Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 202 200, Major Events

This important matter concerns both kingdoms, and King Yasser of Khati actually made a request to the State of Salem City. The State of Salem City is nominally established within the Kingdom of Khati, and the entrance of the Black Fire Swamp trade road is also under the control of the Kingdom of Khati, and the creation of the King of Assyria in the name of "Request” is already very generous, which is also tantamount to an order, and so is the precursor to this -

In the aftermath of the First World War, Iso must fulfil its pre-war commitments as soon as possible and reward successful warrior discourse in order to attract more people to serve in the city of Salem. But many of the warriors killed in action were foreign explorers and civil servants who had no family in the city of Salem and could not even find their pensions. If the situation were different, it would be fine, not that the city of Salem refused, but that these people did not have their lives to claim.

But after Joshua and Iso had negotiated, an interesting decree had been issued: according to a prior agreement, the fighters would acquire the corresponding land on the Turk Plains according to the size of the battle. Many of the fighters who had made military contributions had been killed, but the city of Salem had given them land.

Salem City published a list of these persons, their identity and the land they had acquired, and issued a proclamation that, if the legitimate heirs of the deceased soldiers came to Salem City, they would be able to register for the enclosed land with the Agricultural and Herding Department of the City State as long as they could prove their identity.

The largest number of the warriors killed were the civilian husbands sent by the State of the city of Syria, who died in battle on the Tukh plains, leaving their heirs with land, which many heard was almost unbelievable.

Hence the constant correspondence of those travelling from Hati to Salem City through the Black Fire Marsh Trade Road, some of whom came to inherit the land and others to rush to Salem City State for opportunities. The Salem City State Act is very attractive and is the gospel of rogue proletariats from all over the Tianpi continent.

Through the new deal set up by Joshua, Iso gathered more people in the city of Salem within a short period of time after the Great War, with over 10,000 registered inhabitants. The Black Fire Swamp and the two trade roads in the direction of the city of Marduk have also gained unprecedented liveliness. It was at this time that King Hattie, Ashikah, sent a book of nations to Salem City as a messenger, making a request to Iso, the owner of the city, and Amon, behind the scenes.

The Kingdom of Hati is ready to wage war again with the Kingdom of Baron, first and foremost targeting the city of Marduk in the south-eastern corner of the Turk Plains, while the operational plan is to seize land east of the inland lake and west of the river Junior Bottom. The King of Asia plans to send two regiments to encircle and clamp from both north and south of the Inland Lake. Legions from the South, of course, marched along the Syrian desert, while troops from the North needed to cross the Turk Plains.

Large regiments have difficulty gaining access to the Tuk Plains, but this tactic became possible when the trade lanes in the Black Fire Swamp were opened. The exit of the trade road is in the hands of Salem City State. So King Yasser asked to march through the land controlled by the city of Salem and then attack the city of Marduk south. This request made it difficult for Iso to accept and refuse.

Why would King Hattie wage war against the Kingdom of Baron at this time? The reasons are complex, and most importantly, the young king wants to make up for a regret in his heart and to realize the dream of the great emperor who pioneered the land.

When Yasser was still a prince, he fought a great war with the army of Baron with the help of Gregory as the commander. Although he had won all of them, his father's sudden death and brother's seizure of power had led him to fail. Instead, he asked Prince Von Knut, who came to negotiate with the Kingdom of Baron, to pick up a great deal of cheap. This is a regret that Yasser has been unable to forgive.

Yasse also had dreams and ambitions that had left a thousand autumns in the kingdom's history. After a steady local position and a stable domestic situation, he sought to punish the Baron kingdom, which had offended Hati in that year. There is little excuse for this war, because the newly established city of Marduk in the Kingdom of Baron is in Hati, where the Kingdom of Hati, although it has never really taken control of it, is, after all, the nominal territory of the Kingdom.

Another objective of the war was to achieve what was supposed to have been achieved that year and to repel the Kingdom of Baron east of the River Junior. As for the next bigger strategic objective, Assumption did not say, but it can also be speculated that if the land west of the city of Marduk and the river Junior was captured, it would not have been possible to control the entire Duke plain. But this is just a vision, and the first thing to do is win ahead.

After learning of the intention of the King of Asia, Gore had neither encouragement nor difficulty in opposing it. He had merely argued that he was old enough to study divinity and would no longer ask and participate in the matter. Grey has become the nation's second only godlike figure, and King Ashitaka has endured in the shadow of his old family for too long. This time, the King had intended to build merit entirely on his prestige and talents, and the battle plan had been personally designated.

Gore understood the young king's thoughts, knew why Yasse was waging this war, and knew that he could not persuade even if he wanted to, so he did not express his opinion. In fact, the war waged by the King of Yasser was also related to an Oracle at which time Enrir sent down the Oracle, instructing the Kingdom of Hati to attack the Kingdom of Baron. This message fully meets the minds of the Associated King, and it is impossible for him to change his mind.

The battle plan for the two-line knockout and the dispatch of the Anu Legion into the Tuk Plains must pass through the commercial exit controlled by the city of Salem. In his writings, King Yasser made it clear that he was sending his legions only by way of march and would not threaten the city of Sarem, which was the target of an attack on the south-eastern city of Marduk.

The Assyrian King is also well aware that Salem City is fighting against the Assyrian kingdom in the north and has pledged to ensure unobstructed trade routes in the Black Fire Marshes so that Salem City can receive sustained logistical support. In other words, if Salem refuses, he will order the State of Syria to close the trade route.

If Iso agreed, it would be tantamount to placing an elite legion of the Kingdom of Hati into the Turk Plains, and it was not a threat. If the Kingdom of Hati did indeed take down the city of Marduk, it would hardly be possible to say that the entire Turk plain, including the city of Salem, would not be successfully captured in the future. If they make a surprise raid from behind while Salem City is at war with Enrir City, perhaps they will take Salem City down first.

If there is an option, Iso would never want this to happen, but if he refuses this request, the Associated King can block the commercial corridors in the Black Fire Swamp and cut off the logistics supply lines that are now badly needed in the city of Salem. Iso and George, among others, could not decide, and came to the temple to call Amon's guidance.

By then, Link had replaced the fortress that Rafael had previously guarded, while John had been sent to guard another fortress, and Iso, George, Cloud Dream and Rafael, who remained in the city of Salem, had come to the temple to pray to the idols and read out the instruments sent by King Assyria. They knew Amon would hear it, and they would respond if they wanted to.

After reading the book, they did hear Amon's voice: "If you can't refuse the request, you can only consider how to accept it. You must have already discussed it. What are you going to do? Ya should send an army into the Turk Plains and know what Salem City will be worried about. What promises can he make without trying to dispel your doubts? ”

“We just read the paperwork, and Celia sent another appointment," Isao said with a smile. The King of Assyria appointed you as Prince of Salem, the Grand General of Glory, with a rank no lower than when you were in Ecu! The Kingdom of Hati also gives you a large part of its territory, 200 miles around the city of Salem, which was given to you by the Pharaoh of Racis II. And promised to open up commerce and levy taxes on its own, and the city of Salem would only provide services to the Kingdom in time of war. ”

Amon's voice laughed: “This is something we can fight for ourselves. He's very good at being human and giving it to me in the name of the kingdom. Had I accepted this appointment, it would have been tantamount to formally incorporating the city of Salem into the map of the Kingdom of Hati, and if I refused to do so, it would not have cooperated. In fact, this appointment is a commitment of the Kingdom of Khati to the city of Salem. What do you think we should do about it? ”

George replied: "Actually, it's a good thing that you are Amon God, you have practiced in the Divine kingdom, and even the king's orders are difficult to deliver. We leave these documents in the City State, but they can't be delivered to you, and you don't have to accept or reject them. ”

AMON: “Okay, that's exactly what we should do. What would be the greatest harm if the Kingdom of Hattie were to be granted its request, with natural advantages and disadvantages? ”

George: "If we allow the Legion of the Kingdom of Hattie to enter the Plains of Turk to attack the city of Marduk, the trade route between us and the city of Marduk will be cut off and supplies will have to be replenished by the trade route of the Black Fire Marsh. ”

Amon: “The trade lanes in the Black Fire Marsh are much more important than those in the direction of the city of Marduk. If you refuse, the more important backup will be cut off and the two harms will be taken lightly. Opening trade with the Kingdom of Hati is exactly what Salem needs. ”

"In the long run, letting a regiment enter the heart of the Turk Plains is always a potential threat," Iso added. ”

Amon interrupted his remarks: "The battle over the Turk Plains is bound to involve more forces, or sooner or later. Without this today, there will be something else tomorrow, even the present population of Salem City is obviously too small, let alone this thousand miles of fertile earth? In the future, there will definitely be more than just these three cities on the Duke Plains. ”

George Lian nodded continuously: "It is true that there should be such a vision. The timing chosen by the King of Assyria is very good. We resisted the invasion of the North, and he took the opportunity to enter the hinterland. Even if he did not attack the city of Marduk, he was perfectly able to choose the right place to build a city. ”

The result of the final negotiations was naturally to respond not only to the request of the King of Asia, but also to offer more assistance. The city of Salem will serve as a logistics transit point for the expeditionary forces of the Kingdom of Hati, providing trading, hoarding and trans-shipment services for munitions, and will also serve as a backdrop for a large number of logistics personnel of this regiment to enter the plains, demonstrating a comprehensive cooperative attitude.

Such cooperation is urgently needed by the Expeditionary Army, which in turn means greater prosperity for the State of Salem. Needless to say, tens of thousands of logisticians in a regular regiment, if they all turn their backs in Salem City, need not only to deliver large quantities of goods, but also a very lucrative business.

On the other hand, the official combatants of the Kingdom of Hati are forbidden to enter the city state, and the fortress defence for the exit of the Black Fire Marsh Trading Road must be the sole responsibility of Salem City and the Expeditionary Corps must not intervene. Three fortresses have been built on the outskirts of Salem City, two of them beside the North Avenue, against Enrique.

The other fortress is on the edge of the Black Fire Marsh, adhering to the exit of the mall. If there is any movement on the side of the Kingdom of Hati, simply closing the fortress would also be tantamount to cutting off the most important logistical supply line of the Hati Expeditionary Corps.

The promised logistics service was based on the same idea, and it would be beneficial for both parties if they cooperated sincerely. If the Kingdom of Khati had other plans, then the logistics of the Expeditionary Corps would be in the hands of Salem City State and it would not be so easy to turn around. If there is no ruse on the part of the King of Assyria, he should agree to favourable terms for each other.

These countermeasures, which Iso and others had already discussed, were merely a final decision for Amon. Amon nodded in favour and concluded: "You stand me on the altar of God, and I need to practise my heart in pursuit of that realm that truly transcends eternity. It may not appear for many years, and even if it does, it may not necessarily appear as Amon. The thing about cities and states is that the people in cities and states have decided to do it right. ”

After the discussion, Iso and others did not dare to disturb the divination of Amon God. He was about to bid his farewell, but Rafael touched his nose and coughed. “Amon God, Teacher Gore wrote me a letter, and mentioned another thing in the letter, and I think I should talk to you. ”

Amon: "Oh, what else does he have to say? ”

“Don't you find it a little strange that the Kingdom of Hattie appointed you," Raphael exclaimed, "that you are not a royal nobleman, how could you exceptionally give you a prince seal? ”

Amon: “This As-Shah King is unique in his work. You are a Hattie nobleman, and in your capacity as the High Priest of the State of the City of Syria, I want to hear your opinion. ”

Raphael did not answer directly, and asked: "Do you know why Yasser chose the Archmage of Celia as his messenger? As far as I know, the expeditionary army sent by the Kingdom of Hati to the Plains of Turk is the Anu Legion, which will appoint Celia as the main cleric. Her identity was the princess of the kingdom, and her father was the brother of former King Lucille. ”

Amon hasn't said anything yet, but Cloud Dream is anxious, and he interjects, “How can you swallow up when you're talking? What's the hurry? Do you want Amon God to play riddles with you? ”

Raphael was a little embarrassed and went on to say: "This is what the teacher told me in private. He understood the intention of the King of Ya and hoped to marry Princess Celia to Amon God. It was a long story...”

Celia is a princess of the kingdom, more young and beautiful, and her pursuit is naturally overwhelming, not even lacking the royal nobility of the surrounding countries. But on the other hand, she is also a great magician, an identity that gives her more arrogant capital, in other words, her eyes are too high for many aspirants to see.

When Lucille was alive, she was saddened about her niece's marriage and asked Celia specifically, "What kind of man do you want to marry? All the heroes in the kingdom, as long as you see them, I will give the order to marry them immediately. ”

Celia replied, "I don't care about identity. Those who pursue me should be more successful than I am and must overcome me in the duel. ”

Who can defeat a great magician when this is tantamount to rejecting all those who seek it? Nobody who pursues Princess Celia can do this, not even think about it. As for those who have the ability to do so, it is unlikely that the great samurai or the great magician will ever pursue the princess of the kingdom, as long ago as they have become famous and successful.

But then one thing everyone knew was Celia's duel with Amon, and Amon won! Naturally, this duel has nothing to do with the pursuit of Celia, but people inevitably associate these two things. There are a lot of people in King Hattie who talk about it, and many even say that a great magician like Princess Celia can only be worthy of a great hero like Amon.

This time King Yasser deliberately sent Celia as his messenger to talk about cooperation, more or less to see if Celia herself would like to come see Amon, and Celia accepted the task. Feng Amon as Prince of Salem is already a hint. If these two people really have that much meaning after meeting, and Salem City is willing to cooperate, the King of Assyria will be the media. It is also, in a certain sense, a means of conceiving political marriage and controlling the city of Salem.

Raphael gave the reason for this, and George had a strong eye next to him to try to stop him from going on, and then started coughing again, and he had to kick him with his foot. The statue of the Goddess of Mu Yun is still standing on the altar. It seems inappropriate to say this in person!

Raphael finally said helplessly: “To the best of Teacher Gore's knowledge, King Yasser does have this idea, and it seems to be related to Enrique's Messenger. As for the matter between the gods, I am not very appreciative. But the King of Assyria didn't make it clear, the teacher just asked me to say hello to Amon God, and there seems to be nothing to worry about at this time, because Amon God didn't even show up in Salem City. ”

Amon smiled and replied: “There is no need to talk about this anymore. I think it was King Ashitaka himself who thought too much about it. ”

Raphael added: “No wonder His Majesty thinks that you are not a family, and that a hero like you is not worthy of a girl? With all due respect, Princess Celia is an eight-level magician, an achievement rarely found in women on the continent. ”

The speaker was unintentional, the listener intentionally, and Amon on the altar was silent for a moment. Far from the Garden of Eden, he remembered another person, the Virgin Mary, the guardian of Isis Temple.

The people in the temple were waiting for Amon to speak, but suddenly they heard a shout from the statue: "Gabriel, come quickly!..." and then silence, and people couldn't feel the gaze of the idol. Amon suddenly “left” the temple at this time, and didn't even want to hear about the city of Salem.

George and others looked at each other in opposition, something must have happened in Eden!

* *

PS: Bow thanks to your bookmates for the blessing, it's very moving!

Coincidentally, the Heavenly Pivot today has accomplished a million words. Serve the glass with your right hand, pour the wine with your left hand and celebrate yourself!

Vault of hands, moon ticket, thank you!

* * (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote on recommendations, monthly tickets (qidian.com) and your support is my biggest motivation.)