Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 139 138 Spoon of Destiny

Under normal procedure, it would have waited for Pharaoh's order to be sent to Mount He, who would then have sent the slaves to Ammon's territory. But Imperial General Amon did not do so, but sent a direct guard to hurry up and take people away on the spot. He was also afraid of nightmares, and there was no place for Ammon to pursue them if someone had made a mistake and caused any accidental casualties to the slaves.

He Liaoshan's chief Blanca had not received Pharaoh's order, Amon's personal guardian came, and Blanca was also very difficult. He wanted to wait for Pharaoh's order to arrive. But the protégé did not buy the bill, and pressed his sword handle with his hand: “Isn't that an order of the Empire General? I'll take the man and you can report back to the top. Pharaoh has promised in person. Will there be any more lies? ”

Having been born and died in the Horse Army, the protégé was shocked to death. He would not listen to anyone but Amon. Since he had come, he must complete his task. Blanca was unable to conquer, and Imperial General Amon was now unparalleled in prestige. He could not afford it, so he sent Moses and others to Amon's territory and sent guard escorts to prevent accidents. Whatever the problem, let General Amunda carry it, he forced the people to go anyway.

Although Amon does not have real power, his place of merit is still there, as Aristotle said, in his position, in his plan, in his exercise of his right. Previously, he went through the Divine Literature Book in the Archives of Isis Temple and was cautiously undiscovered. Schrödinger had given him two file numbers, one of which was "Land of Marduk" and the other was a secret of the highest specifications, which he had never been able to find an opportunity to read.

Now, write down the number and send a personal guardian directly, so that Isis Temple can take the classical person to his own territory, without even explaining the explanation, which is the difference in status.

The land of the Ecumenical Empire is vast, human smoke is distributed along the Ronnie Divine River, mainly in the upper and lower Ecumenical boundaries, while in the centre of the Empire, only the narrow beaches on both banks of the Ronnie River are available for cultivation, then to the east and west are large wilderness, desert gobils intersect with wild mountain ridges, only smaller catchment towns and sporadic villages, and some nomadic tribal activities. Away from human cigarettes, it's also where many monsters come in.

Amon's territory is vast, and on the southern outskirts of Herak City State, it includes seasonal flooding, beaches that can only be cultivated for a season, farms that can be irrigated not far from the river, and even further afield, large slopes of grazing at the foot of the West Bank hills, and an uninhabited wilderness to the west, which is also Amon's territory, where the General usually hunts.

The territory that the Empire has awarded is not the same as private land in its entirety. The people who live in this territory are servants in the name of Amon, who spend three months each year working for Amon a pro bono basis. If they do not want to serve, they need to pay the corresponding amount of money. Ammon, on the other hand, cannot transfer or give away this enclosure at will. He can only reap the benefits of this territory. The authority to dispose of the enclosure rests with the Empire, but Ammon's descendants can inherit ownership of the territory.

In addition to the inhabitants of the Territory, Amon has his own private servants, including his personal guards, slaves bought in his private name and servants hired, who live in a large estate.

There are sixty people in the town of Tuk, more than forty of whom are young miners, and the remaining dozen of whom were former servants of Moses, all of whom are now slaves of Pharaoh to Amon. They were brought here from Mount Ho, in a very moody mood. Everyone has heard that Amon has become an Empire General, leading the Ecuda army to defeat the kingdoms of Hatta and Baron, offering merit and asking the people of the town of Pharaoh to enslave themselves.

Since Amon went to Mount Ho a year and a half ago, the living environment of the miners has improved considerably and no longer been abused and abused, but the slaves are, after all, slaves and they have not escaped the fate of being enslaved. What will happen to Amon, who was banished from the town of Tuk, when he achieved such an achievement in Equ, when all his people are now his slaves?

There was another concern in Moses's heart, that he had been guided by Arrocchio and had been secretly preparing for his return, but a year and a half later, the god had no news, and now that such a change had taken place, it seemed that the tragic fate of the people was uncertain.

Amon received them into the land without any hardship, but without any special privileges. Moses and others were, after all, slaves, and even sitting down with Amon for dinner was not a courtesy. Instead of letting them live in the manor or giving them houses, Amon sent a platoon of marching tents at the grass slopes at the foot of the hill and on the edge of the farm, to temporarily set their feet, and then summoned everyone.

Moses and others saw Amon and knelt down to salute him. Amon raised his hand and stopped him. “This is a private occasion. Everyone is my people. Some courtesies can be relieved. I asked Pharaoh to set you free, but without success, I received you here. Anything you need in my territory can be said now. ”

There was a woman who was Moses' former maid, and she said weakly, "It's just winter, and it's cold. Can you give us a place to stay? Even if it's just a stone house like He Leishan. ”

Amon laughed, "The tent you're living in is the large marching tent that I once lived in, and should be able to withstand the cold. The house will, but you'll have to build it yourself. In my territory, you can go up to the mountains, harvest timber, mine stones and build your own village. Spring is approaching, and there's a lot of land at the foot of the mountain that can be reclaimed and sown, which can lead to the water of the Ronnie River for irrigation, whether it's seeds or farm tools, which can be obtained from my butler. ”

Amon did not give the people everything they had, but let them build houses and reclaim land, and there were beasts in the mountains who could hunt, but who also needed to protect themselves. Someone showed disappointment, but it was hard to say anything, and Moses prayed, "Thank you, General! Thanks for everything you've done for us! But we share a common desire to return to our homeland, where we hear it has become fertile ground in a desert. ”

Ammon replied, "Even if you go back there, you have to rebuild your homes. Why don't you get ready from now on? Don't worry, I will try to accommodate your wishes if possible, but there is still time to wait. ”

Ammon only provides supplies and does not give the people what they are ready for. Everything must be obtained by their own hands. Even if Moses and others can return to the Turk Plains in the future, it must start all over again and cannot rely on others. Since then, he has not seen his people again, and it seems deliberate to keep them at a remote distance. It is also normal for this to happen. What good is it for the High Empire General to be close to a group of slaves?

The new life of the Turk townspeople began, they were the best craftsmen on the continent, got the tools and logged them nearby, built enough wooden houses for everyone in two or three days. Moses then commanded a strong workforce, went to the nearby mountains to mine stones and return to the camp, proceeded to build a permanent, solid courtyard, planned entirely on the basis of a large village, and even left a temple.

Someone asked Moses, “This is not our home. Why build it so well? ”

Moses replied, "My father once told me that the body is the courtyard where the soul resides, based on the home of the body and mind. If one loses one's heart and mind, doesn't know where the soul is, doesn't know what one is pursuing, then one is truly homeless. We don't know how long we're going to be here, so why not build a place? Even if we go back to Tucker, we need to do the same. ”

There was also dissatisfaction with Amon, who complained privately in front of Moses: "Amon is now a powerful man with endless wealth and refuses to give us anything, allowing the people to build villages and reclaim wasteland for him on his territory. We are all his slaves. Everything that was built, not his own, belongs to Amon! ”

Moses replied with a smile: "The Empire General's work belongs only to him, not to you and me. You complained that he didn't give you more, but thought about what he owes you? Amon is the son of an old drunk who has been bullied since childhood and has been forced out of Duke Town. Now we are his slaves, he is not abusive, it is time to thank the gods! This is Amon's territory, but it's also our own house and farmland, and you want to live better, only you do it yourself. ”

When Moses led the people in building their new homeland, he was eagerly awaiting the long-awaited moment, hoping for the early arrival of the Messenger of Arrocchio, which was the hope that would sustain his efforts. Moses himself was taught the power of two sides, and now has a level 6 magician and a level 6 samurai achievement, which is perfectly possible if he wants to escape alone.

Unlike others, Professor Amon has allowed Moses only to practise basic strength, pursue only realm breakthroughs, and do not involve any specific theology or martial arts. Nevertheless, with Moses' achievements today, you can stand wherever you want to escape by simply focusing on hiding your identity. But what's the point of running away by himself?

Amon had been watching Moses and others in secret, and when the people of Duke town had built their wooden houses and started mining stones and reclaiming wasteland, he had finally decided to summon Moses again. It was just a little inconvenient. Amon lost his powers and was unable to perform his magic, so he entrusted the task to Medanzo.


During the night, Moses spent the whole day meditating in his cabin. He had passed the test of "breaking the limits”, with six levels of achievement of power on both sides. Although he had not learned any specific magic, his powers were already very powerful, and he naturally mastered many rules of power. Some simple magic skills could be explored without learning. But he always remembered Arrocchio's orders, only to practise mindfully, not to use.

This work during the day is nothing at all to him. If necessary, even a dozen consecutive days of sleep can be sustained, and the basic meditation of the divine arts has never been interrupted. Only in this way can he see the hope of life in suffering.

At this moment, a whisper burst into his ear like a mosquito hum: "Moses, I am a messenger sent by the Spirit, and you sneak out of the village to meet me on the western slope, and I have something to ask you. ”

Moses barely jumped out of bed and was ecstatic, finally waiting for the day! It seems that the god Arojo has not forgotten him and has been watching him and his people in silence! He quickly put on his clothes and before leaving, he did not forget to dust his hair and clothes, tidy up his instrument and quietly left the camp to cross the grass slope and rush towards the western hills.

The mountains here are not high but steep, and many places are bare rocks, and Moses is where they mined the rock. He was guided by a little firefly-like glow, and Moses walked past the stone quarry mined by his people and climbed a cliff to a high slope. A man in a cloak stood in front with a “branch” flat in his hand.

With Moses' eyes today, he can't see his face, but in the starlight, he can clearly see what is in his hands, exactly what Arrocchio once used. He knelt down quickly: "Messenger of the Spirit, are you calling me? ”

Medanzo nodded, “Yes, I have been commanded by the Spirit to see how you and your people are preparing today. ”

Moses was so excited that he was about to cry: "Thank God, Arrocchio hasn't forgotten me, he's been watching us! ”

Medanzo spoke softly: "Have you forgotten that you cannot pray to another god! In that case, please do not call the name of Arrocchio directly in front of me and anyone else, he is your only god! This is the true piety and integration of faith. ”

The words of Medanzo are interesting, and Moses can call the gods, but do not call the name of Arrocho directly, because he cannot pray to another god, so when it comes to the gods, it refers to Arrocho, not to the rest of the gods of the world. From this moment on, the word "god" has a specific meaning.

Medanzo asked Moses many questions, including how he had practiced over the past year and a half and what he had done to guide his people, and Moses respectfully answered them in detail. Moses is the highest cultivation achievement among the people, and already possesses six levels of strength on both sides. He also quietly preaches the miracle of Arrocchio among the people, telling everyone that the god will guide them back to their homeland.

In addition, Moses awakened the twelve tribes to the power of both sides, who now have intermediate achievements and are at least a fourth-level magician and samurai. Needless to remind you, the people also know that this is a secret that must never be passed on, even if it leaks a little wind, it will bring them the scourge of killing themselves, so everything is done in secret.

In He Leishan, they are engaged in heavy labor every day, it is really difficult to prepare more, can only instil hope and belief in the ethnic people, and let everyone protect themselves well. As for the miners who did not awaken the power of the two sides, they also had to work out the mineral craftsmanship of Duke Town, not only to mine the sacred stones for the Ecumenical Empire, but also as a means of physical and mental strength.

Medanzo nodded with satisfaction: "Starting today, you come here every night, and I'm going to teach you magic and martial arts, and then you're going to teach people who can learn. When practicing, be careful not to be detected. Take this cane and do a little disguise. It is both a weapon and a cane. The gods let you use it temporarily. ”

Amon gave Moses the Iron Branch Staff. Apart from the tears of the gods themselves, it still contained four sacred stones in turn, including the eyes of the earth, the heart of the blue water, the dance of the wind, and the Elf of Fire. However, it did not clearly state the beauty of this Staff, but gave it to Moses for use. Of course, the eyes of the earth are not the information recorded by the old lunatics, nor is the glamour of the wind the original space apparatus, and Ammon has changed all the new ones.

Amon lost his power, and even the space apparatus was unusable, and this staff was idle. Moses is a slave, not convenient to openly take out a weapon, even less likely to have a staff. Amon has a lot of things in his hand, but only this “branch” fits. He wraps a strip around his hand, and no one can see the broken bloom. To cover up, Moses also ordered each of the people to cut a branch of the same shape, wrapped in a strip and made it into a cane.

As such, Medanzo teaches Moses the secrets of all sorts of magic and martial arts every night, and after a brief demonstration, leaves Moses to practise and teach his own people. It was inconvenient to teach these in He Shan, but it was already possible in Ammon's territory. There was a valley near the quarry where nobody could practice on their own, and nobody cared.


West Africa was very smart, and thanks to the good education he had received since childhood and the grinding he had experienced over the years, more than a dozen days later, Medanzo had almost everything to teach, and the rest of his skills could only be mastered by Moses et al., so he returned to Amon.

In the manor, Medanzo exclaimed with astonishment and sigh: "Amon, are all your people geniuses? Twelve out of sixty people have awakened the power of both sides, and in just a year and a half, they have all had intermediate achievements. Especially that Moses, as soon as he had the chance, I think he had the chance to break through to level seven, which is much faster than I was! ”

Amon wasn't surprised, smiling and explaining: “You only see these people, so you're surprised, but have you ever wondered how many generations of cruel elimination have accumulated? Duke Town's minerals and crafts were passed down from generation to generation, and the living environment there a long time ago was much more dangerous. If adult men did not master the craft, it would be difficult to survive there. There were very many people who died and the population had barely grown much over the centuries.

The choice and elimination of the environment is so ruthless that these descendants inherit the most powerful power in their veins, the essence of how many years of precipitation. Otherwise, do you think they would still be able to live healthy after all this suffering? As for the twelve, you only think about their year-and-a-half training, but since they were sixteen years old, they've been learning the mining skills of Duke Town, which is the foundation of the power of both sides.

Except for Moses, they've been practicing longer than you and me, but nobody's going to open that real door for them. Even so, they have not surpassed your achievement and training speed. You and I have been miracles in the eyes of ordinary people, but think about Enlightenment City. At 21 years old, you become a Class 9 warrior. What kind of existence is that? ”

Medanzo laughed, “I just thought they were amazing, not alone, but a bunch of people. It makes sense to explain this, but the training of the two sides of strength has its own laws, not just the strength to use hard work, but also the need to pass various tests. ”

Amon still seems to smile and not smile: “They practice this power better than ordinary magicians, especially Moses. Who is a noble magician who has gone through this ordeal without giving up hope in his heart when he loses his homeland and is displaced from his homeland and engages in heavy hard labour every day? Let us not forget that on the continent only nobles can practise magic, and slaves cannot practise somatology. Normal samurai can hardly bear such grinding, but they have survived, which is achievement! ”

Now that Moses and others had not given up hope and were preparing themselves, Amon sent Medanzo to the Plains to see how Linc was prepared. Before proceeding, he handed Medanzo the spacecraft-style dance and asked Medanzo to remove several things from it, including the somewhat damaged scorpion shell armor and a wind shuttle, as well as a golden shuttle gun.

Unlike a typical shuttle gun, which is more than a dozen feet long, it is like a very elongated droplet that doesn't really know what the material is, even with the eyes of a master craftsman, how to refine it. Amon handed the shotgun to Medanzo: “You've always envied that I had a magical staff that could still be used as a weapon. The sword you gave me last time was destroyed in a fierce battle with Enchidu, and this shotgun is even more magical than my iron branch staff. ”

Medanzo took the shotgun and tried it, surprised: "Amon, where did you get these artifacts? It's almost indestructible and the best cane I've ever seen. Did you build it yourself, what's its name? ”

Amon sighed, “I didn't build it myself, I call it the spoon of destiny, you've seen it before, and you've fought the man with this weapon to death. ”

"Impossible," said Medanzo, "I've never seen such a magical weapon, let alone a duel with someone who owns it. ”

"You just can't recognize it," explained Amon. "It was the sword in Enchidu's hand, and it became crippled when the eagle slashed into the sky. In the final battle, Enqidu fought the black thunderbolt from the sky. The sword became a golden mist and even the sword body changed shape. Enqidu rushed into the sky at the last moment, shooting the sword in my hand at me, and I was in the wind dance, and it became like this shuttle gun. ”

With the spoon of destiny in his hand, Medanzo exclaimed: “Turns out it was Enqidu's handicapped sword, infused with all the power of his life, through that black vortex refined, it turned out to be like this, it is certainly not built by the craftsmen of man! ”

Amon nodded: "It has a magical use, symbolizing the quest of destiny, like all the encounters, acts, and choices that must be faced with the true self. It flew in to kill me, but it fell into my hands. I don't want to use it, just leave it to you, it's probably the most suitable weapon for you and the magic apparatus! ”

* * (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote on recommendations, monthly tickets (qidian.com) and your support is my biggest motivation.)