!)